LIE in nyc after midnight heading east out of Manhattan. 6 miles to home out of 18 miles total. Im in the center lane driving like a preacher 6 - 8 car lengths behind car in front of me, very light traffic.doing 60mph with CC. just cruising,, on my right guy zips up cuts me off with maybe 3 feet to spare. I just maintain speed. Another guy jumps the guy who just cut me off. now theres three of us. lead car brakes I try to get around left side of the guy ahead of me but he swerves left to avoid car ahead of him. I clip his left rear with my right front. Just GREAT. Him an his buddy jump out barking sheet at me. Blah Blah Blah... all in 15 seconds or less Pics tomorrow
you probably shouldve waited to see what the middle car did first and let them swerve left before you. generally the car in the front has the right of way. Or when you changed lanes, you shouldve dropped back and not sped up so he was "clippable". But that's all in the past. I'm very sorry to hear that. Take care.
Typical insurance scam. That is why I installed a DVR in my car. It is so cheap now on eBay for less than $100. You got audio/video proof when things like these happen. These guys will likely go to jails if they do this a lot....
Agree w/ ceric, sounds like an insurance scam. Be sure to give a thorough account to your agent, although it may make no difference. Bummer though--Good luck.
Bummer, again. Looks like mine did after a deer hit (though I doubt the deer was part of an insurance conspirancy, and mine wasn't driveable). Unsolicited advice--press hard for OEM parts if you can. I'd be less concerned with aftermarket parts on a Gen II (which has been around awhile) than with a car in its first model year of a redesign. My ins. co. mandates aftermarket parts "when appropriate" or something like that, and I've had to take it back to the shop again and again (and soon to be again, when a new headlamp arrives, the first--remanufactured--replacement now fogging up) to get it right. The fit of the aftermarket bumper cover didn't fit, my time was wasted, etc. You'd think it would save the ins. co. $ to get it right the first time, but their rules are *the* rules, I guess. In any case, overall this looks like it could have been a lot worse; I'm sure your car will be fine when all is said and done, big-time inconvenience though it may be. Again, good luck, and be a squeaky wheel. ~T
I'm feeling a little simple*. I can see where it looks like the other two drivers were in cahoots. But I don't understand what the insurance scam is. Was this whole charade staged so that the second car would be damaged? But then the second car needs to be repaired. What's to be gained? Does it have to do with fake injuries and civil suit? Could someone please explain just how this scam works. * What's the differene between being simple, and being stupid? You can brag about being simple.
The following is a list of some of the most common rip-off techniques put into practice. Paper Accident - This occurs when a criminal aggressively requests others in the auto repair and salvage industry to be a part of accidents that only exist on paper. Sometimes the con will include crooked lawyers, doctors and insurance agents. Most insurance companies don't investigate claims under $1,000. As a result, these claims are almost always below that amount so as not to arouse suspicion. Hit & Run - Happens when a swindler reports a fake hit and run accident to their insurance provider. Swoop & Squat - This tactic is employed by a planner who suddenly swoops in front of a car and quickly squats or stops. An accessory moves to the side of the besieged victim to keep the trapped car from swerving out of the way. The passengers in the car that abruptly put itself in front of the victim's all claim injuries that are later supported by a doctor or a chiropractor in cahoots with the others involved in the scam. Sideswipe - The same as it sounds. Where there's a multiple turn lanes at an intersection, be on the lookout for someone who takes a left turns until another car swiftly maneuvers into the lane whereas the perpetrator suddenly speeds up to force a collision. T-Bone - Carefully planned, this tactic usually conducted when there isn't anyone around who could counteract the eyewitness accounts of bogus witnesses. The scammer waits at an intersection until a car comes along and deliberately rams into it as the car passes. After the police arrive, phony witnesses (who were waiting nearby) tell the police officer the victim improperly ran a stop sign or red light. Wave - Used when there's a lot of traffic with a driving situation that includes a merge and/or "right of way". Feigning politeness, the scam artist waves to the victim, indicating that they're yielding the right of way to them. As the victim begins to go, the scam artist rapidly accelerates to cause an accident. When police arrive, the perpetrator rejects the victim's assertion that they gave up the right of way to them. Shady Helper - This could happen after an honest accident. A stranger approaches you after an accident and offers numbers to an auto repair shop, lawyer or doctor. This could be a setup. The auto repair shop often pads your repair cost, and a doctor may give you shady treatment or none at all. A lawyer may even try to convince you to sue the insurance company.