We traded in a 4Runner for our Salsa Red BC and the only concern has been having enough space for a camping trip. With a Yakima Rack and a Yakima Space Cadet carrier I think we've matched or even slightly exceeded the 4Runner's cube. The mpg goes way down but we can afford to lose some considering the overall savings of this incredible car. We put one tote, the tent, sleeping bags and pads up top and all the rest in the car. It's a perfect setup and, I'll admit, a surprising one.
We used our Prius for a month-long camping trip last summer. Not wanting to wreck the aerodynamics, I insisted on going without the external luggage. We 4 were pretty cramped, but had everything we needed. And the mileage was surprisingly good! Did you try an electric cooler? You can plug it in, and leave the car "running" during the day. The fridge runs off the batteries, and the car runs for a few minutes every once in a while, turning on and off by itself. We think the Prius is wonderful for camping, and long drives.
Wow, I've got an electric cooler and it hadn't occured to me to take advantage of the Prius system. Thanks.
thrilled to hear that the prius camps well =) i am planning a drive from Florida to New Mexico, with stopoffs, and then a roundabout route back via yellowstone and other geology stops. there will be three people in the car, and we will not have outside luggage capacity - it might be a little cramped, but it shouldnt be any worse than 9 of us crammed into a van. 3 weeks of geology and prius driving = squee!
A few weeks ago, I had the honor of escorting the CEO of Toyota NA, his wife and his driver to their hotel and then to dinner. They had a 12 cylinder Toyota Century--a diplomatic-type car with lace curtains. (They were here for our Japanese Manjiro Festival). When we went for dinner I offered to drive in my Prius and they all piled in (I knew no one in THAT group was gonna complain about my car!). About the only thing he said about Prius was that it was good for camping since you can run things off it. I guess when you get to that level, it is more about administration than the products. Like me at the library, stuck all day in the office. People ask me about the latest bestsellers and I have no clue.
I don't know about the rest of you but I would not take my Prius on most of the roads that I have to drive on for camping, fishing and hiking! I kept my Ford Explorer for just that purpose. The Prius just does not have the ground clearance for the job.