I have done two recalls at once on my 2007 Prius (Water Pump and Accelerator pedal replacement). After drove off the dealer to the freeway I noticed MPG has dropped significantly normally 52 to 54 mpg but I only got 40-42 mpg (drop 10 to 12 MPG). At first I think it was Water pump because I totally forgot the Accelerator pedal replacement. The water pump is working normally (I can hear it pump after shut engine off). Now the only think for this mpg drop is the Accelerator replacement (same gas in the tank and the weather when pick up car his hotter then drop off my car). Now I had been driven the car for 200 miles after the dealer done the recalls; I can only get 42 MPG; I used to get between 52 to 54. I have not gotten this low ever before. I will bring the car back to dealer later... What do you think what could cause this problem? Is any electrical need to be removed why accelerator pedal being replaced? Thanks for all input.
They removed the batt cable to protect the car and service rep... Fill 'er up again and see if it improves after a tankfull.
Did they actually replace the accelerator pedal or trim the bottom of it? If the former, why? There's no need to. If you didn't like the feel of the pedal, after the trimming, you could ask for a replacement assembly.
I actually just did the same thing on my '04. If you look on the paper work, you should see that they also adjusted your tire pressure. They dropped mine from about 40 psi down to 36 psi. Rolling resistance will affect your MPG dramatically.
Going back to the dealer to complain about something they may have inadvertently done is going to be counter-productive. When you do a mileage reset it takes a few tankfuls to get back into the 50's just be patient, and check your oil level (2/3rd's full is perfect) air pressure and emergency brake.
Nothing relating to either of those service tasks should cause your mileage to fall. I suspect it is tire pressure, battery reconnect, or most likely just coincidence. Check your tire pressure. Make sure your parking brake isn't dragging. Other than that, reset your mileage meter and give it some time. Tom
One member suggested checking the connector on the cable located between the gas & brake pedals. I don't care what your paperwork says. Check the tire pressure. Just because the tp is recorded doesn't mean it is accurate.
Do you reset your average MPG every time you fill up? Could it be that you are used to seeing your lifetime MPG and now that your ECM was reset you are seeing what you currently get on a tankfull or two?
Yes, I reset every time I fill up the tank. I solved this problem by re-seat the black electrical connector at the accelerator pedal. Here is the thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ar-less-than-45-mpg-then-try.html#post1223141
I had a decrease when I had my water pumpS replaced, at the same time. I went from 48+ to 42+ that day and have let it run through tanks of fuel, reset the gauge a dozen times and measured using the old fashioned math method and still under 43. I will check my tire pressure, that makes great sense but I would love to know if others have had a similar issue. The replacement was on my 2007 and done in early 2012. Thanks.