This has been happening every once in a while and it has me puzzled. Sometimes my fan dosen't work and no air comes out of the vents whether on low med or high. It like the fan is broke.I will leave it on any speed and not air will come out but usually within 5 minutes or so it will start working. It happens out of the blue and I cant seem to figure out why or what conditions make this happen. Any ideas??? I am a car guy and do all my repairs but I have not ever had a car with a touch screen HVAC.
Can't help with a 2005...but on my 2010 when the "auto" button is pushed the fan won't come on until the ICE has warmed up enough to throw heat....could that be what you have.????
you're kidding right what proof do you have that this is the cause of my problem .It worked before alright and would cut out and eventually come back and work fine but recently yesterday it has stopped altogether .Has anyone else experienced this problem and is it common on this car?
I am not kidding. I'm wondering why you are looking for a complex answer to your problem while a simple answer potentially exists? Other posters have reported that the blower motor has failed. When the problem was intermittent, you might be able to verify that the blower motor was the problem by removing the cabin air filter and reaching down to see if you can spin the blades and get it to run. If so that would prove that the motor is bad. Now that the problem is solid, you can disconnect the wiring harness connector to the blower motor and provide 12V to the motor, to see if it will spin or not. If not then you will know that the motor has failed.
Patrick I respect your abundant knowledge on these cars however one cannot simply state replace x part without giving a discription of a possible solution, That being said I thank you for your insight on trouble shooting the blower. I took out the filter and while the power was on noticed no movement on the blower wheel I then I gave the wheel a slight nudge and bam it started working and then I tried all the speed settings and it continued to work fine. I shut the car off restarted and it stopped working again I then repeated the fix and left it on high speed for several minutes shut the car down and restarted and it worked this time. I noticed some slight rust on the nut of the shaft so I'm guessing it might just need a little PB blaster on the shaft. I may be totally wrong on this but I'm not going to spend money to replace the blower until it stops completely.I keep you guys updated.
I'm glad that you narrowed down the problem to the motor (vs. the AC amplifier, MFD, etc.) Certainly you can try to lube the motor shaft to see if that helps. The basic problem is that the motor lacks sufficient torque to start spinning from a standing start. If you apply some lube maybe the motor will resume normal functioning.
Thanks again I made the dumb mistake of not searching before posting It seems like toyota should have a recall on the blower and replace with a better design. I have never owned a car with such a problem.anyway Its not that pricey if it does need to be replaced AZ has two special order with lifetime warranty's for under $100 in the long run I guess its not that bad I love this car!
Why? Is it a safety issue or non-compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards? That's what recalls are for. As for blower motors, my dad's Chevy Chevette had a horrible ventilation blower motor. I think the bearings were shot a few years after he bought it. It made a LOT of noise and I'm not talking about the noise from air rushing by.
seems like old a little push was needed maybe something was blocking the fan from starting moving .are the bearings bad in the motor or the brushes I don't know but it's working fine now.
You can buy a chinese replacement for the prius blower on Ebay for just over $50! They have a lifetime warranty for whatever that is worth. I am sure you will need to replace yours soon.
If I had a dollar for every fan motor I've put in my cars, of all badges, I'd have about $5. If it has moving parts, it can wear out. Doesn't mean it needs a recall. Junk yards, recyclers have them as well.
Back from the dead its been three years and 150K later and every once and a while the fan stops. I did something earlier this year. The fan stopped so I gave it a little punch with a pencil and as usual it started then I ran it on max fan speed for the last three hours of the day at work. Hasn't stopped in almost 6 months. I'm thinking maybe dirt or something builds up in there and by running on high for a while loosens it up. For anyone who has their fan stop try this its free and has worked for me I'm currently at 255K!