Pardon the overflowing of unintelligence in this question. Searched the treads to no avail. Even stopped by the dealer and ask. After playing with it they stated I should bring it back when it is dark for them to work on it. On most headlight auto on/off light there is the Auto spot to keep the light switch in. On the V with the LED lights it does not have the same thing. I can not find where you keep the switch position for the light auto on/off on the V. After all the reading there are two things that concern me. Running the battery down and running out of gas. Sorry to ask such a stupid question on the forum. Thank's Michael
The V desn't really have automatic on headlights. You turn them to the standard on position and they'll stay on until you turn off the car, then by default the lights turn off in about 30 seconds, and don't turn on again until you turn the car on.
This is correct. No Prius in the US has "Auto" headlights. The headlights will turn off after 30 secs of leaving the car but still require user input for turning them on and off while driving. Prius's over in Europe and in Canada have "Auto" headlights. Our US Prius's have the capability built in to the computer but the wiring is not present. There is a thread here that details how to add the wiring. I have done this myself. It is a lot of work but I love having this feature. Very convenient for lazy people like myself! While I had the car apart, I installed rain sensing wipers as well. VERY sweet!
Thank you for the comments regarding on/off. Seems like an odd thing to do. Does that make you feel like discrimination all countries but US? Seems like a great addition as I'm in another world at times. Did it take you many hours to install this? What do you need? Windshield also, these are things I miss from the Lexus. I think I will search for the thread and see what it takes. Thank you Again! Mciahel
By the way, if you dislike your headlights turning off 30 seconds after you open a front door, the dealer can change this to 0 seconds or 60 seconds. I turned my headlights on at the dealership, in 1.5 years, I have not turned them off yet.
I just did a quick search on the threads. Here are a few links. 177 posts (there is alot of details on adding an auto head light option to the stock) 2 posts 26 posts (they also cover auto head lights) It would be great if we can move new threads like this to the old threads.
Judgeless, Thank you for running searches. Something I should be doing myself. Appreciate it very much. I have always liked the idea of an auto on/off. Didn't realize the Prius worked in this manner. I have also decided today I would like to add a mod I didn't mention. I want a large truck airhorn under the horn. Let people know I am there when they pull out in front of me..... Thanks Again!
If you press the lock button twice on your remote it will instantly turn off your headlights without you having to wait 30 seconds.
Well, I just got home with my new 2010 Prius and started reading the manual. I'm amazed that the Prius doesn't have true automatic headlights. It seems so out of place with all the other technological bells and whistles to be missing something so fundamental. Heck, my 2004 Malibu has auto headlights.
Well, the Prius has also a wonderful trunk light in the back that was in the Fiat 127 of my father back in the 70s.... The amount of "savings" they have managed by not putting "things" here and there is quite long. But the car, IMHO, sell itself on other more important points (the HSD being one of them).
I hope your Malibu's auto headlights work better than my 2000 Intrigue's did. Based on the Intrigue's, I am very thankful that the Prius headlights are not automatic.
I think it's only the option pack with the LED headlights that have the Auto feature here in the UK, I have the T-Spirit with no option packs which has normal Halogen Headlights and no Auto feature. I have noticed that the NAV and the dash/switches lighting dims when I go under a bridge with the lights on, so the sensor must be there.