I've only been waiting for my Prius for 45 days. Today, a dealer called to tell me that a 2005 Black Prius with option pack BC (fully-loaded) had just arrived on the lot and that I was at the top of the list. I had to really weigh this choice...I'm practically obsessed, after calling my wife and weighing all the options ($3000 2006 tax credit va current tax deduction, Leather seats in the 2006, tire pressure sensors, wanting Seaside Pearl not Black, etc.) I decided to pass. It really hurt ot call the dealer and say no thank you, but that's how it goes I suppose. Has nayone else had an experience like this?
I turned down 2. One was the exact car I wanted, except at $3K over MSRP (yeah right!!) One was a Seaside #4. I have been #1 on the list since August, and my Jetta lease wasn't up until October. I figured, might as well and wait and see if I can get exactly what I wanted. In the end though, it wasn't meant to be. I wanted a Tideland Package 4 or 5 and ended up with a Seaside (my second choice) package 6. I'm still very happy though - and I am picking it up today at 6pm! Only 5 more hours!
MBranstein, the dealer wouldn't happen to be Classic Toyota in Mentor? That's the dealer where I have my name in for a Prius, just curious, I live in Willoughby Hills.
Absolutely - I live in Concord, but found that Classic Toyota in Mentor wasn't really interested in selling my a Prius at first. They probably looked at me and decided I was too young to purchase a new car from them. Also, I was pretty disturbed that they didn't even have a Prius to show me. Also, the sales woman was pretty uneducated aobut the Prius. Instead, I drove down to Toyota of Bedford down 271 and had a much better experience with them. They're very knowledgeable. If you're interested, I'll give you the name of the salesman I worked with in Bedford. What color are you looking for and when did you reserve yours?
I consider that cause to leave work early and take a 1/2 day. It's for both your benefit and the company's - you're not going to do anything but surf PriusChat and obsess until 5 PM anyway. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Please pm me I would be interested talking to your sales person in bedford. I am not in a hurry and I have bought multiple cars from Classic and deal with higher ups and not the general sales staff. I can tell you further in a pm.
Yes. I placed my order in October 03 (with the expectation that I'd be waiting for 2-3 months). I was finally offered a black BC package in June 04. I passed it up because it was too close to the end of the model year and it was my next to last color preference (my top two color choices were red and blue). I took delivery of my 05 Salsa Red BC in mid September 04, on the first day that the 05 model was available for sale in Southern California.
yes, i contacted a dealership in north palm beach florida inquiring about a prius with option 4, 5, or 6. his web advertizes that they dont charge dealer prep & the prices are out of the door so it sounded like a good idea, since the 2004 models i found cost as much as their 2005 counterparts. less than a week later i was told that 19 new priuses were coming in & that i was 17 on the list. he had option 4 & 5. i was told that the color available was white for both....im not a big fan of white cars --so i passed....i was feeling regret the whole time..... he called me 2 hours later telling me that one of the previous orders had changed & now there was a red salsa option 5.......so i took the plunge..... red is my fave color-- but i'm not a big fan of the red cars for some reason........i probably should have waited and gotten one of my 3 top colors..... i know i will miss the tideland pearl when it is gone next yr.....i just thought that was the perfect color for me......i also wanted option 6 ( tho it would have stretched my budget).... do i regret getting the car??? no way.......its a prius -& its up my alley..... i now see this particular dealer has recieved over 450 prii for the month of october.......if i had waited!.....but then what i do see is that the gas situation is only getting worse........i am soooo ready for this car.... the latest?? saturday the dealer called & told me my red salsa would be here on oct 10.....that would be great news....if my out of state check was ready! but now i have to wait until friday to pick up this wonderful car....... i lucked out.......really!! i live in miami...but the dealership is in north palm beach (97 miles away).... i will go to work on my scheduled time on friday.....& my supervisor......( who recently bought a car from this same dealership) will give me a ride to palm beach....( the dealership is only a block from his home!!!) so now i will save the money on my ride on the train!.......i hope that the deal runs smooth.... i have heard mostly good things about this dealer! but i guess i will have to wait & see how it goes on friday-- so wish me luck on this special journey! karen :huh:
Good luck! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has passed. My wife thought I was crazy because i've been obsessing so much lately. We've created the "no Prius talk in the house" rule lately :blink: Anyway, I'm holding out for a 2006 now. Hopefully, I'll pick it up on January 1st or 2nd. Seaside Pearl is for me - I love blue!
I swallowed hard last week and passed on a seaside (yeah ) with my package last week. There was a long silence at the other end of the phone line (Fleet Mgr.) Did I have NON-buyer's remorse 15 minutes later? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Man, this place will ROCK in January. Better lay in some more bandwidth, Danny.
