You had previously said that the inverter/transaxle coolant reservoir was empty. That is one reason why you would see an overheating warning light. Also, if the engine cooling system has air within, that would potentially cause the cylinder head to overheat which would also cause an overheating warning.
I wrote an earlier post in this threadthat tells you how to get the air out. Much the same as Wongs method. You are making this hard. Air floats. Find the vent I mentioned earlier. You will be an expert by the time you are done getting rid of the green stuff too. Won't hurt in short run, but you have to put in the Toyota premix soon. IN the meantime, get the air out. See post #5
Your not getting your inverter/engine coolant reservoirs mixed up are you? The engine is overheating because there's an air bubble blocking the coolant in the engine... or your filling the wrong places with coolant.
One of your earlier posts: "Today I will try to get the air out of the radiator system and re-fill my compressor with A/C gas" You called it gas so I called it gas so you will understand me. Its Freon. I was trying to impress upon you not to add any freon as you may damage the system. As far as the radiator cooling issue burping modern cars after rad replacmenet sometimes is difficult. The problem is the engine is higher than the rad which tends to trap a large amount of air in the cyl head water passages. When that happens there is very poor water circulation through the engine and cabin.Your symptoms are classic of this problem. And, sometimes the trapped air is so large standard purge methods do not work well or completely. It helps alot if you can remove the thermostat but thats a pain in the Prius. The standard fix for this issue is this tool which most dealers and indie shops have. It makes quick work of trapped air locks: Be careful as it sounds like a real bad airlock and you could easily overheat the engine. I would not even attempt doing any of this without at least a Scangauge to monitor engine temp. A scangauge can be purchased here on site in the Priushop.
If you want to do this kinda work on a Prius you really need to buy the Bentley manual. Fooling around with experience formed on conventional cars will quickly lead to expensive mistakes.
Hey Mike. I've tried your method...and I poured coolant in the reservoir (by the hood latch) till it's full, and still NO coolant flown out of that 6mm hex bolt thing that you tole me to "loosen". Is there any other way how to get the air out of radiator without buying that $100 air tool?? Can anyone post a link to Patrick Wong's detailed description on how to burp the Prius cooling system?? I can't find it anywhere? Or even link on how to properly FLUSH the cooling system?
See my posts #22 and #42 here: Also, you must remove the radiator cap when you are refilling the engine coolant system. It is not sufficient to add fluid to the translucent plastic reservoir.
It better not be freon or Toyota are in big trouble. I'm guessing the Toyota electric AC system uses Refrigerant ER134a. Some systems use ER12 which is propane believe it or not! In Australia and I would assume the USA it is illegal to work on the AC system or any refrigeration system if you are not licenced to do so. It is also illegal to release refrigerant gas into the atmosphere, to do so is environmental vandalism!! Why? [ame=""]Chlorofluorocarbon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Sorry to quote Wiki. Sometimes I wonder why mechanics do a 4 year apprenticeship when they could have become experts on line. I would suggest you take your car to an expert before you break it. I mean, good on you for trying but better to spend $100 on a coolant change than $1500 on a head job. (stop snickering ) Is it really worth the heart aches?
^^^^ Okay thank you so soooo MUCH Patrick Wong!! I read your thread and I will go and try to do the same here. I will try to: 1.) Lift the front end of car (allow coolant to flow into engine) 2.) Open the cap on radiator itself & open cap on Reservoir (by hood latch) 3.) Loosen the 6mm hex bolt on the hose (on Driver side) 4.) Pour coolant into Reservoir & into the Radiator opening. 5.) Run the car...add coolant into Reservoir. Question: How do I run the car in "inspection" mode?
Whew....I think we are going to have to get hammer bigger than the Bently Book on this one Richard....... Just take the car to the dealer. In reading this thread, I cannot fathom why you are gambling with a $100 dollar charge that the dealer may hit you with for the work you need, vs. the possibility, and or probability of adding a ZERO to the repair bill. I just have to say it. I really do not think you have the mechanical skills to get the job done here. You are not even using the correct terminology to describe your problems. Let's get on with it, go to the dealer, pay the money, and lets put this baby to rest, and enjoy some heat! Do it for the cars sake!!!! "And now for something completely different" [ame=""]YouTube - iPhone4 vs HTC Evo[/ame] It popped into my mind, it's Christmas etc.etc.etc. Lets laugh.... HoHoHo....enjoy it. I busted a gut over it LOL!!!
PriusChat actually has a very good search feature, which I commend to your attention. By the way, it is not necessary to raise up the car, unless you have already done so to access the engine block drain plug. You may also find that it helps to squeeze the radiator hoses, to encourage the flow of coolant into, and air out of, the system.
English is not my 1st language. 2nd of all, send me $100 (that I don't have) via PayPal and I'll take it to a dealer All I'm trying to learn is how to get AIR out of my system...that's something a normal person can do without the dealer! (plus I will work on many more Prius's after this one, so I NEED to learn how to do this type of work). This is just my 1st one. :cheer2: And plus...i'm not your usual "dealer-sucker" that goes there for every super minor problem....ex; like if you light bulb went out..(no offense to anybody).
Thank you so so much Pat Wong again!! I will try to activate my "coolant pump" by using that paper clip tip. And put my car in "inspection mode" and try accelerate the car to purge the air out And also will run my Heater on MAX temp and Max air flow. Anything else I'm missing?? by the there a thread/write-up somewhere about the Thermostat replacement that you did? Maybe my thermostat is bad and it's not opening to let the coolant flow on the Full cycle through engine??
There's not much to say about the engine thermostat replacement besides what I had commented in the other string that I called to your attention. Basically, the process is to remove the two nuts that secure the thermostat housing, remove the thermostat while noting the location of the jiggle valve on top, then assemble the new O-ring gasket to the new thermostat, position the thermostat so that the jiggle valve is in the same location, and reinstall the housing. If you plan to work on other Prius then I strongly recommend as your primary source of technical documentation.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!!!! PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! :welcome: I followed Pat Wongs links & posts & suggestions and got rid of the Air in my cooling system and now I got super HOT air blowing and car does not throw any Overheat lights when driving!! Yaaay!! Thank you so sooo much EVERYBODY!!! :cheer2: You guys are lifesavers once again!! I LOVE this forum and ppl that are on here!! **see I didn't even have take this car to a dealer (as some suggested)** we have far more experts on this forum than dealer does
I know that the Prius uses R134a as all newer cars do. Most people in this country refer to it casually as Freon. R12 started to become phased out to R134a way back in 1992 and is not being produced anymore. I was imploring the OP not to charge his ac with anything. Even when I was using his own terminology he was not understanding me so I thought he would at least understand Freon which is why I used that abreviated term.
Freon is a DuPont trade name for their family of chlorofluorocarbon products. As a trade name, they could change its use to mean any product, including the newer refrigerants. However, they probably won't, given the negative press associated with Freon and ozone depletion. Tom
Yup but everyone still associates Freon with new refrigerant. It is incorrect but most people don't know the distinction. Just now I tried googling "R134a Freon" and got page after page of hits. I would have been more distinct in my post to the op if it made any difference.