I'm approaching the end of my $77 ($88 with fees) per year XM contract. It will self-renew after that with my provided credit card, but at the regular XM 3mos. rate. Anyone have any suggestions of how to get a lower yearly renewal rate? My inclination is to call on this last day and say that I'm going to cancel service and then see if I'm offered a better rate package. Does anyone have any experience with this?
My Sirius autorenewed for the full $180 or whatever it was for a year. I called them up to cancel because it was so much money. They dropped the price to $105 for me for the year to keep me as a customer. That's CDN pricing. So if it autorenews, phone to cancel because it's too expensive. See what they offer, you'll probably get close to the $88, maybe around the $100 mark if you prepay for a year. Sirius/XM is a company that will definitely lower their advertised pricing, IMHO. Call them you have nothing to lose.
Call XM before your renewal date and select the Cancellation Department. Tell them that you will not be renewing at the full rate but would be interested renewing at your current $77 rate. They will renew at the discounted rate. They did for me and many others on here.
Good to know. Thanks . I Do think; however, that I need to call on the renewal date or close to it because I'll have to be prepared to cancel on the spot if necessary.
The first time that I called, about two weeks before my subscription was up for renewal, I spoke to a guy that said that there were no discounts available. I could either renew at the full rate or cancel at the end of my subscription period. I told him to cancel me at the end of my subscription and he said OK. Tumbleweed posted about calling the Cancellation Department and getting the half-price rate. They even pro-rated the few days before the end of his subscription and gave him credit for ending the old subscription early and starting a new renewal period at the discounted rate. I called and got the very same deal. Give it a try. I do not think that they want you to cancel.
I think the closer to the renewal date you call the less bargaining position you have. Just call and tell them NOT to renew automatically, that you think the price is too high. They will stop the automatic renewal which then triggers the cancellation department, which has the best deals available. If you wait too long, they probably have the right to charge your credit card because you told them that they could when you agreed to the year renewable at the going rate. A real good reason to pay the $2 for a written bill.
Hate to sound biased here, but, were the successful callls regarding the reduced plan to off-shore outsourced locations or were they answered in the US? I ask because I've had most of my customer service issues with the outsourced calls.
hears a real ignorant question, I know they are the same company , but it appears from the discussion above that the price structure is different. I have the 3 month trial (new car) thru sirius ( i believe) and to continue the brochure says something like 11.95 or 12.95 per month. I am thinking about getting it for a year but do not want to pay the full price. I will be watching in here with interest. tks
Good point ! The first guy I talked to was obviously off shore, was clueless and could care less whether I cancelled or not. The second guy that I talked with in the Cancellation Department was in Iowa. We compared weather while he was waiting on the computer to update my account. Could not have talked to a nicer person. Tumbleweed pointed out that most calls go to off shore locations but the Cancellation Department appears to be in the US. You actually get to talk to people that can speak good English and seem to be much more reasonable and friendly.
Yea, I have Sirius on my other car. Although Sirius and XM are a part of the same company, they are run independently, like separate companies. Sirius (which is slightly better programing-wise) is more expensive and ~$12.95/mo. plus fees. I know of no special pricing being offered .
Good advice to call BEFORE the expiration date, thanks! I took an offer for ~$20 + fees for 5 mos. As pointed out elsewhere, it was a US-based call and I was offered either the above deal or 1yr. prepayed for "half price" which came out to about $80+ fees. She told me to call before the expiration date to check on the availability of other offers then, before my credit card gets charged. So....they are on to us and we are on to them .
XM is a "slippery" company. On my other car the XM subscription was due to be renewed. I telephoned, told them I would not pay the $20 (something) recording royalties and asked them to waive the fees. They agreed. When the bill arrived, the fee was there. I called, asked them to credit the fee. They agreed. No credit after two months. All the while, they acknowledged that I had called on the dates I noted the conversation ... but there was no record of a credit. While I like XM ..... I do not find the service worth the cost. I do not plan on a renewal.
I second this. As soon as I got the India sounding person I knew I might be in trouble. I called to bluff cancellation to see what offers I'd get. If I didn't get what others are getting I'd cancel and renew under different info. She offered me a few months free, that was it. Expressed zero interest in my staying. Frankly I was shocked that Sirius would let a five year account holder cancel so easily. I encourage anyone trying for a better rate to get a US person or you will not get the same deal.