ReInVolt PHEV Plan

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by bwilson4web, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Correct. I'll edit the text.

    Also correct.

    The problem is as an author, "I knew what I meant to say" but often leave out things that those not active in the area would understand. Usually, I have to read my text in reverse sentence order and even then, sleep on it.

    My thanks for these helpful points which I am adopting.

    Bob Wilson
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    In an ideal world, we would use the same traction battery capacity measurement systems used by the Department of Energy, a whole pack cycle. If we disassembled the pack, we could use the MRC989 to measure each module. But in the field our data sources are limited and we have to do with what is available.

    The usual approach is to fully charge the battery and measure the Ahr for discharge. But the Prius battery controller tries to prevent a full charge due to the risk of overcharging the best modules or on discharge, a fatal, reverse charge. The nominal full charge is 80% of maximum and 40% of minimum. But within this range, we can measure the voltage change at a given current and project the battery capacity. It isn't perfect but sometimes it is good enough.


    From a standing start at the bottom of a 525 ft. (160 m), 8% grade hill, the fully warmed up car with earlier descent charge, the brake was held and the accelerator floored. Within a couple of seconds, the ICE was running at steady speed and the brake was released. The car accelerated up the hill cresting at 78 mph indicated (84 mph true due GPS corrected from oversized tires: )
    The amount of power that can be drawn from the battery is a function of speed. But to reach a given speed, the battery charge will be drawn down. So to start with a maximum charge, we use a standing start and then look for a region of somewhat linear voltage drain. Here is the raw data:
    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
    0 time Volt IB(A)
    1 4:06:19 322.62 1.35
    2 4:06:27 313.56 12.24
    3 4:06:36 306.35 31.13
    4 4:06:44 283.20 64.96
    5 4:06:53 278.24 63.40
    6 4:07:01 274.17 62.28
    7 4:07:10 268.91 65.94
    8 4:07:18 261.44 77.70
    9 4:07:26 256.37 78.97
    10 4:07:35 252.41 80.35
    11 4:07:43 248.37 85.10
    12 4:07:52 245.51 83.61
    13 4:08:00 278.61 -21.98

    These are data points and not terribly useful. So I prepared this table that interpolates the data between each point by averaging each pair of observation to generate:
    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7
    0 time dt (hr) V(avg) IB(avg) Ahr W
    1 4:06:23 0.00235278 318.09 6.80 0.015987125 2 161.42
    2 4:06:31 0.00234722 309.96 21.69 0.050899514 6 721.37
    3 4:06:40 0.00236944 294.78 48.05 0.113839958 14 162.46
    5 4:06:48 0.00235833 280.72 64.18 0.151357833 18 016.61
    6 4:06:57 0.00236111 276.21 62.84 0.148372222 17 356.72
    7 4:07:05 0.00235278 271.54 64.11 0.150836583 17 408.43
    8 4:07:14 0.00236111 265.18 71.82 0.169575000 19 044.87
    9 4:07:22 0.00234722 258.91 78.34 0.183869653 20 281.32
    10 4:07:31 0.00235556 254.39 79.66 0.187643556 20 264.71
    11 4:07:39 0.00236111 250.39 82.73 0.195322917 20 713.51
    12 4:07:48 0.00236111 246.94 84.36 0.199171528 20 830.62
    14 4:07:56 0.00235000 262.06 30.82 0.072415250 8 075.38

    So using this data, I've calculated a conservative battery capacity:
    Column 1 Column 2
    0 dVolt -33.78
    1 dt (min) 0.990
    2 amp (avg) 73.50
    3 dV/dt -34.12
    5 Max V 294 (*)
    6 Min V (1V/cell) 114.00
    7 dV -180.00
    9 minutes 5.274866785
    10 Amin 387.7191927
    11 Ahr 6.46

    * Although higher voltages were measured, I used the highest with higher currents. If I use higher voltages, the Ahr capacity goes up, significantly.

    The 6.46 Ahr is the lower limit of the traction battery capacity. These measurements were at nearly maximum current and power draw, 20 kW, nearly 10C. In most datasheets, 0.1C discharge rates are used which suppresses the I**R effects of internal battery resistance.

    Now if we treat the 294 V as the 80% limit, then the Ahr capacity would be 6.46/.8 = 8.08 Ahr. This is possible because my re-hydration experiments have seen at least three NHW11 modules approaching this range with 7.2 Ahr:
    I have deliberately underestimated the traction battery capacity that could easily be in the 7-8 Ahr range.

    I can find no evidence that a ReInVolt pack built from salvage NHW20/ZVW30 modules suffers from the aging and loss of capacity seen in the NHW11 modules. This is based upon using the most conservative practices: 10C discharge rate; lower than maximum starting voltage and; ignoring the 80% upper charge upper limit.

