I recently received notification that I'm going to Japan next May. I'm in the Air Force and I have a '06 prius and a '09 tacoma. Everything that I have read about importing cars to Japan states that it's just easier and cheaper to just buy a used car when I get there??? Is this correct or has anyone had experienced first hand in the process of importing a prius into Japan? I would hate to get rid of both cars especially the prius as it's almost payed off. Is there any differences between the Japan and US version besides the steering wheel being on the right hand? Any input would be great. Thanks
Can't you just take them over? There's a US airforce base near me and most often they bring their own lhd cars over with them - including the odd fool who thinks his Suburban is going to fit into smaller European streets and car parking spaces! Because of this I get used to seeing a wide variety of US licence plated vehicles before they are re-registered here for the remainder of their posting. This brings me onto your post - there are quite a few US personnel who have obviously come back from Japan as these cars have Japanese or US forces plates on them and I'm pretty sure I've seen lhd US spec cars with these plates on. Though saying that most are rhd Japanese cars they've brought from Japan to the UK. Doesn't the airforce clarify this for you? Surely they're not going to allow you to import your car into Japan for it to be crushed for not meeting legislation?
I have tried the Air Force route and they haven't been to helpful I get the general answer: "it cost too much to get cars to meet emissions testing". In other words they don't know anything about the prius. Thanks.
I'm going there for at east 4 years. I don't want to have to deal with the repair when I get back. If I can't take it I will have to sell .
What would it cost for a Prius in Japan?Probably lots. Will the Military take it over for you? Everything you buy over there will all have right hand controls. I would talk to people over there and see what what they think. That should be a very good experienced for you, living in Japan. H
A major difference is headlight pattern. You have to replace it with RHD unit, then you have to get the emission testing for the Japanese license plate. Anyway, I agree with Hal W's comment asking air force staff's experience living in Japan. Ken@Japan LHD light pattern RHD light pattern
Thank. I have scheduled an appointment to talk to someone, but it's not till late Jan. I will have to see if they can give me a more definitive answer.
Hey Ken do you know if there is any difference as far as emissions requirements? also do you know if the headlight can be adjusted or do they have to be replaced. I talked to "experts" on base all the said was that they "might" pay for shipping, but I am responsible to make it legal to drive there (inspections and modifications) and I have to do the research myself. I am not having any luck with google, or the search here. Thanks in advance for any info you can give.
You would probably have to replace the headlight assemblies because the low-beam light pattern is asymmetrical - to avoid blinding on-coming traffic.
You can adjust it enough Pat. People get away with blinding folks with these blue flash bulbs they find so cool. H
The used car market in Japan is generally very good in that lightly used cars in great shape overflow the lots. Not sure about Prius though, having heard how well it has been selling there. Whatever happens with your car situation, enjoy your time there! Great place to live. - D
I keep hearing that cars are cheap there and very dependable, but I'm almost done paying off the prius and I want to keep it. If it's going to cost as much as a used car there then I might just stick to my original plan and sell it. Like I said I'm trying to weigh my options and it would be nice to keep the prius since we love it and has given us many years of trouble free operation.
Hmm, you'll have the steering wheel on the wrong side you know, they drive on the left, not the right side of the road there. Methinks it would be better and safer to drive a domestic Prius with the steering wheel on the correct side. I'd sell your Prius Stateside and just buy a car over there. The Prius is currently the most popular car in Japan. I think for the money you'll get for selling your current Prius, plus the money you will save by not having to container it over to Japan, you will have enough to buy a good used Prius there. Japanese like new cars, and usually want a new one if their current car is more than a few years old. So you can usually find used cars there for a good price, and they have low miles most of the time. I am sure you could find one there for less than the amount you'll get for yours here.
JapanBases.com #1 Resource For Japan Military Base Community seems to have lots of info. RANK also plays a part whether or not you'll be able to ship a vehicle. Typically E3 and below are not allowed. Taken from a thread: PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES (POVS): a. POV shipments are subject to embargo or waiver requirements. Effective 1 April 1996, the Assistant Secretary for Defense (for Management Policy) has granted limited case-by-case, waiver authority to Commander USFJ for shipment of post 1976 type vehicles to Mainland Japan only. Okinawa continues to be under an embargo status and is not included under this waiver authority. The waiver authority for Mainland Japan has been further delegated by USFJ to Component Commanders. When requesting a waiver the following information should be included: make/year/model of vehicle and vehicle identification number (VIN), if equipped with California emission. All DoD/military members/employees must obtain prior approval from their respective service authority in Japan named in para 8e. All imported motor vehicles must be registered by the Government of Japan. ----- e. WAIVERS: All DOD/military members/employees must obtain prior approval from their respective service authority in Japan as indicated below for shipment of POVs. The following are the POC's for POV Waivers: 1. For all Army: Commander, USAG-J, Bldg 102, Room E100, Unit 45006, ATTN IMPC-JA-LGT-Z, APO AP 96343. Phone numbers: DSN 263-5154/4766; COMM 011-81-46-407-5154. DSN FAX: 315-263-8984. Email address: [email protected] 2. For Air Force: a. Yokota AB, JA: 374 LRS/LGRDF, Unit 5120, Yokota AB, JA, APO AP 96328. Phone numbers: DSN 315-225-9733-9725; COMM: 011-81-3117-55-9733/9725. DSN FAX: 315-225-9606. Email address: [email protected] b. Misawa AB, JA: 35 LRS/LGRDF, Misawa AB JA, Unit 5014, APO AP 96319-5014. Phone number: DSN 226-3525. DSN FAX: 226-2077. Email Address: 35 [email protected] 3. For Navy and Marines: Commander, US Naval Forces, Japan ATTN: N-8, FPO AP 96349, phone number DSN 243-2065/3094. FAX number 243-3109. https://tops.ppcigweb.sddc.army.mil/ppcig/query/countryInstruction.do?countryCode=JA
I'm sure you have a good sense of the pros associated with importing your car. Here are the cons that I see: 1. conversion cost to comply with Japanese auto licensing requirements 2. steering wheel on the wrong side, when driving on the left 3. loss of any remaining Toyota warranty coverage since the car is not in the US or Canada 4. questionable availability of North American-specific Prius parts, such as the coolant heat recovery pump and canister, fuel tank, engine ECU, etc. If the car needs a firmware update, will a Japanese Toyota dealer have access to the appropriate code used for North American exports? 5. should you decide not to ship your car back to the US in four years, a 9-year old North American car will probably have very little or no resale value in Japan. I think that it is a great opportunity to live in Japan for four years. If I were in your shoes, I would use that opportunity to own a vehicle that is not sold in the US. Good luck.
Thanks for the all the info. It seems it's just not worth all the trouble and money to ship the prius. I'm sure going to miss it.