Just traded my 2008 Rav4 for a 2010 Barcelona Red Prius III with the navigation package. I feel like George Jetson driving this car. I have got alot to learn, but hope this forum can help. I also purchased an extended warranty for four years past the factory. If I don't use it I get my money back. The dealer showed me the replacement cost on some of the electronic parts and convinced me it was a good insurance policy. I still have a 2010 RAV4 AWD, but I am convinced that much higher gas prices are coming in the near future. Glad to be here. Colin
Welcome aboard Colin. Read through the owner's manual... there is a lot of good info in there. Enjoy the ride!
I don't know what your dealer warranty costs but a genuine Toyota Factory warranty is $651 for 7 years/75k miles with zero deductible. You can use this forum to get one and cancel yours if you want. If they sold you a 3rd party warranty, you got ripped off major.
I just bought a Red III. I'm interested in the Toyota Factory Warrenty for $651. How can we get one through this forum?
The Toyota Factory Warranty does not cover airbags or anything emissions related, which on the Prius is a bunch of equipment. According to my dealer it costs a lot more than $651. The warranty I bought is fully refundable after seven years if you don't use it (less a $231 fee). If you do use it the balance of cost unused is refunded, plus it covers everything stem to stern including labor costs and it is transferable to other owners. It is called Millenium and I just couldn't find any reason not to buy it.
Welcome! I'm a new owner myself, bought a blue ribbon metallic one over the weekend. This is a good bunch here, friendly and extremely knowledgeable, enjoy.
As far as I'm concerned I think you've picked the best color ever. As a Cleveland Indians fan, my red Prius is a perfect team color. As Bob Feller died yesterday, I feel like I'm driving a tribute to him. I opted not to buy extended coverage since I believe (statistically) that my electronics and driveline will not fail under normal driving conditions. Congrats and Happy Motoring, Tom
I could only find about a dozen red in the SE, I bought from Lithia Springs, but the unit came from Sandy Springs.
Yea, I should have gotten the red too. Its a great color. I wanted something lighter for nighttime visibility, but the color I got is not distintive enough from the background during the day. Its really a shame they did not keep the light blue color after 2009. Or at least introduced something like the Mazda Turqoise - great color! Live and learn....
We have the Barcelona Red, it just happened to the last one on the lot when the cash for clunkers program was running. It's a IV with leather and nav. I think we were real lucky, the Red is the color I would have chosen. Our other hybrid is a Lexus RX400h in Matador Red, we got to chose the color on that one and the minute I saw it at the dealer I said to my wife "we're getting THAT color", fortunately she agreed right away.
My 2010 is almost a year and a half old now. I seem to enjoy it more each day. It does what I ask of it and more.
Good luck with the new car, I wanted a red one also but I have a red Corvette so I got the midnight black and so far no problems.
Just curious, what kind of boat are you on? My older brother was on boomers during his navy time. He signed up right after high school and I think he only re-upped once. I believe he would have been better off making a career out of it. With some effort and time, maybe he could have made Chief of the Boat. At the time he went in, if he had put in his 30, he could have mustered out with a good pension and still have a bunch of years to work elsewhere. He just decided it wasn't for him.