I devloped a noise in the right front wheel. I thought it was a tire going bad so I rotated the tires & still had the noise. I was told by shop it is a wheel bearing. If that is the problem is that a DIY repair ?
My view would be that if you have to ask the question, then no, it isn't a diy for you. Not trying to be funny, but you can get the bearing done fairly cheaply and you have peace of mind it was fitted correctly too.
I'm often tempted to give the same answer to such questions. It sounds rude as hell but is usually good advice. To the OP, most possible problems have been well covered on PC ans the search function is actually pretty good. I found this jewel in about a minute. It's a mildly ugly job. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-now-front-wheel-bearing-hub-replacement.html
See also the "similar threads" listing at the bottom of this page. I don't mean to harp on anyone for not searching, personally I think if everyone searched really well we wouldn't have many new posts! But there is bound to be good info found below for the OP's benefit. - D
Of course, I just got my 2004 140k out of the shop with the wheel bearings and muffler replaced. It just could'nt wait till summer!!
I lost the drivers side front hub (its a complete bearing assy and hub one piece) on my 07 at 30,000 miles. Was making a wup wup noise from 30 to 50. The most telltale was the noise increased when you would drive down the road and steer hard left or rght like your trying to avoid road debris. The complete hub is around $250 plus shipping new. The dealer did mine. To me it looks like a big job if you have to do it on jackstands. Lots of under car wrenching and complete disasemble of the outer cv joint and knuckle.