I just picked up my brand new 2010 Prius II tonight (8 miles on odo). I have a small issue though the headlights (both driver and passanger has moisture/condensation in the headlights) is this normal should I be worried? I'm hoping it will go away. I would post a pic but it wont let me due to my post count. Also thanks to everyone on this forum for helping me decide on a prius!! you guys rock!
That should not be happening. Your headlights must not be completely sealed. Take it to the dealership and they should be able to fix it.
+1 something isn't sealed. Could be the bulb's rubber ring. Definetly go back to the dealer. You want to fix this otherwise over time you'll have that yellow looking glass.
There is small valve for hot air to get out from lights. Try to keep your lights on for while and hot air from bulbs should dry the lamps. If this does not help, go to dealer or use hair dryer to dry lights... I had this same problem with my prius...
I read in another thread here that Toyota was replacing them under warranty for condensation--you might want to do a search, if you haven't already. Also, FWIF, when I got 'deered' earlier this fall, they replaced the shattered headlamp with a "reconditioned" one--which came with condensation. When I complained, the insurance co. authorized a new (non-reconditioined) one, no questions or arguing (and no more condensation). So I'd in your case go back to the dealer right away and try to get them to swap out the lights. They'll probably have to be able to verify it themselves before getting warranty authorization; if you can figure out a way to get there and park it in the sun on a cold day, that might best ensure that the condensation shows up. They have to take the bumper cover off to getthelight out, and might be reluctant to do so without obviouos condensation I agree w/ otherrs here--you don't want any moisture in a sealed system; sooner or later it'll get somewhere it doesn't belong. Hope this helps ~T
If this is true, then condensation is not that big of a deal, is it. I have not taken apart the headlamps, but it might also be that within the entire headlamp unit may be an actual sealed front-light unit, which means if you see condensation within the outer casing, it does not necessarily mean there is condensation in the inner casing/front lights. I have not examined the headlamps enough to be sure of this though, but it does seem that way when I've replaced the past few halogen bulbs & glanced at the headlamp design. p.s. i have had condensation on the headlamps as well when initially purchased. haven't seen condensation in a while however.
There's a TSB for this issue, take it in to your dealer. They will replace both headlight housings with "improved" ones.
+1 This will save you a trip to the bathroom looking for a hair dryer. While your vehicle is under warranty, you should take all of your issues to the dealer. This will at least document any of the long term problems with the G3's that might or might not affect your individual vehicle. You'll then have a record with which to defend yourself in case you decide to keep your car after the warranty expires, and an already addressed issue (leaks, creaks, cracks, squeaks...) returns to bother you. Might work. Might not. ...but it's still better than the hair dryer. Good Luck!
On the night I bought my car it was raining and both headlights showed noticeable condensation. The very next day around noon I took it to the Toyota dealer. However, the condensation was gone by then. The dealer refused to fix the problem because I had no proof (I hadn't taken any pictures). While there, however, I noticed condensation on both of the smaller front lights. I showed it to them. They agreed to replace them. While driving back home I wondered why the headlights had condensation last night but didn't during the day. Condensation=temperature=hot bulbs... So I turned the lights on and ten minutes later the condensation was back. Now the dealer is replacing those as well. There seemed to be an air of "hidden" acknowledgment about this type of problem among the service people as they mutely observed the condensation. Befuddling. The dollars and zero-sense mentality is alive and well at Toyota Nation.
Just happened to us. Bought the car on Sunday, 1/9/2011, a 2010 III with Solar and Nav. Last night I noticed condensation inside both headlights. This morning, the passenger side was clear again, but the drivers side still had it. Tonight, in the rain, it was back even worse on both sides. Even after the car had been sitting for 3 hours, it was still very visible inside both headlights. I took many pictures just in case... It goes back to the dealer tomorrow with a demand to replace both fixtures. Very disappointing that this would happen on a brand new car! Not off to a good start.
