I have just bought my 2010 Prius II Blizzard Pearl on December 8th, 2010. I don't know how well I did, so I'll compare it with how you guys did. 2010 Blizzard Pearl Prius II MSRP: $23,780 Paid: $22,300 I took the 0% APR for 60 months instead of the $1500 cash back. Doc fee: $55 Sales Tax: $1956.06 DMV filing fee: $29.00 Licensing fees: $331.75 Extended Platinum Warranty: $1,400 Gap: $895 Total OTD: $26,966.81 So now I'm thinking that I may go in and cancel the Extended Warranty. How did I do and should I cancel the extended warranty?
Welcome to the club. Well the the price paid overall is just about 800 less than I paid about a year and a half ago. So not that great, but hey you got a great car. I wouldn't have gotten the warranty or gap myself.
I got the gap insurance because I did a 0 down. I bought the extended warranty for the piece of mind as this is my first ever hybrid and I don't know what may go wrong. I have 30 days to cancel and get a full refund.
If you need a piece of mind that wasn't a terrible price for the warranty. Things can happen for sure. Well enjoy your ride!
Welcome Aboard! :welcome: Enjot the car. Worry about the GAP and warranty in a week or two. Good Luck!
I took the gap insurance because my car is a lease. In the event the car is totalled or stolen it will cover the delta between what the car is worth and what is owed to the leasing company. I am not sure about taking out gap insurance for non-leased cars though. I paid $795 for the gap insurance. I took a 3 year lease.
Tongman, Welcome to the club! Awesome color choice! Now, it's time to make it yours, let the modding begin!
Hey Congrats!!! My fiancee and I pulled the trigger yesterday. We we "looking" for a car. We werent planning on buying a car yesterday but we felt the deal we got was good enough and no sense looking anywhere else. We also got the Blizzard Pearl but we opted for the Prius IV with solar roof pkg. We got them to match Carsdirect.com at $30,037. But the fiancee wanted remote start. Its getting colder now and the idea of remote starting the car while she gets ready for work is a dream come true for her. I cant remember all the details but after taxes and registration we got it for $33K and change out the door. We did opt for the 0% APR. Since we were planning to just buy the car outright, might as well get free financing. Our dealership didnt have any $1500 cash back though. bummer. We dont get the car until next wednesday, the dealership needs to install the remote start for us.
GAP only covers the difference between what your insurance pays and what you owe on the car. With zero down you will be "upside down" on what you owe and what the car is worth but is that difference worth an insurance premium payment of $895? If you opt for the 0% APR you don't get the rebate.