I just installed the TRD Corolla rear stabilizer bar on my 2005 Prius. There is a piece of rubber at the center of the car that the original stabilizer bar held in place. The parts illustration calls it a damper. The part number is 4211847010. I cannot get the TRD bar to retain this piece of rubber. Looks like the TRD bar sticks out of the channel a very small amount more than the original bar and this is why the damper will not stay in place. I can make a retainer clip and mount it to the axle channel by dilling 2 small holes and using 2 sheet metal screws. I could also hold it in place with a couple of hose clamps, but it would be ugly. What purpose does this damper serve? Can I leave it out? Will drilling 2 small holes and adding a clip and screws cause any problem? One more question since I'm posting. There is a bracket or what might better be described as a sheet metal post, near the center of the car just to the rear of the stabilizer bar. It looks pretty flimsy but the car jacks up perfectly level with it. Is this a built in jacking point? Thanks
The damper likely prevents vibration of the rear stabilizer bar against the axle housing. You could leave it out, then drive around on bumpy roads to see what happens. Yes, that post serves as the rear center jacking point for a hydraulic floor jack.
As I'm sure you noticed the original sway bar was thin and easily bent, so required the dampner to keep it from hitting the axle. The TRD bar ain't moving and as you've posted, is further away from the axle, so chance of hitting the axle is negligible. I left it out and have not noticed any ill effects.
I too installed a larger rear bar on my car and I found that the rear rubber damper fit as you described at first. Then I noticed that when the car was lowered off the jack that the bar moved inwards a little. I jacked the car back up and reoriented the rubber damper (apparently I had it upside down the first time) and it fits nicely and has never moved. I believe it also prevents squeaks, but I could be wrong. I will also add that you need to torque the snot out of the rear bar bolts or they will squeak. Good luck.
I tried getting it in place and then lower the jack but it pops out every time I lower the jack. I put it in with two hose clamps and lowered it and it pops out when I take the hose clamps off. I'm pretty sure I put it in the way it came out. The contact between the bar and the rubber is on top. Tried the other way and it just flops around, no retention at all. Haven't heard anything yet driving it. I'll probably leave it out. Thanks All.
Please tell us how you are enjoying the TRD bar. I've been reading very positive results. My concern is that this bar is not approved for the Prius and is made for the Corolla. I have had prior experiencing of "modifying" a suspension out of spec which resulted in a non-so-great accident. Therefore, just a little bit concern about putting on a part that was not intended and designed for the Prius. I called TRD up and they said they would not recommend it. How is the handling? I noted from previous posters that the steering is very direct and the car is quite neutral. I came upon very positive responses. There was however one guy who said that the 24mm TRD bar may be a little bit too much for the average driver -- and based his opinion on feeling the rear-end wanting to step out in hard cornering. This is something I definitely do not want to experience. Your thoughts?