So, you too are holding out for 06. This place will be going crazy 1/1/2006. I anticipate this thread would have been more timely mid-November/early-December. I also told my wife that by passing, I'm saving us money. At this point, I can't believe that people are buying the vehicles unless they have no other vehicle or they are just uninformed consumers. With 2006 right around the corner, $3000 in your pocket makes a big difference.
I passed on my Silver '05 package 6 last Friday We're in EXACTLY the same position, although I'm only waiting for the '06 car, not the '06 tax credit...
Ditto on that for me! I 'ordered' my 2005 Black or Seaside Pearl Package #6 (or 2006 equivalent #7) Prius in mid-September. It was ordered thru a friend of my husband who's getting us a pretty good deal on the car. My husband did all of the communicating with the guy, and neglected to give him my updated 'wants' list that specified that I wanted to take delivery of the car Jan 1, 2006 or later and preferred a 2006 model. We got a call while we were on vacation, on or around Sept 25, that a 2005 Black Package #6 was on its way from port to dealer, and was ours if we wanted it. I passed...I don't mind passing though. I'm not ready to take delivery of the car yet, as I have some bills that I'm working thru and expect to have taken care of completely by the end of December. edited to add: And I wanted to take advantage of the tax credits that apply after 1/1/06 as well, since it's so late in the 2005 year already as it is. What's a few more months?
We'll BUILD the thread right on through Nov.-Dec. It's a blah NFL season at best, anyway. There are a lot more of us (JMcPhee, Rancid et al) ALREADY here than I thought. Imagine how that will grow in the next two months as word gets around about PriusChat being the place to be for up-to-the-second news. The second I learned about the '06 tax break I wistfully had to re-aim my sights on an '06. No-brainer (to scufflin' folk like me). So your wife's already burned out on your anxieties, huh? Not mine. SHE gets the '06 to drive---after I lovingly break it in for her, of course---and I get her '04 hand-me-down (silver, 36K mi.). Sold our '02 two weeks ago so as to have money to pay for the '06. :blink: It'll be interesting to see how many people accept delivery in Dec.
ROFLMAO My wife is keeping her '04 MDX, and I get the Prius (trading in my 98 sebring convertible) - but she's sick of hearing about it anyway. Don't laugh at me when I get my '06 without waiting till '06.... My tax guy gets me so close to the AMT already, I don't need the credit...
My dealer gave me a call today to tell me that they had a few 2005 Seasides pkg #1 or #2 coming in. It was the first thing I'd heard from him since I placed my order a couple of weeks ago. Since we asked for a 2006 Barcelona pkg #6, I decided to pass I'm guessing they must be trying to unload the last of the model year (I hope, at least!!) Even though the offered prii didn't match mine at all, there was still a little lump in my throat when I had to say "no"
Sniff...sniff... I hear ya. I just got back from a week-long conference in Nashville. Time to catch up on the posts. I'm also hoping that we'll start to unload the 2005's and get those 06 pricing schedules and dealer details soon.
My '06 order has been in for about a month now and since then I've passed on 4 cars. There probably are enough "give me now" people in the world to dismiss a $3100 check for the give it to me today mentality. Besides, they won't see the $3100 until Feb-may of 2007. I for one am going to wait for that. I'm a little surprised they didn't make that credit retro to 1/1/05, but they didn't. Cold call your 'honest' toyota dealer and ask all about the Prius. Somewhere in there ask if the government is giving 'some special deal' and I'd guess your dealer won't know about the '06 tax credit. Does anyone here think a toyota car salesman doesn't know all about the '06 tax credit? I think they may need to 'forget' about that in order to push out a fair number of their incoming Prius inventory in the next 2 months. How bright is that guy who takes delivery of his Prius on 12/27/05? You know someone is going to. You can't drive the car enough to save more in fuel than that tax credit is going to get you. We must be closing in on a time when you could rent a car and come out ahead by buying after 1/1/06. My '06, P5, green Prius is due end of January. I hope it's sooner the better after 1/1.
In the end, it's just a car, and they are making lots of them. Why not just wait for what you want? You'll probably drive it for several years, and you might as well get something you enjoy looking at. For what it's worth, I would have turned down the black as well.
I would like to repond to the allegations that salesman do not know about the tax incentive increase and the "Guy" buying a car on the 27th of December. We do know about it, but the actual savings to an individual depending on tax bracket will only be between $300-$500 dollras which you can save in gas over the next 2 months anyhow. So everyone knows: The tax incentive is a tax break of $3150 as of Jan. 1 vs. $2000 right now. That amount comes off the top of your income claimed, therefore you pay your taxes on the amount of your income minus the hybrid incentive. Therefore, most people are going to save about $300-$500 off the actual tax bill at the end of the forms. That amount is easily gained by gas savings. Just clarifying the tax situation. Hope this helps some of you. klo2001 Dallas, Texas Prius Salesman