Yes, I will most definitely have this device be in-field upgradable. I'm actually planning on a built-in USB interface so a user wouldn't even need a debug adaptor.
Is that a subtle way to tell us to leave you alone for now? I'm all for a low bells and whistle device. The more bells and whistles the more dollars it'll cost us.
Having the USB interface built in for the softw upgrade it is the right approach but then, the price will keep creeping up. You must know, there is a LOT of $$$ overconscientious (cheap) people out there, fighting for the nickel and dime of everything.
One of the most glaring omissions on the ScanGauge is that there is no way to update it in the field. You have to send it back! Especially considering how many bugs it has, it would be silly to not add this capability even if it adds $10-$15 to the BOM.
There have already been a couple mods published here in the Gen II forum regarding 'tricking' the Prius into thinking it's at S4. But if some would rather re-invent the wheel, go with my blessing. .
Great looking kit! I'll be waiting for the Gen III Priuscan. Hopefully you can find at least one Gen III donor in that big state. Thanks pEEf!
pEEF, Your PriuScan appears to be far more functional than the ScanGauge. Why then would you not set an asking price, even for a "kit," that is closer to the SG? Oh, let's say, $100. Sure, your selling the physical pieces, but the real value is derived from your programming and development time. I'll bet that even at $100, you won't come close to breaking even at minimum wage on your time invested.
build it and they will come.......pEEf you got me all worked up for this baby., I admire the work you have put into it. like others said, do what you feel is best, protect your time invested and charge appropriately.
pEEf: thanks for your effort - the community really apprechiates all of this!*:rockon: I am definitely IN. I would love to help you figure out your device on on a P 2010. Unfortunately I am in europe. As soon as you have kits available i am buying one - a can also do some serious soldering - also SMD! Thanks T
I'm in for one for my '05. I also have a '10 G3 and have Autera on my laptop. If Autera can see it, and the data can be gotten through the OBDII bus, I can record for you.
pEEf, Please update us on the status of this project. I'm sure many would appreciate it even if it is just to say that there has been no progress since your last post!
Work and the holidaze have pretty much put the kibosh on my hobbies recently. Hopefully I can get some good time in on it for the new year. Don't worry, I'll post when I have something. All this stuff is fun hobby for me which I definitely enjoy, but for now it's still only just that. I still have to pay the bills otherwise. I also hope I can keep it all as something enjoyable to me in the future, so I don't want to burn myself out. Happy Holidaze all!
I'm in this boat too. Mine's an '09. I've got $100 committed in my brain to one of these. If it also works on the Camry Hybrid, I've got another interested party. You could also hit up Ponoko to have the enclosures made (should anyone want a special enclosure). Make people buy the unit/kit and package it with a unique code to register a userame on a website. After registration they can get the updated software.
pEEf, both my wife & I always enjoyed watching my father in-law (he's a retired 81yr old San Diego electrical engineer that worked for an "elevator company" that had CIA contracts ) as he would work on his electronic hobby projects ... untill he moved back east. Now he's too far away to visit very often. I enjoyed giving him a hand. I ALWAYS felt that I took away more knowledge, then the help I was giving. You almost make me wish I lived in Berkley so I could be your 'Elmer' ... and move this cool project along even quicker.
I've finally had some time this week for the first time since the holidaze to start working on this again. I'll post updates here in the future.
This is subjective; but factually I can say CanView V4 is available now, mine isn't. Also, CanView is much more complex with a big screen you must mount somewhere, and the screen is a color TFT, so it may not be very readable in sunlight. Finally, CanView is relatively expensive. I wouldn't really compare my device (Priuscan) with CanView, any more than you can compare it with the ScanGauge. Priuscan is designed to be simple to use and easy to install.