CAN-VIEW (Recovered)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by D0li0, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. D0li0

    D0li0 New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    Seattle, Wa
    Well, That's all that I could find... Perhaps someone with a large web browser cache who hasn't yet tried to view page three online can search their hard disk and come up with the remaining missing posts...

    (Search All Files (*.*) within your cache containing word(s) like:
    "chicken" - I recall eflier mentioning me calling him chicken

    This means that all of my posts (on page 3) are gone, all I have is this personal message just prior to my first public post...

    eflier - Oct 2 2005, 10:11 AM
    Hi Ryan,
    thanks for the encouragement! I should make it clear that, at this point, at least, whilst I read and write to the IEBUS, I have limited my access to the CAN bus to read-only. I was uncomfortable in having something permanently connected to the CAN bus which could modify that bus, because (as I have discovered) its possible to cause a (temporary) total system failure by writing the wrong data. i.e. vehicle locks up without going into ICE start and won't even let you switch off. So until I understand this better I am taking the safe read-only route. Please bear in mind the original intent was data display and external video, neither of which required writing to the CAN bus. I have been following the Prius+ with great interest (but can't afford to take part) so I can see the need to play with SOC data etc.

    But to be frank, I think I'd better stick to the basics for now until I have at least that available.

    Current status is I am going to make a few units for pioneers who just want the CAN display, to use up some parts I'd bought, while I do a new bigger PCB with external RGB plus the interface to a UK-made NTSC converter as standard. This will also have as standard, touch screen data output on a DB9 RS232.

    PS if you post this question publicly maybe its appropriate for others that I make clear this read-only restriction as some may think of it as an OBDII device for troubleshooting and check light clearing. Its not.

    Ok, let's get this show back on the road!! :D
  2. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Many thanks to DOli0 for recovering these posts.
    A status update is in order
    The basic unit which just displays CAN messages on the MFD in text and bar-graph mode and is small enough to fit behind the glove compartment, is complete.
    The enhanced unit is double the size and won't quite fit behind the glove-box so is intended for under-the-seat mounting. The CAN message display is done. The serial output of touch screen data via a DB9 is done. The interface to an external NTSC-RGB converter for video (camera etc) is done. (You buy the converter separately) The interface to a BOBIII SIMM socket for those who want to input text from a laptop to the MFD, is done. (You also buy the BOBIII card separately) The interface to a Pioneer AVIC-88 navigation unit is done (It has voice input (hah!) voice guidance and some decent map DVDs which appear not bad even for rural Canada. All thats left is a cheaper guidance speaker/IR remote which I have to make.
    I WILL post pictures of completed units in the next 3-4 days. It would be a great help to to know who might be interested in which unit, at the suggested $225 for the basic and $275 for the enhanced. Perhaps a declaration of intent by PM?
    The intent is to offer them exclusively through the Prius Accessory Shop.
  3. ScottY

    ScottY New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    2005 Prius
    First of all, I gotta say, eflier great work on the CAN-View!
    I am sure MANY of us will be interested in this, at least I m!
    Can you explain what features the basic and enhanced version has?
  4. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Here's some promised pictures. If the pictures don't appear in the right place its because I don't know how to show them when I'm on the 'preview post' screen
    1 ) The enhanced version as a bare board[attachmentid=674]
    2 ) with the BOBIII text-video option[attachmentid=675]
    3 ) with the NTSC video converter option[attachmentid=676]
    4 ) with the case it goes in[attachmentid=677]
    5 ) the basic unit bare, assembled and in its smaller box[attachmentid=678]
    6 ) initial menu screen[attachmentid=679]
    7 ) user selectable screen[attachmentid=680]
    8 ) same showing how you can select your own options[attachmentid=681]
    9 ) what the dash looks like with the MFD removed to install the M13 cable[attachmentid=682]
    10 ) the set-up screen[attachmentid=683]
    11 ) 1 of the bar-graph screens[attachmentid=684]
  5. D0li0

    D0li0 New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    Seattle, Wa
    One of the things we've lost from page 3 was a question I possed regarding field re-programming. As I recall this was an option, but required an additional programmer. Could you explain which programming hardware is required and the type of interface it uses (comp->programmer and programmer->CAN-View )?
  6. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Both CAN-view boards have an 8 pin header to allow programming the 3 SiLabs C8051F3X series microprocessors, which must be individually programmed. You need a Windows based software module, a USB/serial programmer module and a power supply. The Silabs development kit C8051F310DK (available on the DigiKey website at US$99) gives you all that plus a development board which is probably of no use, but is still cheaper than buying the only items that you do need separately.

    Software: Among the slew of software on the included Silabs CD is their Windows based utility loader Flashutil.exe. You would download the latest object code file. Then, using their utility, load that file directly into whichever of the 3 CAN-view processors you want to re-load. Takes less than 10 seconds.

