Little boy's death may mean cameras in all cars If this shows up in the Federal Register, I will be one of the first to submit a strong endorsement. I will point out that the new 'rollover' requirements from the Insurance Institute have made the already poor backup visibility worse. I will include photos of my backup accident and assert that the abysmal mirrors don't work. It is time, long past time, that this blood debt be paid and if it takes making backup cameras universal, so be it! I was informed that postings about accidents and my continued presence at PriusChat are not negotiable. I would rather give up PriusChat than remain silent. Sure, this thread and note can be deleted but I really don't care. Somethings are more important. Good bye and GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Bad things happen and always will; we don't need more stupid laws/requirements that add to the cost of new cars. TED
Another technology that has been suggested is using the "parallel parking sensors" (radar sensors on the back bumper) as an alarm that sounds when in reverse and an object is immediately behind the car. A coworker of mine has this on his 2010 Camaro. I'm now thinking that a backup camera would be better because it would allow the driver, a human to make the decision instead of a computer. However, upon third thought , I think that having BOTH technologies implemented would be the best solution. (Bob, I think this could be in the appropriate forum, because after all, you posted a photo of an incident that involves a Prius/Hybrid, and since this is current legislation, it is News)
I love my backup camera. There are lots of kids on my street and that's the reason I always back into my driveway and garage. That gives me much better visibility as I pull out (forward). Even though I have the camera I hate to back out of my driveway. Any future vehicle I buy that has an optional backup camera will have one. Should it be federally mandated? I guess that depends on how much that adds to the cost of a vehicle... if you can afford a new vehicle, surely you can afford an extra $100 for a backup camera. I'm thinking if all vehicles need the camera the cost should come down a bit too.
I had no idea it had come to this. You've been very active on several legislative fronts, particularly the 'bell the hybrid' issue. It's my impression your heart's in the right place, and you've made some valuable contributions. Obviously I don't know the whole situation, or what's transpired behind the scenes, but this is a complete surprise. I'll be sorry to see you go.
I agree with Rybold, an audible warning beep AND a camera is ideal. Even with the camera in the Prius I don't always look at it and it isn't always a good picture when I need it to be. Better reverse illumination would be nice at night too. It is tough to legislate something like this, but I would support it. People don't complain about the cost of seat belts or adequate crash safety testing in new cars, why complain about this? - D
That really sucks! Up to this point in time, PriusChat has been an open forum where individuals, as diverse as we are, were welcome to present different opinions (usually in reference to Toyota Prius automobiles). Let's face it, life is not always a wonderful bed of roses and sometimes people do bad or inappropriate things in automobiles (including the Prius) which sometimes result in injury or death. For the management of PriusChat to censor information just because it can make some people feel un-easy or to ignore the fact that life can be cruel or unkind is very immature and unrealistic. Bob, I have not always agreed with you, but I've always respected your opinion and analysis. Regards, Keith
Then I say dump the moderator who has the problem. If the accident threads are informative by helping us drive safer and better, then they serve a valuable purpose.
The cost of reverse sensors or a 'backup' camera is minor and could easily be implemented by the manufacturers. Sure it could be argued that the child should avoid a moving car or their parents should have their child under control, but the stories of a parent accidentally reversing over their 2year old child are horrific and tragic and could so easily be stopped.
I have a reverse camera on my work car with a huge screen and I hate it. I use it to back up to trailers, otherwise, and even for that it is near useless. I already have 3 mirrors, now add something else to grab my attention and I can't judge distance in the camera.
I support Bob's proposition as well. One of the reasons I passed on the Honda Insight or Honda CR-Z was the lack of a back-up camera, which I thought should have been standard equipment on the EX w/Nav Models I was considering! I use the back-up camera in my Prius daily, as does my wife with her CR-V. As for the relevance of this post, I think it's very relevant and informative. I would not known about this incident or the pending legislation if it hadn't been for Bob. I've also learned a ton of other stuff from Bob as well (some I have no clue about, but still), so I sure hope he's around for a long time to come...
Prius Chat + censorship will = another empty chair, just like in Oslo this morning for the Nobel Peace Prize. Only this time the empty chair at Prius Chat will represent all the knowledge, scientific data collected, and experiances of one of PC's most sharing and caring members. It will also, in my humble opinion, cast a long and deep shadow over PC as being truly a 1 sided, prejudice board. While it is true that Toyota is currently striving to build a "[ame=""]car that will never have an accident[/ame]", that technoligy isn't available yet, and until it is, we need people like Bob. Yes Danny, it's your board and you have ever right to allow or not any members post, just as it's Chinese President Hu Jintao country to decide who can speak and who can't. But censorship, in my opinion, in either case is equally wrong. Bob, If we do not see you again, you WILL be sorely missed!!!
Have you previously posted about the details of this? I don't recall seeing it, but it probably happened long before I joined the site. Did some searches, but you've started quite a few threads (The search maxes out at 500 hits, and that only goes back into Nov 2008!). (eta: did also use Google, but no luck) That's extremely disappointing to hear. The community would greatly suffer, IMO, and I hope whoever made that decision will reconsider. As for the proposal, my opinion is divided. While the backup camera is very useful, I've caught myself relying on it too much at times. Like glancing at the screen, but forgetting to check for cross traffic. I do wonder about a form of risk compensation if cameras were standard. Though I suppose similar arguments can be made for ABS, traction, etc., and the statistics usually show that the benefit outweighs any effects of risk compensation. And the units are only a couple hundred bucks.. so I guess after talking through it, my opinion isn't as divided as I initially thought.
Could one of the moderators please explain what happened with Bob? There must be more to this than informational postings about accidents. I would like to hear the whole story. Tom
This board is not public property... I do not think it should be mandatory. However... one of the reasons I bought the car was because of the camera.