Hello, please :welcome: me! A new 2010 Prius Winter Gray M. Gen 3 driver.... :cheer2: Tonight I've traded In my 2005 Nissan Altima 2.5 S w/ 74,xxx miles for this 123 miles Prius... YAY I'm so excited and releived after my previous car was giving me such a hassle.. It never wanted to alinged right when I took It to the appro. shop that specializes In It. Check engine light comes on and won't go away after two sensors has been replaced and after that the car was just finally becoming a POS .. I'm 22 year old, hard of hearing w/ an iphone4. and the bluetooth in the prius is gonna be my greatest advantage of having this car.. I can't wait to go out and about and give it a whirl tomorrow... Pictures will be soon!!! Andy
lol, thanks... So anyways I haven't got through the book yet but what Is EV the button beside ECO MODE/PWR MODE. thanks
Welcome and congratulations on your new purchase. I love your color choice Follow Spiderman's two tips first and then come back later with further questions.
Congrats. As for tips, just be casual on acceleration and braking, and keep the tires inflated to specs or don't be afraid to go a few PSI over. Should have no problem averaging* 50 MPG or more. I have no idea how Consumer Reports gets only 44 average. They must hammer the car constantly. * I hate it when car companies hawk conventionals on hwy economy only : 34 MPG. Yeah, right, but only 27 average.
Welcome Aboard! The best tip I can give you is to read the forum, and use the search function (or just ask...) if you have specific questions. Enjoy!! Best of luck!
Congrats!! The Knowledge Base section of this site has useful tips (it's found under the Gen II forum for now)