The Hype-rid Challenge: Value vs. Vogue

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Tideland Prius, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    That's party why I bought mine 1 year used, with 12K miles on the clock. :D .

    PLUS, I put about 30K miles on all the non-specialized cars I own/have owned, and on top of that, I tend to keep my cars well into the 100K mark.

    I've never owned a Toyota prior to the Prius. If Toyota quality/reliability is as good as I've read here, I'm gonna make out (knock on wood) like a bandit on this one.

    I did buy it for gas savings, I thought it was unique, I thought it was cool, AND I liked the color.

    I won't lie. I cannot say I bought it primarily for environmental reasons, or even considered that component, as I have other toys that suck down gas as fast as an H2. To me, the ULEV was, more or less, like finding the "hidden" 12V socket within the armrest. Although to my credit, I enjoy the Prius so much, the other toys have been sitting in the garage for MONTHS with little to no use... :lol: :lol:

    So, the long and the short of it is, that within the 5 months I've owned it, I may very well already be "ahead", and if I'm not, it's not going to take too long.

    Of course, compared to the monster truck F150 I turned in for it, I was "ahead" in the first week.
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Dpeends on the attitude I guess. I was talking to the TREK rep at my university about sustainable transportation through e-mail. The conversation stopped the moment I said I own a Prius. Does me owning one make me some sort of snobby university kid who bought it just to look good? It's bad enough I've been judged upon wrongly all my life but this is oe of the serious misconceptions. Heck, I'm even in the field of Atmospheric Science. However, I'm not by any means a tree hugger or free tibet kinda person but given that I drive quite a bit compared to all my friends, minimising the impact in my opinion is pretty good on my part. Yeah, I know, those nutters will just tell me to ride the bus or bike to school. Yeah, when transit system rises above sh**ty, then I'll take it. By the way, trying to find out which administrator owns that Prius is tough. apparently, e-mailing with good intentions yield ZERO replies. so much for communicating with the students Ms. Piper.
  3. tdi2prius

    tdi2prius New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    It does because the Prius is a connotative vehicle -- it suggests or implies that its owner is superior to everyone else. I don't see you or PC this way but I think others do.

    I don't own this car yet but I've spent around 5-6 hours test driving a few in various conditions. My conclusion is that people don't like you very much -- we're smarter, right? That's the "energy" I got from other drivers. For some reason pickup trucks were a big problem. And I wasn't crawling. I just tried to keep up in the right lane. With my TDI I get the mileage AND I get to remain invisible but the Prius is hard to hide. Of course that's what the market research tells us -- look and be different. Honda blew that with their HCH or so we've been told.

    I sort of wish that Toyota had the same HSD in another vanilla econo-skin so I could just hide. This is one thing I'm not looking forward to -- being seen as a snob or someone who views himself as only good enough for hybrids and Gstaad.
  4. skruse

    skruse Senior Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Coloma CA - Sierra Nevada
    2007 Prius
    1. Fuel economy - 60 mpg (not 45 as with some), avg 600 mi per tank
    2. PZEV - no smog checks
    3. Batteries guaranteed for 150k mi (California)
    4. Low aerodynamic resistance (slippery in a fluid)
    5. Model what I teach (social & environmental responsibility)
    6. Constantly asked by people about the Prius (positive image, cost effective)
    7. I do my own oil changes (5k interval, easy)
    8. Ergonomic feedback (MFD - I know what the vehicle is doing)
    9. Fun to own and drive
    10. Exterior and interior easy to keep clean
  5. 06prius

    06prius New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    2009 Prius
    Everyone has different reasons for buying cars. Why a lot of people think others need to justify any car purchase is interesting. For me, I like cars and the hybrid technology just makes sense to me. While I have not purchased one yet, I do plan on doing so next year.

    The loaded model I will be getting will really only be missing heated seats and AWD as options that I want. I can live with FWD and can most likely add the heated seat ability before next winter. I could afford other cars but I really want to try and start using less fuel and pollute less. Now if the Prius did not have all the nice options to order, I would not be looking at this car since I do not want just 4 wheels and a motor. For others that is certainly different but I like the gadgets.

    I also don't think it matters if I travel 35K miles/year. I am actually moving closer to work so that my commute is less since it is crazy for me not to. Granted not everyone would have this ability (i.e. have kids in school and will not want to move etc)
  6. Trojan

    Trojan New Member

    Oct 15, 2005
    Interesting article, but still a bit biased despite his omission of a GM vehicle.

    For one, his score on driving dynamics is completely subjective. While HE might not like how the Prius drives compared to the other 2, that doesn't mean everybody will like the way the Prius drives the least.

    Second, he is assuming a $2000 markup over MSRP for the Prius. As most of us know, that's ludicrous and a Prius can easily be had for MSRP or perhaps even a little under.

    Third, he didn't have a category for resale value or long-term reliability. If he did, the Prius would've come in first place in both categories.

    As for why I'M getting a Prius over the myriad other cars I was considering: it gets the best fuel economy, it's the best for the environment, it's got a lot of gadgets, it's got plenty of practical room, it's safe, it will be reliable and have high resale value, I know people that have them and RAVE about them (don't get that kind of raving from people that have a plain ol' Accord or Civic), and I drive 50 miles per day for work. Oh yeah, and also because I'm better than people who don't have one... ;)
  7. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    I'm hoping it's a real savings. I drive 130 miles a day to work. Every 4 days, I fuel up at 530 miles. Last night the pump shut off at $100.00. I assume that's where my credit card pre-authorization stops. But, I had my 29.5 gallons of diesel and am good for another 4 days.

    I'm tracking my fuel useage on my pickup tank to tank. Feel free to watch the $ and gallons grow. And, in January when the Prius comes in, I'll do the same contrast knowing the real mpg of the pickup.

