I see the Starred message option, but it seems to limit how many you can do and I have not found how to Star a whole topic. Is there a good way to catalog or store the threads I'd like to save for reference without using the Bookmark function of my browser? I don't want to subscribe to them and get notified, I just want a way to be able to store them for reference. Ken
One way to save a copy to your computer is to click the link "Print This Topic" then File/Save Page As. You could also try the "Email This Topic".
I was primarily looking for a way within the forum tools to do this. That way I would be able to access those items from any browser I am at. Ken
You can click "Track this Topic" and select "No email notification". Then in your controls, you can select your tracked topics through View Subscriptions.
You would need to click on Options at the bottom of the thread to find the "Track This Topic" option.
That's what I was looking for! However, I can get it into the Tracked topics, but I'm not quite figuring out how to turn off the notifications. I'll peek around a little, but if you know how I can adjust the notifications for subscriptions let me know. Ken
Figured it out. In control panel, go to where your subscribed topics are, check the ones you want to change, then there is a menu list that can be opened to set no email..... Thanks everyone, this is what I was looking for!