Which BT phones support multiple entry transfers?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by kpauley, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. kpauley

    kpauley New Member

    Apr 23, 2005
    Gilroy, California
    I am a Blackberry owner which does not support phonebook transfers. I'm working on transfers from my laptop (another thread is covering this). In the mean time, I figured I could load numbers up on my SIM chip and put that into another Bluetooth phone and then transfer all of the numbers.

    My wife has a Motorola RAZR, but it only allows transferring one number at a time. I was wondering what Bluetooth phones out there people are using that you have confirmed support transferring multiple phonebook entries at one time?

    If you have done this and can list the model of phone you used, I can check around at work to see if someone has one of those phone models and borrow it for a few minutes. If you can step through the screens to do it as well it would be an added bonus, since I probably won't be familar with that particular phone.

  2. rutafox

    rutafox New Member

    Sep 25, 2005
    Indio, CA

    Just to load the phone book, I bought a used Sony Ericsson T616 non Verizon off of ebay. I keep my numbers in it just in case. My Prius phone is a Motorola E815 through Verizon, hence the other phone (gee thanks Verizon). I only paid $46.00 for the T616 complete. The transfer was easy.
  3. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Aug 16, 2005
    I transferred all of my numbers from a Sony Ericsson S710. I recently purchased a Samsung SGH-D600, and it only supports "one-at-a-time" transfer. The general consensus seems to be that Sony Ericsson does the best job of bluetooth integration, pretty much across the board.

    By the way, has anyone managed music player play-through to the Prius speakers over bluetooth? I managed to pair my laptop with my Prius but was unable to get the headset profile to work as a laptop sound output device.
  4. Jim S.

    Jim S. New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
    Pasadena, CA
    The Treo 650 will let you blast out the whole phonebook, but there are two big issues:

    1- If your numbers are stored like (908)-555-1212, odds are that the car will record it as |||||||||||-- the Prius doesn't seem to know how to handle a number that starts with (-- at least my '04 doesn't.

    2- If you have multiple numbers stored for a contact, the Prius will only save the first number-- it's too dumb to create multiple entries for each number on the vcard...

    Because of these issues, I only put a few of my most-called numbers into the car phonebook, and do my dialing from the Treo.