I usually take my 1985 LandCruiser when I go to Canyonlands National Park and places of that ilk. (its costs more in gas than a roundtrip to Europe). But what if I wanted to go to areas that only need an inch or two more clearance than my Prius III? Just talking about ranch rods, gravel park roads with a modest crown in the middle, maybe a few small ruts. Is there an "on demand lift kit?" Like the air bag systems that are out there? I Googled and only found airbags for Prii that were supposed to improve the handling, but nothing to raise the vehicle a couple of inches. Anyone know of anything?
You should ask a suspension mechanic and see if they can customize something for you. I'm sure a good custom shop owner be happy to undertake that project. Anyways, that would make it look good! You should do something like this:
I think you are on to something. With the right hydraulics powered by the high voltage battery, you could really make a Prius jump! Keith
Yes, I would have gone the escape hybrid route, but it was out of my budget. although I love my Prius III, I might go the Escape route next.
Im curious if you reached any outcome on this. I found myself in a similar position throughout the past year and have made some progress.
Lifted over 3" inches here... ground clearance is close to 12" inches! Toyota prius lift kit with almost a foot of ground clearance
thing is, there is no way either of those Prii could handle the transition from pavement to dirt like this.. https://youtube.com/shorts/VKyx5DkbXe8 or visit an OHV location.