Clear lens smashed. I removed acess panel, still can't figure out how to remove the complete unit, help..
I haven’t taken one out before but I don’t currently have an interior so I can see the back. If by access panel, you’re referring to the little door in the back to change the bulbs, you’ll have to go farther. The rear/side panels are held in by two 10 or 12mm bolts. You can see them at the top of the panels. You’ll have to remove the back and maybe the front (I don’t remember) cargo hooks – the swivels. They’re all the same size bolt. You’ll need a deep socket. Then it just unsnaps. It takes about five minutes to take it off. If you look at the picture, the two white clips on the black cable are 10mm/Philips. It looks like they hold the taillight in and the rest snaps out. But, like I said, I haven’t actually removed them so I’m going but the way it looks.
Thanks Lather for the info and picture. Since the clear cover part of the taillight assembly is broken in pieces , I CA.ed it back together and I am taking my time to replace the whole unit. At $194 from the dealer, it may be a while. Who ever said "image is everything". Thanks again for your response, Eric in Oregon
Just bought a Prius this week, and have already managed to crack the left rear clear cover on the brake light! (tricky garage to back out of.) I'm also interested in finding out if I can buy a replacement cover and replace it myself. Anyone have any experience with this? Also, what is "CA" - some type of tape? Thanks for your help!! Jennifer
Cyanoacrylate Glue. Super glue. I thought that water deteriorates it so I'm not sure how well it will hold up.
CA is waterproof. My lens had a two inch multi piece hole. The hard part was fishing the pieces out of the assembly and gluing them back in place with pressure from inside the tail assembly unit, as the pieces were pushed in in the "accident". Hole is sealed, but looks funky.