I can here this squawking under my hood for 30 sec or so after every engine stop, when parking. I purchased the car used with 19,500 Kilometers. This noise has always been there. Is this normal? I believe the noise is from the inverter coolant pump? I don't hear this when the car is running, but then my hearing is not the greatest! H
Are you talking about when you turn the car off? That's normal, and it's the coolant being stored back in the thermos. If this is happening when you stop at a light or something, then it might be more serious.
Its only when I turn the car off ,Nerfer ,and thank you. I was hoping this was normal By the way your car looks like mine!, Silver.H
Yes it is the Thermos coolant pump which only runs just as you start up your Prius and then as you shut it down. There are four coolant pumps in all: ICE, Inverter, Thermos, and Heater JeffD
If it's really "squawking" as opposed to humming, it might qualify for replacement of the coolant heat storage pump under the drive train warranty if you're under 60K miles. See this for more.
It does use engine coolant, once it's up to temp like any other car. It also has some electric heating elements to use before that. A clever thing Toyota did is to take that nice hot coolant and pump it into an insulated thermos to keep it warm when you turn off the car, then pulls it back out when you start up again. Speeds the warmup for better emissions and fuel economy. So the pump you are hearing is ok, but if it's really loud or screechy then it may be a problem covered by Technical Service Bulletin. See thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/toyota-...-you-have-squeaky-chs-water-pump-new-tsb.html - D
No its not screechy, but you can hear it running. Sounds like it is over working. In other words it is not smooth. It only has 15,000 miles on it. H