I have a 2010 III with bluetooth and NAV system. When I press the voice command button on the steering wheel, the NAV screen shows a few commands available (go home, destination, phone, audio, command list). When I speak "audio" it recognizes it, but then tells me that the option isn't available. Is anyone else having this issue? If not, what is this function supposed to do? I tried plugging my iPhone into the USB port and having it on bluetooth separately, but I get nothing (I'm assuming it controls my audio stuff). I can't find anything in my owner's manual OR the navigation manual. Side question: can I change the NAV screen to stop defaulting to one of the options on the buttons on the left side of the screen? I want it to just stay on the audio screen until I press another button instead of swapping over after 10 seconds. Thanks!
Oh, and if anyone knows where to buy a mod so I can use my NAV screen to its full capacity while in motion, I will buy you lunch.
Prestigious Society » Navigation and Video Enhancement Module Or, you can build one yourself, if you're electronically inclined.... http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...erride-speed-sensor-bypass-15.html#post959286
If you only say "Audio", the Nav audio has to be on to be "available". And if it is on, but set to anything other than AM, FM, SAT, or CD, it will say "not available". You can't control USB, BT, or AUX by voice (there are no commands available.) If you say "Audio Off" or "Audio On", it will turn the Audio off or on. But the same limitations above will apply. Sorry, no voice control for USB, BT, or AUX. There is a full command list at this post: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...on/65925-list-voice-commands.html#post1107280 Hope this helps!
$300 or possibly set myself or my new car on fire... Eh, I'll wait for a cheaper option, I think. But thank you!
Maybe an installation guy that works for a comsumer electronics store would know. I had a discussion about this when I considered upgrading my other car (06 Sienna) to a Kenwood Nav system. He said that he was supposed to install new systems this way but knew a way around it. Maybe a few bucks placed in the right hands would solve the mystery. I'm not gonna do it, because knowing me the minute after having it done, I'll rear end somebody trying to find the closest Dunkin Donuts while driving 70 MPH in the outside lane.
I may or may not have heard of car electronics techs doing this to some of my friends' vehicles. The issue I'm seeing is that this is a relatively new vehicle and not a very standard one, so they might not know how to do it or they'll charge quite a bit. When I take my car in to get tinted next month, I'll ask the guys there because they're a little shady and I may or may not have heard of them doing stuff like that in the past.
This has been extensively investigated, both in hardware and possible NAV software (which resides on and is loaded from the NAV DVD.). There is no software "hack" of the DVD available to date (and I doubt that there will be one in the near future). Older systems had a simpler workaround than the current "Gen6" NAV. Those of us who have investigated it have determined the two workarounds I gave above. And the Prestigious Society unit is basically a $300 implementation of the homemade version, for folks who want a plug-and-play solution. There is a third solution - but it's the most expensive of all....An aftermarket NAV/head unit, like the Kenwoods/JVCs/Rosen, etc.. Just as a suggestion, you might want to save some research time and read the entire thread below, to understand how the system works, and why some guy in an installation shop isn't going to find a different or better solution. But maybe he'll build you the homemade version himself. Good luck! http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-override-speed-sensor-bypass.html#post904356
I read all of the posts in that thread yesterday. I think I'm just going to end up rereading it and attempting it one weekend where I have absolutely nothing to do, unless the Prestige solution comes out for $100. I emailed Costal Tech and they said to check back in a few months to see if they have it then.
Except that the nav is a standard Toyota/Denso navigation system found on other Toyota vehicles (one reason for the resolution difference between the Gen 2 Prius with a dedicated screen and the Gen 3 Prius with a nav screen shared with other Toyotas)