Having lunch today, my lovely wife comments: Men have is so easy during the Holidays... They don't have to wrap presents for the family, decorate the inside of the house, do crafty things, or think, they just get to sit around and enjoy... I asked her what makes her think we enjoy it, after all we have to listen to our lovely wives complain about wrapping presents for the family, decorating the inside of the house, doing crafty things, and thinking... Mars, here I come!
since when is wrapping presents the only thing that happens during the holidays?? i still have to do some of that; after i get all the Xmas decorations down from the very hard to get to attic in the garage. and hang all the outside lights (hardly any of which are at a comfortable elevation) rearrange the furniture (about 12 times because we dont have room for a tree, no matter what so figuring out what we can live with for a 3 weeks is apparently a difficult job for some) and after all that, i am expected to add several other chores that i normally dont do because "someone" is too tired from all the shopping they had to do... to be honest with ya, i would rather shop
I never know why people feel the need to do so much extra stuff for the holiday. Like, why bother with lights? And don't wrap gifts for other adults - just put them in giftbags. Etc. I understand a few extra things people probably want to do if they have kids (but even a lot of that I question. You can still have a nice time without making it a consumerist and decorating orgy).
well "I" dont wrap gifts, not even for my son. i think its a waste, so i reuse the packaging that others have given me, or as what frequently happens in my son's case, simply assemble it. but "I" am a minority amongst my family. but i do have several lazy members so i collect a few extra bags every year. more than enough for my gift giving needs. as far as the lights go...well those are for me. never did outgrow them!!
I should rephrase..."why people need to do so much extra stuff for the holiday...if they're going to martyr themselves or complain about it" (not saying anyone here is doing that, but the wife of the OP is coming close...)
I guess I should clarify... The original post was done in fun, my wife is really into crafts (she's making scrap books, crocheting blankets, etc) for Christmas. While she was doing this I was snoozing in the lazy boy, so I guess it was warranted! Besides, she knows I'm a smart @$$ and it was all in fun... We do still wrap presents for our kids and grad kids, but being empty nesters, we don't really do much for Christmas because if we need something, we normally just get it. My wife does like to decorate the inside of the house, and out tree has shrunk from about 7.5' to about 3'! I did put lights on an evergreen in the front yard, and put out the two fake evergreens w/lights that we put on both sides of the front door. But, for the most part, I'm done, my wife, she still has tons to do...
Anyway you wouldn't want to go to Mars now as they do not want natives of other planets contaminating Mars with opportunistic microorganisms to which they have no naturally evolved resistance.
When I first saw the title, I thought of The Final Frontier: A Mars Mission With No Return : NPR and http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-mars-one-way-20101116,0,3966661.story.