    Bob Wilson
  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    • ReInVolt Capacity - there is no evidence that NHW20 modules suffer similar degredation that is seen in the NHW11 modules. Independent measurements by the Dept. of Energy, 'oldnoah' and myself have documented the loss of original NHW11 module capacity. In contrast, the ReInVolt pack has double the Ahr capacity of my fully functional, 133,000 mile, NHW11 pack. Suggestion: we, the NHW11 community, need a better method of measuring traction battery health.
    • ReInVolt Battery Electrical Quality - the module-pair balance at ~0.08 volts is less than half of my existing pack balance, ~0.20 volts even after sitting unused four weeks.
    • ReInVolt thermal characteristics - there is no evidence of any problem cooling the ReInVolt modules. The improved, lower internal resistance of the NHW20 modules significantly reduces the rate of heating compared to NHW11s under descending hill, forced charging.
    • ReInVolt case - the first case had a bolt hole misalignment and the installer of my pack reported some evidence of 'bent as if once dropped.' I didn't see it but then I didn't install it either. Regardless, case fit remains a challenge when dealing with used parts and shipping on a pallet. There was never any question about whether or not it would fit.
    Thank you David Taylor and your team. I am quite pleased with my new ReInVolt pack. The quality of these rebuilt packs is excellent.

    Questions? Comments?

    Bob Wilson
    2 people like this.
  4. hybriddriveguy

    Apr 5, 2009
    Sanford NC
    2008 Prius
    Thanks Bob,
    We struggle with the whole shipping issue at times. We have used every major trucking firm for shipping and 9.9 out of 10 are delivered without any issues. Occasionally we send one out and it is delivered off the pallet and the case appears to have been run over by the truck!:eek: In these cases, we just ship the customer a replacement and get the damaged unit back for inspection and repair. We have shipped them in Toyota boxes and had worse problems than this, but we will continue to refine the methods of packing until this is resolved.
    1 person likes this.
  5. justkyle

    justkyle New Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    Plainfield, IN
    2002 Prius
    OK, I'll bite.

    I'm way impressed with all of the data you've captured so far. I do have a few comments/suggestions, some of which I know are way unreasonable, but some may be enjoyable, or even something you've already considered.

    1.) I'm still interested in the role that temperature plays, and I mean external temperature. Perhaps 2 tests, one on the hottest day of the year, and one of the coldest (well, cold for AL) day of the year.

    2.) Any scholar of statistics would also mention that the best and truest test in this instance, would be the most hideously expensive, and that would be to compare a "brand new" as sold by Toyota (?) Gen 1 battery against a Re-Involt battery made entirely of brand new Gen 2 or Gen 3 modules. But, I'm not asking for that, for these comparisons of relatively used Gen 1 to Gen 2 should be plenty for us. In an ideal world, Toyota would provide this information for us, but alas, trade secrets keep them from doing that, despite the fact that they've licensed their hybrid synergy drive to other manufacturers.

    3.) This would finally lay to rest the whole alleged brand new battery for Toyota gen 1, or reinvolt remanufactured battery from re-involt. As for me, I'll go with the re-involt unless a better opportunity presents itself on eBay.

    4.) Ok, my final thought, and I'm done on this one: local Toyota dealer advertises "free battery checks" on their web site (it's a coupon.) Wonder if they'll claim they won't check the hybrid battery for free, even though the coupon doesn't specify.

    Other than that, my prius has been doing OK.

    02 Prius
    2010 paint job.
  6. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I've been thinking about this and what you are asking for is environmental testing of the NHW11 and NHW20/ZVW30 modules to establish:

    • aHr = F(temp, C)
    • max temp = F(temp, C) :: tested to destruction
    I'm thinking about this and though I have the equipment and skills to do first order testing, it isn't clear what benefit we derive other than to put quantitative numbers to the limits.

    There are ~54,000 NHW11 Prius in the USA minus an average loss of ~3% per year. We know from existing reports that 'heat is the enemy' and that comes from climate, speeds over 65 mph, and hilly terrain. But the existing, say 50,000 NHW11 Prius owners were never aware of these limits and simply drove the car as any other car. But assume we have the engineering data, what then?

    Many of these owners, especially those after the first owner, have no clue as to vehicle's service life. I would certainly publish the limits but they really need to be translated into useful data or guidelines that a non-technical owner/driver can use. Let me give some examples:

    1. Avoid climbing hills faster than 55 mph
    2. Draw no more than 6.5 amps from the battery for more than several minutes
    3. Climb a hill limiting the engine rpm to 4,000 rpm or less
    4. Climb a hill so the engine provides the hill climb power
    All of these rules achieve the same goal, minimizing traction battery heating. But which ones are most useful or usable?

