The Hype-rid Challenge: Value vs. Vogue

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Tideland Prius, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    As Homer said: Urge to kill, rising!

    When talk around the water cooler turns to gasoline prices, the inevitable word that pops up is "Hybrid". From automotive news to Hollywood actors, Hybrids are given free PR by the bucketloads, especially when it comes to contrasting their fuel economy and environmentally friendly image against large, gas guzzling SUVs. But are Hybrids the only way to save money in an environment of high gas prices? What about the less talked about choice of a fuel efficient, low emission engine equipped, value packed 4-cylinder wagon?

    Is the purchase of a Prius type Hybrid something buyers think will lead to a pat on the back from their socially and environmentally conscious friends at parties and the workplace, or purely for the intent of saving gasoline money, or both? Since seeing people I know purchase hybrid cars at or above sticker price, sometimes right there negating several years worth of gasoline savings, my practical and contrarian side demanded that I check the situation out. Is the Prius the PT Cruiser of the day, not because of styling but because of image? Are people willing to pay over sticker price even though that means killing most of the monetary benefit of buying a hybrid in the first place? Is the "environmental choice" for the moment truly the Hybrid car, or something more mundane? Is the Toyota Prius the trendy Apple iPod of cars, and are there less expensive, less appreciated choices out there that achieve many of the same goals for less money?

    Supporting the idea that the Prius is mostly about image, as some claim was the case with SUV's and their boom in the 1990's, is This Article: "Toyota study finds that owners want others to know they're driving fuel-efficient cars".

    It comes down to this: is a hybrid at this point really worth the money, or are people paying too much for those Nickel-Metal-Hydride batteries and gee-whiz gadgetry so the Joneses next door can smile and nod in approval?

    To settle the debate, at least for the moment, I decided to put the much touted "savings" of the Prius to the test by comparing it to the PZEV (partial zero emissions vehicle) Ford Focus ZXW (wagon) and the value-packed KIA Spectra5.

    Full Article
  2. electronics_scrounger

    Oct 12, 2005
    Silicon Valley
    Interesting article, the photo of the wagon full of hay is classic!

    There's a huge quality gap, a GM is a GM, a Toyota is a Toyota. And, they're saying real-world mileage for the Prius is 44-48 but honestly, I'm averaging better than 50, my average seems to be 53 and it's better the less I think about it, and just drive.
  3. 2Hybrids

    2Hybrids New Member

    Sep 17, 2005
    Eustis, Florida
    I think that if Ming were to drive and maintain each for one week, his thoughts on those scores would most likely be different...

    2 things - how many times, in comparison, would each have to go to the shop for unscheduled repairs in say,...oh, ....a 2 year period. And what kind of customer service would you get at each service?

    Those reasons alone is why I stopped owning Fords.

    As far as Kia's are concerned, don't matter what the flavor of the day is...their resale will never compare....2, 5, and even 10 years down the road.

    None-the-less, besides these, his article was very interesting. It just would have been better with a full "hands on".
  4. preludemd

    preludemd New Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    I don't own one yet, but probably will be buying a Prius next year and for me it's about savings. Yes some of you do it for the environment and I would like to believe that I'm helping by purchasing a prius but I know that I'm not, because for each person that buys a prius there's probably 2 people out there working on a deal for a Hummer. Doesn't matter. The way I look at it, I'm going to be spending $24k or more on a car anyway so may as well purchase something that can save me some money. And for someone like me who travels 100 miles a day, a hybrid can pay for itself much quicker than the average person. I budget around $70/wk for fuel and a prius can cut that in half. Tell me how it doesn't pay for itself again?

    As for image, who gives a damn what the jonses think, they're fake anyway.
  5. tdi2prius

    tdi2prius New Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Milwaukee, WI
    My take: Most people -- and I mean most -- buy this car for the wrong reasons. Flame away but it's true!

    How many here in PC honestly drive mega miles per year?
    How many are educated and affluent? They gladly pay over MSRP causing the price spikes.
    How many just WANT the car for all of the reasons mentioned in the article?

    That's my point -- most WANT the Prius but don't NEED the Prius. Other cars will suffice.

    Myself, I DO need it since I drive close to 30K miles per year so any savings are going to add up very quickly for me. I've owned three VW TDIs -- good engines but the rest of the car comes along for the ride -- and the Prius is my next step because I NEED high mileage and I NEED reliability. VW TDIs offered the former but not the latter.

    Although I'm a Leo I'm not THE Leo. I'm hungry.
  6. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    I definitely need it. I make about $40000/year
  7. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    If initial cost had been THE factor, I would have bought the Honda Civic (regular flavor, not the hybrid). Starts at less than $15,000 base MSRP, with EPA mileage estimates of 30 in the city and 40 on the highway, and Honda's reputation for reliability and low maintenance costs. Emissions rates make it environmentally friendly, too.

    My last car before purchasing Foxy was a Honda Civic and it was a wonderful car. The Prius is more roomy inside than the HCH, has more "toys" and is better engineered but was more costly to purchase. If we hadn't been planning long interstate (~2.5 hours each way) weekend drives with the new car, I would have voted for a regular Civic.

