So I bought off Ebay and had it shipped. The tow driver was having quite the time trying to get it off his truck and he ended up putting it in front of another driveway. Sure enough they had to move their car and I could not get the prius to move, it took me about 10 minutes to get it moved, I am not exactly sure how I did it. Typically I do not read manuals but clearly this is a different kind of car so I got through about 200 pages so far. Under fuel types the manual says use premium unleaded gasoline (87 octane rating[research octane number 91] or higher). Someone please clear that one for me, I am in NY and premium is 91-94. If I knew it called for premium I would not have bought the car. My Civic hybrid has 185 000 miles and has never had premium. I am sure there will be more questions shortly.
87 Octane is regular unleaded, I think they are just asking you put in good gas. So far as I know, no Prius requires 91 octane gas. In ten years, no owner has found better mileage trying higher octane gas, some have found more power at full throttle high speeds, up mountains. (I would not know, I live in the Delta) The 2007 manual calls for Quality Gasoline, not Premium on Page 321. It always calls for 87 Octane.
Doesn't the RON rating refer to the rating used in Europe. The unleaded you require is 87 octane US or 91 Europe and Premium unleaded is 91 US or 95 Europe. There have been many threads on here about which fuel to use. In the US most Prius owners on here use 87 normal unleaded and don't feel Premium unleaded is worth the extra money. Here in Europe our minimum unleaded is Premium so that's all we use. Just put in what you feel happy with and apparantly higher octanes don't offer any noticeable (if any) benefit to the Prius.
No it just uses regular unleaded gas (87 octane). Some countries rate their gas using a slightly different system where 91-RON is the same thing as 87. So just use regular unleaded and you'll be fine. Starting the car. -Make sure you push your foot firmly on the brake pedal when you start the car (with the "power" button). -Now leave your foot firmly on the brake pedal until it beeps and says "ready" on the dash. (takes about 2 seconds). - After it makes "ready" then (still with your foot firmly on the brake pedal) shift it into "D" (or "R" as the case may be). Now you're good to go.
Be aware that when you release the shifter knob after placing it into "D" (or "R" as the case may be), it will not remain in that position. The shifter knob will return to it's resting position. If you look on the instrument dispay, you will see that the vehicle itself remains in "D" (or "R" as the case may be). If you remove your foot from the brake at that time the vehicle should begin to move, unless you are on a steep incline in which case you may need to press the accelerator pedal a bit.
Yes I did, I bought it from the Toyota dealer that originally sold it. The owner brought it back to trade for the new model.
As a sidenote: Save yourself alot of trouble and do this simple check on the small battery thats in the trunk that actually starts the car. This is not the big hybrid battery which is very tough I mean the little battery in the trunk that so many people kill by leaving lights on in the car overnight and then jump and then kill again. Alot of people who buy used Prius end up stuck as they bought a car that the battery has gone dead many times. This little battery in the trunk is not very tough and cannot take repeated jumps very well. And its dangerous to jump start our cars because if you do not know what your doing you could damage the car. Use this simple test and it will make you become familiar with the MFD (multi functioin display) also: And if the batterys ok and you want to keep it that way lock your car every time you get out of it even in the garage. Its a safety feature because if you have leave the hatch ajar or doors cracked and the lights are on it will not allow you to lock the car. It will multiple beep instead of one beep alerting you to something wrong. Just lock it with the fob or press the black button outside the driver door or hatch. It has helped me catch hatch ajar like 10 times. Good Luck!