I have a 2009 Gen. II with 48000 miles on it and it started having a high pitch noise when driving. Thought it was wind noise at first but does it at low speeds also. When you roll the right passenger side window down you can hear it much louder sounds like it is coming from the right front. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I don't think so as it does not do it setting still. I sped up the engine in park and do not hear it. Tomorrow I will check out the brakes, but don't believe they should be bad yet. Don't know if a wheel bearing would do this or not.
Many many reports of a rock getting stuck between the rotor dust shield and the rotor itself. Creates all types of expensive sounding noises. Are you able to remove the front wheel yourself? If so pull the wheel and give the rotor a good look over front & back. See if there's any grooves cut in it. At your mileage you should not have any brake issues and the rotor should look very very smooth. A little rusty but very smooth.
Took front wheel off today everything looks fine. Drove about 40 mile today and did not hear noise. Wondered if it could have been a stone or something stuck between the caliper and rotor but did not find anything. Will keep an eye on it. Thanks
Where I live, when the roads get ice on then they use sand to help with traction! Some times the sand has pebbles which can lodge in the brake system. H