Left the dome light on for over 2 days and now it won't start. Turned the key and nothing happens. Had this car for 3 years and I never thought about how to jump start this. Can anyone please give me instructions on how to do this? DROIDX ?
1. Consult the owner's manual. 2. If #1 not possible, open the trunk and find the 12V battery which is hiding behind a trim panel that is secured with a few plastic fasteners, on the driver's side of the trunk. 3. Run jumper cables from the 12V battery to the donor vehicle's battery. Make 100% sure that you have the battery polarity correct: positive to positive, negative to negative. If you make a mistake, you will likely destroy the inverter which is a four-digit repair. 4. Try to make the Prius READY. Once it becomes READY, disconnect the jumper cables. 5. If the battery is more than 4 years old, replace it now. If less than 4 years old, you can try to charge the battery by leaving the Prius READY at least 8 hours. If the battery fails to hold a charge then replace it. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply. Not sure if the battery is 4 years old but if I had to guess I'd say its older than 4 years. Where would I go to purchase a new battery? I'm not very mechanically inclined so I may try the charge option 1st. Also my only other vehicle is a 2010 Prius. Can you jump a Prius with another Prius? DROIDX ?
Your local Toyota dealer is the best place to buy a replacement 12V battery because it will be an exact replacement. Other alternatives require you to install new battery terminal connectors, do without venting, etc. MSRP is $139 but prices may vary significantly. Yes, you can jump your Prius with your other Prius, but you now have even more reason to be careful with the jump process because you probably would be very unhappy if you ended up with two Prius requiring new inverters.
Thanks for the advise. I pay for AAA so I'll call them. Ill probably just replace it if it only costs that much. At least ill know it's new. DROIDX ?
Wow, I just gotta reflect on how awesome this exchange was. Guy with a problem and a smartphone, Tapatalk, PriusChat and Patrick Wong. Sorted out in < 2 hours. Ain't technology great? Wait, technology was the problem in the first place... ah well, it's still great! - D
I have a 2002 Prius and went out to start it on Sunday and just got a clicking sound. So, I figured it was the auxiliary battery. We replaced it but it will start and then, immediately shuts off. Any ideas what's happening?
Check throttle to see if sticky. Google search. If throttle plate OK, we'll have start standard engine checks. This is easier if you have a miniVCI. Bob Wilson