I'm thinking about installing some headrest monitors -so the backseat can watch movies on long trips. I haves set of grey power acoustik preloaded 8.8" wide touch screen universal headrest monitors with built in DVD players in each. It's the HDVD-9GR model. The only problem is my interior isn't grey! So I'm going to sell them, but I'm just wondering if anybody has experience with these monitors or installing them. I want to know if it's worth getting this set of monitors in the right color or should I go for a different brand or type all together. If anyone has any feedback on this subject or alternative suggestions it would be much appreciated. Also if anyone has heard of any problems arising from installing these in a prius -I'd like to know that as well. Thanks
Cmon somebody has gotta know something -I think I've decided instead of selling the monitors I have -I'm going to either reupholster them or dye them with SEM dye -please If anyone has experience with this let me know & also if anyone knows anything about installing these in the prius
Oh, wow... Are you sure you want to dye them? How much were you wanting to sell them for? I was just looking at the EXACT same thing for mine, which does have grey interior. I don't know jack about installing them, but pending figuring that out and the right price, I'd be interested in buying your set.
Also, don't know if you've seen it but there's a thread buried in here with a how-to for installing these headrest units. It won't let me link to it 'cause I'm a newbie, but if you search the forum for the terms "DVD" and "headrest," it will be in the search results. It seems to have some good tips, and if nothing else maybe someone who responded there could give you more specific details about these kinds of units.
Hey yeah I just found that link thanks alot -about selling them I'm not too sure still -I have to figure out if we want to keep this still or not -but I'll let u know if we are selling them