Re: Headlight condensation New 2011 [FONT="]Purchased a new 2011 prius, IV. Noticed condensation in the headlight during cold night. Returned to dealer. First he said he couldn't help me because I couldn't show him the problem. Then I presented a picture on my cell and he said he would replace the headlight. Now I have received this email: " Ms. XX - I did some research on head light condensation and according to Toyota temporary condensation build-up on the inside of the headlight lens does not indicate a malfunction. You can find this information on page 492 in your owner’s manual. Ms. XX I also understand that this occurs on your driver’s side head light so what I would like to do is have one of my technicians take a look at the connections and make sure they are on tight, a quarter turn may make a difference of allowing slight moisture in the headlight. Would you please allow us to inspect your headlight, please make arrangements with Alex Ramirez, Alex hours are Monday through Thursday from 7:00 to 4:30. In case during the inspection we find any fault with the headlight we will have one here so that we will not hold you up another day." How do I proceed? [/FONT]
I got a 2011 in Aug and also had the condensation in the lights. So lately I just did the horn upgrade and while I took the bumper off I did some investigating on the lights. I removed the lights and wrapped the seams all the way around with black electrical tape to see if that would help. I did notice on the sharp, V shape at the top of the light there was dirt from standing water on the plastic so I made sure it was cleaned and double taped there. FIXED HEADLIGHT CONDENSATION: Have never seen the condensation come back. So it's not the sockets, it's the seam where you see water between the clear and black plastic. The dealer also said it was normal and it's in the manual. IMO it's not normal but fixed for now my2cents.
Hey Guys, I know it has been a while since someone posted on this thread, but my problem with my 2007 Prius seems to be related with this thread. Let me know if there is more recent post/thread that I should go to (I am new in priuschat). Anyway, my problem began with my halogen light bulb on driver's side, the bulb has been out for about 3 months now and after New Year 2015 I decided to change it myself. To make it quick, I will just post dot points below: 1. Went to Allied Auto Stores and bought Eiko brand (top box mentioned "9003, HB2 60/55W"), cost about $7 2. After checking the manual book and watch few youtube videos, I managed to replace the old bulb with Eiko 3. Was so thrilled that I replaced it myself, turn on the light and it was on! 4. I decided to take it for a small ride that night and didn't realized when, but after about 2 later nights, I realized the light went out again. 5. The next morning, today, I decided to unplug and plug, still no responds. 6. However, when I checked carefully, I noticed some shattered glasses inside the headlamp compartment (or what it's called) 7. The Eiko brand lamp has shattered and the glass pieces are everywhere in that glass compartment (obviously I couldn't get them out). 8. Called the Allied Store manager and he mentioned that there is likely no problem with the bulb as it successfully turned on when I installed it (make sense). 9. Then he mentioned there might be condensation or water in that headlamp/glass compartment. This is where it gets complicated for me, I bought two Eiko brand lamps, should I try installing another one and see what happens or should I just bring it to the Toyota dealer? I just dislike the dealer especially on this type of case as it might be EXPENSIVE, but they are the experts. It is now noon, so it might be too late for me to noticed any condensation or water in the headlamp/glass compartment, likely will check tomorrow in the morning. My thought on replacing it with another Eiko brand that I have = hey it might work this time (hopefully those shattered glasses won't be an issue on this new bulb) or if it breaks/shattered again then I know something's off. Any inputs? Many thanks, Steven
Most likely, your bulb shattered because you contaminated it with oil from you fingers while installing it. Grease and oil cause temperature gradient on the quartz bulb and shatter it due to uneven thermal expansion. Does not happen right away but sooner or later it bites the dust. Wear fresh, unpowdered latex or nitrile gloves next time...
Thank you Johnny for the response. I am currently checking it in toyota dealer for the shattered glass inside headlamp and jt costs an estimate $150. If all is good then either i try installing it myself again with gloves or buy cheaper one and let them install it for me. Or the third option is to just buy from toyota and let them install it for me. Back then the cost of the bulb was about $50 in the dealer and labor is about $100 so total $150. Had i knew its gonna explode, i would just ley them do it for me and make them responsible if it explodes under their maintenance. P.s. i was really careful not to the touch the new bulb during installation, but things happen i guess. Thanks again, Steve
...Back to the original topic of this thread, I just wanted to +1 that my 2010 Prius, kept outdoors in the Seattle weather, has the same condensation issue in both headlights. As people have pointed out the assembly is supposed to be sealed, but in my opinion the root cause is poor design. The Prius hood ducts all runoff water along the side of the engine compartment, which then drains directly over and behind the headlight assembly. This means that as it is raining, water by design constantly trickles directly down the wiring and rear seals of the headlight assemble. While "sealed", it is not surprising that under these conditions, especially in a place like Seattle where it can rain lightly for 30 days, those seals leak and the headlight assembly eventually develops condensation. Running the headlights + Highbeams to dry the condensation does not work well, because while the bulbs become hot, there is a wraparound decorative area far from the heat where the condensation migrates to, but does not escape. I guess I should +1 the hair dryer method... Very frustrating.
i had that problem with corolla once. used a hairdryer and parked in sun for a weekend and the issue went away. it was a one time deal, strange.