hey all, guys, any suggestions on to what insurance you use? how much do you pay? im 20 no speeding tickets. my friend suggested a site for me but haven't visited it yet. i'd like to hear from you. thanks.
Ouch! Your age will hurt you. Anyway, there are soooo many quote services out there. You either buy price or service. I am with State Farm and have always been treated well (age 46) Don't feel bad, my 19 yr old son living in Wash D.C. pays $4K per year for a 2002 liberty.
I haven't got one yet, but I am 20 years old and Farm Bureau quoted it at $1900/year for full coverage compared to the $1200/year I am currently paying on a 1991 Grand Prix. This is in Southern Indiana.
I got geico in AZ for $650 yr. but I have been driving for 34 years with a clean record. Age thing sucks but the stats are hard in the younger age groups. Geico had a decent discount for the std theft protection, nothing extra for the glass breakage sensor or any other alarm add on. The VIN had all the info on air bags and VSC, (they said) Best wishes
Totally depends upon the State you're in. For example, MA and NJ are regulated such that the State sets the insurance rates. It's pointless to even guess, even for a "rough idea".
hey, thanks guys! i can see that State Farm and Geico got a big rate, and i guess Progressive too. i've checked out http://www.oneshopinsurance.com for quotes on my car. they've given me a fair rate on my car. true to that, age matters with insurance!
hi there! you can also try to visit this site: www.netquote.com, they can quote you for free...pretty much cheaper insurance really..
Get married and reduce your rates. Naw, really. Take the local "car safety" course. I did and got 3% off. The other students in the room were there to reduce the points on their licenses but I took the class in order to get the discount. Along the same lines: do not get any moving violation tickets. Many insurance companies reward "good drivers", with good records. Stop at stops, no illegal turns, don't speed. Make certain you get a reduced rate for the safety and anti-theft inclusions on your car's policy. Definitely shop around. Keep in mind the safety of your car when selecting parking lots and parking spaces. Don't tailgate trucks. Keep out from behind trucks (thrown-up stones might crack your windshield). Matter of fact, fall back from behind any vehicle when traveling over gravel or other rough surfaces. Consider moving within walking distance to work or finding a new job that is already walking distance to work. I saved for years by being able to register my car as a "non-commuting, for pleasure only" vehicle. Good luck!