    Hardware: Their programmer module ends in a connector designed to program just one chip. If you are only ever programming the main chip, you could just clip 4 wires from their connector to the CAN-view programming header, but for simplicity, I will make a tiny PCB which plugs into their connector on one end and the CAN-view header on the other, with 2 jumpers to select which of the 3 you want to re-load.

    Downloads: In order to have a permanent and fixed location for these downloads, for user manuals, detailed CAN-view descriptions FAQ etc, I hope to get a dedicated site up and running in the next couple of weeks.

    Hope this helps.
  7. D0li0

    D0li0 New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    Seattle, Wa
    Would it be possible to add an EV-Mode (Status/Button) to the lower left corner of these bar-graph screens? The screen button could then send a ground signal to the stock input. It wouldn't need to be used but would be available for those who want to hook it up.

  8. tinspoon

    tinspoon New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
    Hi folks!

    I just swept over the thread. Sorry, I can't contribute anything to the interface-talk, for I'm not much educated in fiddling with microcontrollers, but you keep inspiring me to invest some time in further research and personal improvement :)

    Anyway: congratulations to the ones who managed to link up to the mfd and create an interface box.

    Well, I'm now one of the (surely) not too few people who would like to link up a standard laptop to the MFD and OBDII (the last seems to be easy work with a serial port on a laptop). If the interface works neatly, further projects could be taken to the software approach for what OS ever. There exist tools which would allow for an adapted screen output and easy programming, taking for example a browser based interface rooted in Java and/or PHP or CSS or XHTML or... The possibilities expand beyond any imagination!!!! I'm getting really,really wet palms right now!!!

    So, I'm at least one person who's imagination got boosted by the work of your's.
    I would gladly buy such an Interface box for laptop to MFD. Even more gladly if it wouldn't come from Sony, Toyota or any such big company

    Keep on rocking, guys. The world is looking up to you!

    Greetz from Germany
  9. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    At present, if you engage EV mode by the normal push-button mode, the CAN-view jumps to the electrical bar-graph screen and displays 'EV Mode' over the battery voltage graph. As I explained to Ron Gremban, technically its no big deal to add an EV mode screen button which, when touched, activates a reed relay to engage EV mode in the normal way. But there is no such relay in the present design. Nobody suggested that as an option and now I have 100 PCBs being manufactured to the current design. I also explained I would be interested in donating development time to help the Prius+ project once I've got the present CAN-view versions finished and selling. Give me a chance to focus on priorities first!
    Whilst a later version could have relays added, any existing version could also have modified code downloaded to present a signal to drive an external relay via one of the spare pins I have connected to one of the SCART sockets. I can add that right now.
  10. D0li0

    D0li0 New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    Seattle, Wa
    I'm sorry, I guess I'm a little anxious. I think we lost the request for that option on the 3rd page, I asked about a soft button, you said it couldn't be done via the CAN bus, and I may not have gotten a chance to ask for the external reed relay type output. I'm glad to hear this can still be done with the current version. One last thing, how many such "spare pins" are there?

    ThanX again for everything! :D
  11. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    There is one genuinely spare CPU pin connected to one SCART connector. But if the Pioneer NAV interface isn't required, 2 more pins could be freed up and used for another purpose. I gather the Prius+ would need 2 relay contacts, so I guess that's enough. The CPU pins can't drive a relay direct; you would need a single transistor even for a small reed relay. But at least there is room in the enhanced version box to hold those relays.
    (Hot glue???) But right now, other priorities.....
  12. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I don't want to intrude too much in this discussion, but I would like to add what support I can to the development of this for the NAV equipped Prius. I am presently using the ScanGage to learn a bit more about this fascinating car. Perhaps the best I could do is agree to purchase a device. I would be willing to offer my car as a test bed if that might help. I can catch the drift of what you are doing but know that I do not have the understanding to ever do something like you have done. Thanks for all you effort!
  13. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    I concentrated on the Prius-without-factory-NAV because that is what my Prius is. Without NAV, the MFD has an empty socket, which is where I plug in. That plug, being custom, has taken literally months to acquire from Japan in quantity but without it, very few Prius owners would be interested if they couldn't just plug it in.
    Now with a Prius-with-factory NAV, that socket is filled by the harness from the NAV unit. So to get external video from any source to the MFD requires intercepting the required wires in that harness and switching back and forth from CAN-view to NAV. The same problem applies in that to make it user-friendly, there now have to be both a plug and a socket, both custom. Yes you can buy 1 of these from Toyota but try buying a 100. The two different plugs/sockets mean the CAN-view box has to be different too, perhaps even larger, with different software because NAV-equipped cars have extra NAV dash buttons.
    So its not so much a technical problem as a supply/logistics one. Once I have the current 2 versions on sale, I might consider the NAV-equipped version, provided there is sufficient interest to justify the extra time/money. Several people have commented in a friendly way that the demand is probably limited to a very few enthusiasts and may reach saturation level before even a few dozen are sold. If that turns out to be the case, then I simply can't afford to create another version.
    Time will tell....and thanks for the enthusiastic response.
  14. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I understand, I recently installed the VAIS AIC-100i iPod adapter with the wrong instructions and encountered the connector you are speaking of. I would like to participate in any way I can. I will wait.
  15. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    I can only guess, but I believe the connector you are using for RGBS is the same on both types of displays. I strongly believe the only difference between the 2 displays is the bezel buttons. And from your description of your device, the buttons pushed on the bezel are broadcast onto AVC for anyone's interception.
    There are only a handful of recognized devices worldwide that would need to make use of RGBS. NAV, rear view camera, TV and DVD are the only ones I currently can think of. As long as you didn't use the NAV ID, I believe you could easily co-exist with NAV just as you have designed the system. I am guessing that in an OEM environment, the RGBS source devices render their outputs high impedence when not having actual control over the MFD. I have NAV, so I could test this theory by connecting an EGA compatable monitor to the RGBS lines and see if the output disappears from NAV when the MFD is not using NAV. If this is so, then whenever your device relinquishes control of RGBS (inactive or NAV selected), that its RGBS outputs go to tri-state high impedance. That would mean one device, both models. All you need to come up with is a Y adapter for the RGBS connector.

