You can go the calm collected route and see how far that takes you but that's pretty disarming in the long run, especially if your dealing with snakes.
They only can give your the run around for so long. THen they realize that you are on to them. That is when you gently press harder. Then you will get results'
Ok, this is going to be a dumb question, but where do you find the NAV version number. I have a 2010 Prius 4 and did not get a NAV disk as part of the package of "stuff" given to me when I bought the car. LS
Pinto Girl has the right idea. They might decline to give you a NAV DVD 10.1 right now, so a better idea for you AND them is to ask them to give you the 11.1 update when it comes out, which will be more of an update compared to the 9.1 The advantage for them is that they defer the freebie for now, and it will likely be someone else who actually has to honor the deal. In my case when I bought my Prius in April, I negotiated in writing for a NAV update DVD with the salesman, because I knew that 10.1 was coming out soon. However, I'm going to wait for 11.1 before I ask for it, to get real changes compared to 9.1. Good luck.
IMHO if you buy a 2010 model car you get 2010 equipment. If the OP had wanted a 2011 map disk that was something he should have negotiated at the time of purchase. Is it really Toyota or the dealer's responsibility to ante up updated disks? Not in my view. Sure it might be a little disappointing in the short should have got a slightly better deal buying a 2010 over a 2011 and you should live with your deal as the big picture - not think you were somehow duped.
A dealership is private property - a "raving lunatic in the lobby" acting in an unstable manner will be asked to leave, and if they do not the police can be called and the lunatic arrested for trespassing and barred from returning. Think of it this way - does your integrity have a price? If it is more than the $200 for the new GPS disk then do not do anything that you would not be ok telling about at a family dinner.
Tempest in a teapot. The Nav disk probably was installed at the port when it came off the ship (here we get the North American version). Then it sat around, or maybe came unsold from another dealer (mine did) until you bought it. The real reason it doesn't matter is that most people do not buy the latest nav disk annually, but wait for 3-4 years to get an updated one. Let it go.
Don't get the wrong idea...I wouldn't start there...note I mentioned "when dealing with snakes". If I feel the people I deal with are fair minded and professional and have a reasonable difference of opinion then certainly I would be reasonable. It's the people who are obviously manipulative that set me off and I believe rightly so. BTW..I have been escorted out by the police (but I came right back the next day and the GM gave me exactly what I needed to be made whole). I'm not saying it was pleasant or right but like plenty of others I will not be meek in the face of injustice or stupidity. Some of us are just wired that way. I have mellowed since Penny was born...
My 3 week old 2010 Prius IV also had the 9.1 version. Went to my dealer this past saturday and he took a 10.1 out of a V gave it to me and put my 9.1 into the V. The sales guy seems really knowledgeable about the Prius, more so then any one else and said the differnce is minor "and lets keep you happy". He also went into service, picked up the service laptop and eliminated the steady backup beep in about 1 minute. Made my day.
I hope he ordered another v10.1 for the V--doesn't seem fair to the person who winds up with the V. Kind of like if I steal $20 from my friend's wallet, and he doesn't miss it or notice it, it's OK... btw to a previous poster--my car was originally delivered to a dealership in southern MD and the port of entry was listed as Wilmington, DE. I'd assume the Delaware cars are imported there, but I could be wrong. (I reserve the right to be wrong)
Many thanks for all the replies thus far. Spoke with the sales rep again today and he was unable to help so I'll move up to the general manager next. To those saying that it shouldn't matter because one only updates every 3-4 years anyway - my reasoning is that if I start with a disk that is already 1 year out of date, then it's one year less before I have to shell out for a new copy. To the person who asks, would I expect the same when something I've bought goes out of date - no because when I bought it, it was the latest model and I paid accordingly. In this instance however I have paid for a product which should be up-to-date and isn't.
In America do you only get one disc for your region in the UK we get a 4disc boxed set which covers 1 UK/Irerland 2 Europe north (witch includes Scandanavia) 3 Europe central 4 Europe east.
Press the 'setup' button (physical button, bottom right of the nav screen), then press 'navi' on the screen and the version should be displayed at the top of the screen if I remember correctly.