macmaster05, I don't think they're painted differently---just less light coming further into his garage coupled with the fact that they are all turned away from the light source. If he had started with the left one & then moved to the right, overlapping them in that sequence, the shading difference wouldn't be as pronounced. He could have put them out in the open too to give a better presentation. Just my take on this. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Thanks Ken for the explanation. I was thinking that... He should sell that picture as "art." Then he could make a lot of $$$ and afford to keep his wheel covers!
PRICE REDUCTION - now $29.99 each shipped for the 2 perfect ones. $19.99 each shipped for the other 2. If you're in Houston near Bush airport, you can have them for $10 less (each) if you come pick them up. Last call before I throw them in the trash.
2 perfect ones are now sold........... 1 decent one left for 19.99 shipped 1 scratched one for $15 shipped
I think I just have the crappy one left now....I'll take a better picture for ya today....they cost about $10 to ship if you want it....otherwise I'm trashing it.
I'll take it. My wife hit a curb yesterday and lost one wheel cover. She also ripped the tire. Even though the car is only a month old, I think a somewhat scratched one will work fine! Please let me know how you want the payment sent. I'm in Carlsbad, CA. BT