    To tdi2:
    Yes, we plan to put +35,000 miles/year on the Prius.
    Yes, husband and I are college graduates and family income was +$150,000 last year.
    No, we paid below MSRP ($500 below plus floor mats, cargo net and rear bumper decal/protector thrown in).
    Yes, we test drove a Prius because we'd heard about its ultra-low emissions and great gas mileage.
    But we chose Foxy because of her roominess, toys and fun factor, and get-up-and-go (vs. my old Civic).
  8. preludemd

    preludemd New Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Oh, and have to add one more thing.

    IF you paid above sticker price because they are "hard to come by right now" and you are educated, take your degree outside and burn it. The whole "they are hard to come by" and the "people are willing to pay over sticker" is just dealers being greedy and people being stupid. PERIOD.

    Case in point, my gf just bought a new '06 civic and the dealer made the case that we're getting a good price and that most people are paying sticker right now because they're isn't many of them out there yet. I told him....SO WHAT, in a month you'll be drowning in civics. WE'll wait if we have to. SO you either have a deal now, or chance losing the sale to someone else 2 months down the road. We don't NEED it.

    Look at all the morons that paid over sticker for the PT Cruiser when it first came out! Those people should have been put on a island far away because they're bringing down the national IQ average. Now you can't get away from them. PT's everywhere.

    But, if you fart money and must spend it to keep it from causing your home to collapse,then please, by all means, pay above sticker.
  9. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    To be fair, the Prius DOES have a high social rating in certain circles.

    A niece, grad student in Seattle, squealed, "Oh, Aunty, how stylish!" when told about the new Prius. Cringed and remembered falling off platform shoes and almost breaking an ankle the last time I tried to be hip.

    While getting used to her, Dan called the car, The Jellybean.

    My middle-aged husband and I did not buy this car because a niece might consider it cool. Would have gotten myself an Infinity or Avalon or some Mercedes if I felt the need to make a statement of some sort.
  10. preludemd

    preludemd New Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    I wouldn't say the Avalon is making a statement. It's look have been greatly improved in my opinion and quite frankly I wouldn't mind owning one, and a 31mpg highway isn't bad for a full size car. To me it's about comfort on the 8 hour drive to visit family.

    Not to mention the reclining rear seats ;)
  11. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005

    They are claiming that people buy a new Prius for image as well as economic practicality.

    This is news?

    That's how every single new car purchase is made.

    Jealousy isn't pretty...
  12. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    I just saw Focus going in flames on I-93N, it was a spanky new one too, although maybe not it was half burnt, so hard to tell. No way I would ever consider Focus vs. Prius
  13. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    I would have considered the Avalon Limited ($33,800 MSRP). Automatic sensing intermittent wipers, leather seats with adjustable lumbar support, warmed OR air-condition cooled ventilated seats. Yeow, baby!
  14. Maytrix

    Maytrix Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Marlborough, Mass
    2009 Prius
    How does what you make equate to your needing one?

    You can get pretty good fuel economy (35-40) from some much less expensive cars. As tdi2prius stated, most people don't drive enough miles a year to make up the extra cost that comes with a Prius.
  15. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    There are many other nice cars out there... many are not too worried about the green thing nor the price of gas... hence "hummers".. they are not evil or inconsiderate, but have a different value system.
    I guess its according to what church you go to eh?

    Until we are willing to live in the jungle and eat leaves like the monkies, none of use are green!... We all like steel, electricity, nice houses, TV's etc etc.. all of which are made my impure processes and means.

    I like the prius because:
    1. I'm don't like getting pissed every time I fill up...
    2. I need a new dependable rig anyway... and I would rather pay upfront when I buy the car and get it over with and save at the gas station. "not to mention uncle sams 3000 tax credit!"
    3. I'm a gadget man!... I love guages, toys, monitoring systems, and cool high tech cutting edge technology!
    4. My reasons do not make me rightous... any more than not eating that extra whopper does because of all the starving kids in china!

    We need to stop attacking each other for our reasons and value system and just celebrate that we all have one thing in common... we appreciate Toyotas prius!

    Too me.. its fun to drive! and I don't have to give up my creature comforts to do it... its a really nice rig with plenty of room and gets lots of oohs and ahhs from your friends!

    Besides,...... It's good to be the King!
  16. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    While I may disagree with some of his conclusions, I thought he tried to give each car a pretty fair shake. Much better than I would have expected from a GM board. While the comments were mixed, I was surprised that there were some on the board who were open to the idea.

    To me, it is getting increasingly silly to have people talk about how the Prius won't save you money over an econobox car. If you need to be told this, then a person should go and burn their degree. I think what happens is people say "I want to save money, so what about a hybrid?" Leaving out the "within my acceptable range of cars" part of the statement. So people hearing them say these think the without realizing that a vital part of the statement was left out. If someone is okay with an used Echo or Civic, I doubt they are spending the extra 10-15K just to get a hybrid. An Echo, Civic, or Focus is not an acceptable car for me, so they don't figure into the equation.
  17. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    But I didn't buy it to save money!!!! I am not trying to recover the cost of it through savings in gas.
  18. preludemd

    preludemd New Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Then why did you buy it? You said you need it because you make $40,000/yr?

    I'm lost.
  19. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    to pollute less
  20. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    damn, I just noticed what you people are talking about, sorry, I meant to say that I make 40000 miles/year, not $40000/year, hahahaha