Uhh huh. I've used that line before... j/k A big thumbs up to you for being so young and willing to admit it. Many of my friends were in their mid 20s before they could tell anyone.
Thank you -- um, yeah, just thank you. And it's just a general flirt... all you guys get it I knew that. I appreciate that. And, I knew that. Besides, you are JAIL BAIT in a big way, and I don't DO that.
Haha, yeah. A lot of guys at my school before I was home schooled would get so jealous because I had all the preppy and pretty girls around me all the time, and I could actually grab their "chest" because for some reason, even though I'm gay, I love girls "chests" haha. So some even tried to say they were just to get to girls. And thanks for the thumbs up lmao. Thumbs up to you and your Prius!
Jail bait? Is that a complement? lol. And thanks. I kinda knew that you knew. Your just cool like that.
Your pics pretty much gave it away. Hard to hide the fact. Either that or I have been to too many LGBT meetings in college while supporting my friends. lol
Well, if That_Prius_Car friended you on Facebook, you'd read it in his profile. That, and I think there was an earlier thread where he was lamenting meeting nice guys. Otherwise, his photos look just about like any other 16-yr old's that I've seen
True, but me and Brad are like two peas in a pod. I can't date guys over over 17 until I'm 18. "/ But if I could date older, and if I were straight, you'd be the girl Rae Vynn! (; (kidding.)
Ohhh, yeah lol. I hope you guys don't think bad of me because the pics though, I'm not a whore lol. I swear! BTW, here are some more recent pics taken today lol. Some at Green Drive Expo, I was flippin when I seen the EV1! Chelsea Sexton from the movie "Who Killed The Electric Car?" was there and she was a good person, I got to talk to her about the Leaf and Volt, ect. She lent me her camera to take some shots of her driving the EV1 which you might of seen on her FaceBook.
...well I know I DON'T look like "SlowTurd"!!! someone once said I look like Ronnie Milsap. frankly, I just don't SEE IT!!
My mind is as pure as the driven sleet. Ohh and I look different now. I shaved my head because of the chemo and took on a new attitude.