I have just purchased a 2010 Prius II. I have read of "traction control" problems when driving on loose or slippery surfaces in relation to earlier Prius generations. Does the same issue hold true for the 2010 Prius?
The short answer is no, there haven't been any complaints about that on the 2010, but of course it hasn't been tested on snow and ice yet. I had a 2004 and had traction control problems (spin and freeze) a few times just from turnouts and gravel/sand on the road. I have had zero problems with the 2010. It's my understanding they have made steady improvements in the traction control (starting in 2006) and were aware of this issue in the gen II cars, so made a special effort in that area for the new car. If you do a search on traction control, you'll find other recent threads on this subject.
I am wondering the same... See the following thread for more details: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...63556-2010-traction-control-3.html#post917395
I am in my second winter season with of a 2010 Prius and have experienced a total loss of power on two occasions. Once from a snowy parking space while trying to accelerate, and just the other day while trying to climb a snow covered hill. Is there a solution? After having absolutely no power to the wheels and being in the middle of a road, I eventually shut the car off and "re-booted," and after a while the wheels started to spin again. Is there a solution?
Yes. The solution is good winter tires. Traction Control can't create friction where there isn't any. As an example, last night I watched a Jeep with bad tires trapped helplessly at the bottom of a hill, while a Subaru with good tires ascended with no trouble at all. Tom
Just went out on solid ice and had no problem with shut-downs or any other issues. As long as you're a sane snow/ice driver, the 2010 seems to do fine. And I was using stock tires, too.
I'm happy so far with my 2010 on snow and ice. I was following a late model Camaro the other night on a hilly 45 MPH street that was covered with hard packed snow that had turned to ice and the Camaro appeared to be having a harder time with the hills and slippery surface than I was. I'm sure the Camaro is still a rear wheel car, which doesn't help in winter conditions.
I'm in my second winter with my 2010. I've noted before, on this forum that the traction of my Prius is fantastic. It seems to be best in ECO mode as power delivery is slower and very linear. My only problem arose during our recent storm of about 14" when my front spoiler got caught in the snow when I was leaving my suburban neighborhood. The lower grill opening acted as a snow collector and I hadn't built up any momentum yet. I backed up, and went right through it on the second try. I'll pay closer attention in the future. My soon to be ex wife's Mazda 3 Sport along with her lead foot is much more prone to getting stuck.
I think the Traction Control on my Gen3 is alot less sensitive then the Gen2's I've had. Even though this is just my first winter with the new one we've had a feww snow's and messy roads and the traction control hasn't gone off yet.....gee I wonder if it works LOL
Actually, seeing as I bought my 2010 Prius back in December of 2009, I think it has been tested on snow and ice. One moment.. Here's a link: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...force-car-fishtail-oversteer.html#post1103868 For what it's worth, I drove my Prius III mod III around last winter with nary a problem. New Jersey had a medium snowy winter last year with the usual half-dozen snow storms. Coming up on the toll booths would sometimes kick the ABS on, but the car went where it was pointed. No noticeable problems with startups and all that. KBeck.
That 'untested' claim was made 16 months ago, when the new Prius had been on the market only 3 months.
I was able to drive in 5inches of snow and ice, i thought the car did good. I still need more bad weather to make a more informed review though.
I may be losing my mind here. Let's see: Bought the car in December, 2009. It's December 2010. 12 months, right? Of course, I may have missed the <sarcasm> <\sarcasm> tags. KBeck
My 2005 still gets up hills in heavy snow, a good tip is let the pressure down a little in your front tyres while dealing with snow. Don't forget to pump them back up after or fuel consumption will suffer.