Hey everyone, Just popping in here to see if there was any interest to get a small meet and greet together to meet others who are in the LA/OC area. I figure we can meet up, hang out and talk a bit, then maybe grab some food. Just something to get to know those in the area and maybe get something going to get some support from aftermarket companies to produce stuff for our cars. :rockon: Anyways, hope there's some interest in something like this. Its always good to build a good car community haha. ~Andy Updated Meet Info! HEY PRIUS CHAT FOLKS !!! Based on the availability of the Majority let's set the date to Saturday January 8th, 2011. There will be another meeting in February if you are unable to make it to this meeting !!! WHERE: Zito's Pizza (Parking Lot) 2414 East Katella Avenue Anaheim, CA (714) 939-6222 **This location is south of the 91 Fwy, and between the 5 and 57 Fwys** WHEN: Saturday January 8, 2011 10:00 AM - ?? THE LIST 01. Rodney - Hawaiianbuilt - Anaheim - Jan 8th 02. Andy - Manhattan Beach/Marina Del Ray - Anyday prior to the 10th. After the 10th, weekends only due to classes 03. Drunkin master (James) - Can be there anytime, live 5 minutes away.... 04. GBPerformance - Chin - Jan 8 or Jan 9 is good 05. evpv - Irvine - I'd actually prefer we meet on a Saturday morning at Cars & Coffee, then caravan down PCH for breakfast at Pacific Whey. If not, any time. 06. bino - Alvin - Jan 8 is ok with me... 10AM is also fine.... 07.blkghost-eddie can someone txt me the exact.date 2135038855...... 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Haha I'll see what they think about holding a M&G at the HQ in torrance. That would be pretty cool considering Mazda HQ holds Sevenstock for all rotary motor type cars every year =P
SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA !!! Count me in ... If we can't get into Headquarters we can also check the new Toyota Museum just on the other side of Headquarters too !!! Rodney
THE LIST / DATES 01. Rodney - HAWAIIANBUILT - October 30 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. LET'S DO THIS FOLKS !!! Rodney
01. Rodney - HAWAIIANBUILT - October 30 02. Calvin - HI MPG - Nov. ??? (I have limited availability until my wife gets back up and running on her two feet). 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
any suggestions on when and where we could have one of this small meet? quick lunch? dinner after work? weekend? I'm up for a quick lunch(Mon - Fri) around the OC area... or dinner(Mons & Thurs) weekends are ok also (would really appreciate it if we could meet somewhere in the middle/halfway - I'm from the Inland Empire area)
I would prefer a weekend meet up since I work and go to class 9am-8pm during the week. I'm okay with an OC meet, I just don't really know good places to meet up down there other than something like Irvine which is really far for me haha
I'm in, the Spectrum is perfect. Anybody go to Cars & Coffee near the Spectrum every Saturday morning?
Sounds like it could be fun, the Irvine thing could work for me. Just a hypermile trip down the 5 from Glendale!!! Saturdays???
Sorry been pretty inactive on the meet front lately. Been super busy with finals this week. Projects and papers >_< Hopefully things will clear up after this week and I can start planning this thing. Though holidays are coming and I'm guessing a lot of you will be out of town or with family.
HEY PRIUS CHAT FOLKS !!! Let's vote on a date !!! December 22, 2010 Wednesday December 29, 2010 Wednesday How's 7:00 PM at the Irvine Spectrum in Orange County. We can meet up and maybe grab a bite there together. This could potentially be our First Christmas Dinner together !!! Here's a List !!! 01. Hawaiianbuilt - Rodney - December 22nd 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Let's get this thing going !!! I'm excited to finally put some faces to some names and get to meet some of you great Prius Chat Folks !!! Rodney