For sale- Scangauge II (2 available) 100.00/ea Brand new in box. Bought one and got another as a gift, and never used. Sold the blend mount and the floor mats, as well as the trim rings. PM Me for details, accepting money orders. Mike
yea i might be too if we knew what software version and if they have the x gauge thingy.. when did ya get them, that might help
Mike, it's been 2 weeks since my money order was cashed & I haven't received the ScanGauge. Please PM, e-mail, or call me. Jim.
Has anyone had any dealings with or know Michael Grzeskowiak of Buffalo? My e-mails & PM go unanswered.
I smell scammer.. never do a money order.. HEllo?... use paypal or some secure site where he can post on ebay or amazon and do a "buy it now" option if he doesn't want to do anything but cash/money order or western Union..SCAM..
What are they, $135? ...why would you not just get a new one w/ credit card, get the airline miles and not worry about it? If you were saving $500 on something that's one thing but $30-35 with an unknown person?? It's a great gadget, providing lots of utility for a small $.
Get your facts straight. They're $169.99 retail. If you find one at $135 please post links. Otherwise please don't just assume. The Cheapest brand new SGII I've seen is 144.46 at amazon where 90% of them on the net and ebay are $159.99. Even an old firmware (3.14, 3.15, 3.16) SGII are going for over $100 + shipping on ebay. Factor in the shipping cost to linear logic for firmware upgrade to 3.17 you're looking at close to $120-130 realistically by the time you get a used SGII with the latest firmware. $100 for a brand new scanguage II is hell of a deal. I've been looking for one since early August. The OP had sold one in late October so there's no suspicion of him scamming. I've contacted the OP several times regarding the sale but never got a reply so I gave up.
$145 w/ free shipping at I was off by $10!!! Ok..I'll re-phrase with different numbers...but the same conclusion: ""If you were saving $500 on something that's one thing but saving $45 with an unknown person, no Paypal, plus cost of MO and probably shipping???"" I guess $100 is a 'hell of a deal' percentage-wise, but not really dollar/convenience/safety -wise. YMMV but my SG II says not great.. Think mine was $135 at an Autozone about 1 year ago..V 3.17