    Last 4 days driving with prius est at 47mpg, I'd have saved $70. Somehow, I think over time that will be real money.. At least to me it will be.

    Here is my page, follow the synergy to the fuel consumption.
  8. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well, then the Camry Hybrid 4 cylinder is for you! I can't wait for the release of that vehicle!
  9. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yep, I'd say he's slightly biased. :rolleyes:

    Car and Driver, User's Road Tests:
    Here's how our visitors have reviewed this vehicle (Average Overall Rating):

    7.36 - 2005 Ford Focus ZX3 SES
    9.44 - 2005 KIA - SPECTRA
    9.44 - 2005 TOYOTA - PRIUS

    Funny how he shows that the Spectra looses Maximum Cargo Capacity compared to Luggage Capacity. And as for the Prius, he shows luggage and cargo as being the same . . . but, in his defense, nowhere could I find the numbers for the Prius overall cargo space . . . not in the Prius brochure, or on, or anywhere else I looked. WHY???
  10. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    Bought mine almost entirely for environmental reasons. "F" the Jones I could care less what they think, good or bad. I also needed a new car and when you factor in the $3400 tax credit that Colorado is offering and then throw the Fed deduction in on top of that the car's an excellent value. My old Honda Civic ('90) was a trooper. I really liked that car and it got good mileage (33-36MPG). Plus it cost me $24 to register it every year and the insurance was pretty darn low. It'll take me a long time to recoup the costs if economics was all I was concerned with. That is assuming that the civic would keep running, which as it turns out was an incorrect assumption. I had to have it towed to the dealership for trade in. Why not buy a new car that gets great MPG, is packed with features (and I just have a package 3), and is really reasonably priced once you throw in the credits/deductions? And if I can drive in the HOV lanes too (that's still pending here in CO) then that's just more icing on the cake.

    TDI is a great choice too. If I weren't already pulling in so many directions I'd a bought one and made biodiesel to run it on.
  11. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I have an Auntie in PoCo. The first and last time I tried to ride out near her place was around 15 years ago. Unless the folks who run that system have done a wonderful job in keeping the thieves and nuts and scary folks off, there is no way in HELL I would ride it again!
  12. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I had an Aunt who owned a 1998 Avalon and it had a plush ride. I noticed this Spring that Toyota saw fit to change all that.

    I was having some door dings repaired at my local Toyota dealer, along with an oil service, and they gave me a ride to the office in a new Avalon XLS demonstrator.

    That thing rode just as stiff over frost heaves and potholes as my Prius. For a $12,000 Cdn premium over a Prius - no way.
  13. wilco

    wilco New Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Jay, you'll love this:
    A few years back the transit workers went on strike bringing the city busses and trains to a standstill. The workers in some of the 'burbs worked for a different transit system so those busses continued to run. When it was resolved, the local paper reported that during the strike property crime in the city went waaaay down, while in the 'burbs that still had transit service property crime rose by 300%.
  14. scrivener

    scrivener New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
    los angeles
    Yet another "is a Prius really worth it?" article. How boring. None of them ever seems to get it right. For me, when it came time to replace my old Chrysler, I checked out a bunch of cars in my price range and got the one I wanted based on myriad factors--practical, emotional, and idealogical. Haven't seen much mention of doing one's small part to help decrease American dependence on foreign oil, but that was on my mind, too. Really wanted a hatchback that got at least 30 mpg combined, but not too pokey on the get-go, reasonably comfortable, attractive interior, with a fold-down rear seat for hauling stuff and a little personality on the outside w/o any goo gah affectations.

    Wish there were practical mass transit options to work--leave the driving to someone else--but I'm not willing to spend over two hours on three buses (one way) to go to and from work each day and until I can get a different job closer to home...Where I live I get no attitude about my Prius (so many of them) and everyone who's ridden with me has had spontaneous, favorable comments. Letting people see what is possible is how I can influence their car buying decisions - or not.

    One thing I really love is seeing another Prius on the road and peaking into the driver's window. The appeal is so broad; I see people behind the wheel from very divergent demographics. I wonder what a Hummer owner thinks about.
  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    I"m with ya baaaby! yaa!
  16. Jack 06

    Jack 06 New Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Winters, CA: Prius capital of US. 30 miles W of S
    Comparing to a FORD, and a KIA, (to fill space on a GM website), and then mumbling something in the middle of the article about NOT CONSIDERING "fit and finish" or quality "...because of my aching hands..."

  17. CH

    CH New Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    I'm missing safety in this equation. Especially interesting as this is the old model Focus... And Kia has never been big on safety.

    Just read the piece on environmental impact again. The article is not biased towards GM, but it is certainly biased against the Prius.
  18. tdi2prius

    tdi2prius New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    True, and I'm sure the anti-hybrid folks will soon be lacing up their gloves to take some potshots. Maybe some oil-funded Think Tank's already in the works to run the spin. Let's call it "Friends Against Regressive Thinking in Exploration and Delivery." I think the acronym fits!

    Here's one of their kick-off headlines to bash the Camry HSD -- "California Couple Orders Camry HSD for Son: Child Expected Next Week."
  19. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Well, I hate to stereotype, but that fits. I've rode the bus a couple of times here in Winnipeg and never again. Truly scary folks ride the bus here.

  20. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    haha. I don't remember reading that. I remember the strike though. Idiocy. They need to upgrade the busses too. Aren't they supposed to arrive next year or 2007? They better look modern like European busses. Ours just look like a hunk of steel bolted together. Can't believe our busses are 20 years old (They replaced the 1940s/50s busses in mid 80s I think).

    tdi2prius, I'm sure they're just gonna say the 4 is underpowered and say the 6 isn't fuel efficient enough. Basically, nothing will satisfy them