    Oh, and once you do all that, then you have an API to the MFD/AVC system, where an 'I Agree' killer can be added, as well as activating the speed defeat automatically.
  16. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Well DanMan32, you're asking me to speculate on what I don't have access to: a Nav-equipped Prius. Oh what the heck, let's speculate...You might examine the output of the NAV when its not selected and perhaps see the video signals drop to zero, but I suspect the NAV's low output impedance amplifiers are still connected and would impose a severe load across any external source simply placed across the NAV output. That's my guess after seeing that the Toyota reverse camera adapter that Frenchie/Brosnan used, has an analog multiplexer and another output amplifier to do its camera/NAV switch. But I may be making the wrong assumption here.
    However, I hear what your saying and if/when possible I will try to do a with-NAV version.
    As far as the MFD goes, I believe you are right in that the display part is the same for NAV and none-NAV. Part of the MFD assembly and bolted on each side are the two separate tiny PCBs which handle the MFD bezel buttons. The parts and connections are there on the standard PCBs for the missing MAP/DEST/MENU buttons, but in the without-NAV model, there are no pulses driving these spare wires, so even if you hook up your own switches to them (as I tried) there is no signal sent to check. I guess the MFD only sends these button checking pulses if it has found a NAV unit registered.
    Incidentally, the MFD only broadcasts buttons pressed if other devices need to know that button has been pressed. So for example, the DISPLAY button and all its sub-menus are not broadcast because no other device in theory should be interested.
    While we are on the subject, it may interest others that the MFD does not need any other Prius connection to function. I am using one from a crashed Prius to simplify testing on the bench and with the CAN-view connected it does everything you would expect it to do in the car. It does need an IEBUS terminator (100R) and if you press CLIMATE it gets slow looking for what it thinks is faulty A/C but otherwise, it works normally, including all the 'secret' screens, which you bring up without the usual dance by grounding a pin on M13.
    regards, Norm
  17. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    eflier, Do we live near each other? I know Frank is near by when the time come perhaps I could help if the drive is not too bad. I would go especially if there is fishing near by! I could leave my wife in Vancouver and she would be in hog heaven. I don't wish to push just to help if I can.
  18. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    I am 2 hours drive up the Fraser Valley from Frank, almost on the Fraser river. I read between the lines that you are another Prius owner who wishes I had done a with-NAV version. What I have decided to do after a request from Frenchie is modify a version and send it to him. He has told me that he is willing to hack away at it to try and get it working with his NAV equipped Prius while I am busy trying to get the basic version out there. Judging by his past postings, he has a good chance of success. However, if we run into a problem which requires me taking a scope to a NAV-equipped Prius, then offers of help from a Prius enthusiast willing to drive (and fish) will be gratefully sought. But give Frenchie some time, I'm sure he will report all things, both good and bad.
  19. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Again, I am suspecting the NAV's RGBS output goes tri-state when asleep. If it didn't, then it could not co-exist with a rear camera and/or DVD, unless the other devices intercept the RGBS and disconnect the devices behind it. Much simpler to go tri-state. I suspect the same thing is supposed to occur with audio devices connected to the aux port, but some of the third party aux devices aren't up to specs and don't go to tri-state outputs.
  20. c4

    c4 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    I doubt it... Looking at the Estima camera box that was was used by Brosnan and Frenchie, which has a NAV pass-thru, it's just an analog mux that disconnects the NAV input and connects the camera signal in its place.. Since a circuit to do this already exists and works fine, my guess is that the Prius '06 camera box will function identically, except that the camera will work in color..