I received a flyer, indicating that a new version of navigation map DVD is released and is available at the dealerships. for $199 + taxes. Did anyone got such info ? I am not sure what is the current version on 2010 Prius - package IV is. ( basically I haven't checked.) If anyone has installed the updated version - anything better ? Thanks
I received the same post card. I own a 2009 Prius with version 8. If someone upgrades I'd love to know if it's worthwhile.
I received the same post card offer yesterday. I have a 2010 IV with V.9.1 nav disc. The car only has 2500 miles (new in August), and have not really used the nav much around town! Planning a 3500 mile road trip over the hilidays and will give the v.9.1 a workout then. After that I can decide if the new $200 version has value. I doubt it. Update costs should be a fraction of the cost of the original software...as with other software products.
I got the above mentioned junk (snail-) mail yesterday. My car says it was built March 2010, so I presume I have nav. software 9. I know I've checked that before, I just don't remember for sure. I've noticed a number of minor problems with it so far. Several times I've searched for nearby points of interest (restaurants, ATMs, etc.) and driven to them only to find they don't exist (anymore). It's not too surprising this goes out of date. I've seen it do a number of strange routing choices. I don't think I can really objectively criticize this though, since I probably mostly think strange = not what I or Google Maps would chose. The existence and correctness of new streets / neighborhoods seems fine. It beats the hell out of my Thomas Brothers map, though again, little surprise, since it dates back to 2003. I just often don't like which streets it chooses to show as major streets (with a name label) and which it doesn't. But again this may only be what I'm used to from Thomas Brothers and Google Maps. It would be interesting to see if nav. software version 10.1 would improve these things, but I'm not favorably disposed to blow $200 to find out.
I'd be curious as to what percentage of owners actually buy this. You can buy similar software from Garmin and others for the same price, and it comes complete with a new GPS! I think Toyota would do better to give it away as a marketing strategy by offering it to any owner who comes to the showroom for a look at their new cars. Or, as a last result sell it for $20 or so, and probably take in more money than offering it at 10x the price. Richard
I got mine yesterday. I told the dealer when I bought the car in October that she owed me the latest version of the software so she ordered it for me and I got it for free. There are definitely differences. After only a day I can tell you that there are local businesses that are missing that were in Version 9 (local donut shop down the street and Shell station that has been in it's location for years) but there are updated locations too. We have a new Texas Roadhouse a few miles away and that is included. The address of my house is still way off just as it was in Version 9. It is much better in category searches that I have tried so far. For instance, if you are looking for a department store in some city all are included instead of the 5 or 6 that aren't anywhere near. So far my reactions are mixed but give me a few days and I will respond with more information as I put it to use. If there's anything specifically you would like me to try, let me know.
I have a 2009 with 8.1 and they sent me a card..we could nice person U ME I guess I could call the dealer if the price were a lot less or I really wanted to spend too much $.
I just received my postcard in the mail from Toyota yesterday with the 10.1 upgrade offer. Like others, I will not be spending $199. The 8.1 version is working fine for me. Maybe in a few more years when there are enough improvements to be worth my while. If Toyota would offer this for a more reasonable price, say $50, I would be more inclined to keep mine updated every year. It seems to me that it would be better to sell a lot of these for $50 rather than a few for $199.
Garmin offers a lifetime update for their GPS systems for $89 or one year for $49. Seems to me you'd save thousands by going with an after market GPS instead of Toyota's Navigation system.
I Wondered because we got the card for our 2010 Prius but not on the 2007. I have an appointment next week for the 25000 service and the recall on the pump. I asked them to upgrade my nav also. I will see. Thanks
Well I recall this question being asked before. The older models are not forgotten but because of differences between the navigation unit (remember that the Gen 2's MFD is not shared with any other Toyota model), it has its own part number but the mapping data should be the same.
Hmmm.. so what I am getting is wait for some more time before updating the maps by paying $200. In factI can live without updating, but if there is significant difference then I might consider. knowing that the current version is very slow in response. the issue is I have XM NAV taffic which integrates with my GPS MAP. not sure what would be the impact. I will also contact XM and Toyota to see if the new version is compatible with XM NAV traffic. any thoughts /ideas ?