I went into my local dealer looking for a new 2010 Prius at a certain price per month, I wanted nav but this pushed the PPM to high. The dealer offered the cheaper Prius II and they would install the Nav system for us. What do you think the catch is? He mentioned the voice command feature comes with it. Do you think the Nav unit that they will install will be any different feature wise to the one that comes in the Prius III?
I didn't know the Gen II NAV unit was a dealer install. Is it the Toyota NAV they are offering, or an aftermarket unit?
Gotta be a dealer nav....as I understand it the nav isn't available on non-jbl models for technical reasons not just pricing strategy
Thanks guys, I went with the Prius III with Nav package, they were able to give me a price close enough to what I originally wanted in the end. Got it yesterday!
If you wanted a II you should have got it with a $100 Garmin. The $100 Garmin is alot better Nav system than the built in unit on the Prius.