Just in case anyone really believes that there isn't a concerted, orchestrated, funded misinformation, obfuscation campaign against climate change science,, I give you this. In a e-mail from FOX news editor Bill Sammon wrote to his staff: Don't want the facts to get in the way of FOX's agenda!
Perhaps the most amazing thing is that the right wing continues to complain about the 'liberal media' and the public seems to believe them. There are many vicious, vindictive, and vitriolic right wing media stars, but I am not aware of ANY such liberal commentators.
I prefer to believe in the old people corporate media bias. Left and right and both sensationalist and wrong. What ever happened to reporting the facts, it seems that the Ted turner devil child of CNN has spawned the likes of FOX news and CNBC all spinning left right and corporate out of control for the most scared seniors and the biggest number of dollars, while many sensible people cringe.
i don't think the majority of voters believed them two years ago when the elected a democratic pres, senate and house.
"...It is not our place as journalists to assert such notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies.†Not a bad policy, unlike those scientists who had a multi-million dollar government grant to study global warming in order to promote an agenda of saving the Earth from ourselves with the added benefit of selling billions in carbon credits to gullible masses (taxes on activity that would take place anyway so that we can feel good about ourselves) only to be reviewed by peers who expected them to come to a preconceived conclusion because the grants are for the purpose of studying the effects of global warming (toe the line because the science is settled before it even begins and the debate is over). Meanwhile the debate is over and the science is settled at your trusted news sources, which leads us to believe that that there is a concerted, orchestrated, funded misinformation, obfuscation campaign against climate change science which leads us to believe that Earth can't cool just the same as it warmed. Each day when our part of Earth rotates into darkness, the temperature drops 30 to 40 degrees. If all of that heat from the Sun can escape in just a few hours of darkness, there is no way that any amount of human activity induced heat could not also escape within mere seconds. Humans arrogantly thought it was us causing climate change instead of the Sun and sunspot cycles. Nobody debates that the climate is changing, just that there is not a thing that we can do about it. When the next ice age arrives, no amount of SUV driving will cure our terrible fate as crops fail and no amount of carbon credits can save us. Yes, we should conserve resources and reduce pollution as much as possible, but there is not a thing we can do to influence warming or cooling. American Thinker: Death of the Global Warming Myth American Thinker: Global Warming, R.I.P
Not withstanding that pargon of journalistic standard, "American thinker", you belie your own fundamental ignorance on the subject: The issue is not about "heat from human activity", but rather the ability of CO2 to act as an insulating blanket over the planet! Just to give you a bit to think about, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has grown by ~1/3 since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Now that may not seem like a big deal, but can you imagine adding 1/3 more insulation in your attic (assuming you heat your house) and not reducing the output of the furnace. What do you think is going to happen? Oh, and by the way, there is no argument that CO2 acts as an insulator so, use your common sense and figure out what the outcome is going to be. Also please note, that air temps may drop ~30f overnight, but that is something is largely dependent on other thermal issues like proximity to water, dry air etc. So I suggest that before you make yourself look as foolish as the above statement, you might get yourself a bit better educated!
Except that CO2 is not "like a blanket". Its like a fishnet.The CO2 fishnet will cause minimal warming. Its the hypothetical forcing thats under contention.
As a Professor of Environmental Science, let me be clear that I think 'we' ARE doing things to the climate by clearing forests, paving vast parking lots, and putting black soot from pollution onto glacial ice that hastens its melting. However, CO2 isn't doing much to influence climate. Remember that CO2 is now 380 parts per million, and the most common greenhouse gas (water vapor) at 5% represents 50,000 parts per million of a gas that is just as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Therefore, a better attic insulation analogy is that your attic has 2 millimeters of insulation, and you add another millimeter. That addition of 1/3 new insulation won't do much. We are fighting the wrong battle in trying to control the climate.
I read the other day if you were to equate 380 parts per million into distance, in flight from LA to New York. 380 parts per million would equal the runway at LAX.
While that analogy might be correct, it means nothing! Who is fighting to control the climate? I am fighting to control greenhouse gas emissions! Are you really trying to suggest that the increase in CO2 concentrations since the dawn of the industrial age is not significant? I would be curios to hear how you have come to that conclusion. I
Google Dr Roy Spencer, a Climatologist and former IPCC member to see some of the evidence. The short answer as I mentioned previously is that CO2 and H2O absorb heat equally as GHG, but CO2 is 380 ppm and H2o is 50,000 ppm. Moreover, paleoclimate scientists agree that in the past glaciations, temperature went up FIRST, and then CO2 followed in response to warming temperatures (i.e. warm up your soda and CO2 de-gasses). But as noted scholar Al Gore said when asked why CO2 is controlling temperature this time rather than responding to it as in the past, 'It is different this time'. Huh? Finally, what is the basis for the conclusion that CO2 is warming the earth?? Only the climate model output. That isn't 'data'. I think humans are screwing up the climate, so I'm not one of the scorned 'deniers', but CO2 isn't doing it.
Hi Mainer, I think perhaps that I write too much about this. But please take a look at Allen's AGU presentation: A23A and report back to PC what you think about it.
You are all getting sooo far away from the original subject of the post....some poor mind controlled person who hates FOX news so much that the person equates instructions to Journalists on Fox news to be skeptical when reporting on climate change issues cause there is really no more than some theories floating around and differening scientific opinion, except for the those who see global warming as a religion. Interestingly, the last time there was global warming (some centuries ago) it increased agricultural activity in areas that were not fit for farming. THis fox news meme is nothing but the kind of instructions all journalists should get..be skeptical of everything you are told.......
^^ Substitute GW with Iraq war, and tell me how skeptical Faux news was and is when it suits their political agenda. Now, if Faux news encouraged its journalists to write "over 99%, but less than 100% of peer review tier one published scientists dispute AGW," I would feel differently about your propaganda outlet.
Back on topic then: If you watch Fox news, you are much more likely to be misinformed. Voters Say Election Full of Misleading and False Information - World Public Opinion
"We Distort. You Deride." More crap from the right-wing media conspiracy, designed to feed ignorant hysteria. For discussion by scientists of the facts of global warming see RealClimate
Thats pretty wild there doc. I'm no professor but I thought that it was commonly understood that Co2 emmisions are to blame for Global warming. These are man made emissions mainly from automobiles and Coal fired powerplants that make electricty. And I think Al meant its different this time in that its man made.
I was waiting for data from NASA to keep me from looking as foolish as those who have been wrong all along. Now we can all be better educated...New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - Yahoo! News
Oh for Pete's sake, let's do the math. 380 ppm = 0.038 % of the way or 0.00038 fraction x 2500 miles = 1 mile. But I can assure you the "LAX runway analogy" is not taught in university chemistry or physics as a valid method to downplay the significance of a scientific measurement.