    It gets even worse if we start spouting battery temperatures given how few even have instrumentation to monitor the traction battery temperatures.

    I abhor ignorance and am disgusted by those who seek to limit our knowledge by stopping information sharing. But if I spend the time to measure the true limits of NHW11 modules and even the NHW20 modules, is that a good use of my time?

    So let me turn the tables, if I provide you with sample sets of NHW11 modules, are you interested in measuring the environmental limits?

    I may pickup the environmental limits if I decide to restart my module refurbishment experiments. If I do, I will need some basic engineering data having to do with pressures and gas behavior inside of the modules. But that area though interesting has a lower priority compared to my 'Franken Prius'.

    Bob Wilson
  7. jk450

    jk450 New Member

    May 11, 2005
    You're absolutely right. I was wondering when someone would bring that up. There's not much to be learned by comparing a high-mileage battery to one that is supposed to compete with new packs.

    I also see a lot of problems with the testing methods (for example, no extended load testing), but setting those aside, I'll simply make this observation:

    A battery pack needs to provide both performance and longevity. Accelerated battery pack testing and aging techniques are still in their infancy, and there are many research papers on the subject. Although most manufacturers can execute such tests within a four-year period, there is intense pressure to reduce testing to a two-year period. Keep in mind that this is with millions of dollars of support: lab staff, lab facilities, test packs, test vehicles, and so on.

    So it is more than reasonable to be skeptical when a hobbyist pronounces success:

    after just two days of testing one battery pack.

    Anyone who could accomplish that would be able to write their own ticket at any battery manufacturer in the world. Unfortunately, this thread appears to me to be more of an advertisement than a study.
  8. pEEf

    pEEf Engineer - EV nut

    Sep 23, 2010
    Berkeley, CA
    2008 Prius
    All the dealer is going to do (if you are lucky) is look for DTC codes set. If you don't have MIL illuminated, they will tell you your battery is fine.
  9. Flaninacupboard

    Flaninacupboard Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2010
    Midlands - UK
    2010 Prius
    I disagree, the price differential means that reinvolt are definitely NOT competing with brand new packs.

    Bob may have gone a bit overboard with testing here (and i agree any conclusions about pack longevity, capacity and life are completely premature), i think what people really need to know is "is the reinvolt pack better than my old/dead pack?". the answer seems to be yes. end of.
    1 person likes this.
  10. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    In my line of work, this is high praise . . . 'doing too much.' <GRINS> There certainly are enough people who do not do enough. Thanks!
    If I decide to get active again in NHW11 module refurbishment, I will have to do more life-cycle testing and analysis. But I have no plans to do this on the NHW20 modules since there is no evidence they have similar problems. Based upon the 38 NHW20 modules stress tested in my ReInVolt pack, they are awesome.
    Indeed, I'm quite impressed.

    This doesn't mean I now go about abusing the ReInVolt pack with 'pedal to the metal' hill climbs and repeated descents. I couldn't stand the mileage impact! Rather, I abused the ReInVolt pack to have confidence that it is tough enough to stand up to usage that would severely stress the old style, NHW11 modules.

    Curious, I would like to know the thermal limits of the NHW20 modules and the extent that the NHW11 battery controller protects the pack from heat stress. We can look up the relevant P-codes from the Maintenance manual and I believe good Prius friend Patrick Wong has some experience with an overheated, NHW11 traction battery. But from what I have seen, a ReInVolt pack won't be nearly as easy to destroy as the readily available, NHW11-based packs.

    Bob Wilson
  11. jk450

    jk450 New Member

    May 11, 2005
    Not to state the obvious, but yes, they are clearly competing with brand new packs, as they are both offering potential solutions to the same problem.

    Indeed, Re-InVolt explicitly compares their used packs to Toyota's new packs, advertising on eBay:

    We are so confident that we are building these packs to be as good as a new battery pack that we are selling them with a full 1 year repair or replacement warranty. This is the same warranty Toyota offers with their new, $3000-$5000 replacements.

    from: 01-03 Toyota Prius Upgraded HV Battery Pack - eBay (item 140479695717 end time Nov-27-10 11:02:04 PST)

    (Those who are familiar with Gen I battery pack pricing know, by the way, that a retail customer can walk into the average Toyota dealership and buy a Gen I battery pack for around $2200, and in some cases less than $1900, well below than the inflated claim of $3000 to $5000. But such advertising is perhaps a subject for another thread, no?)

    In other words, if you need a Gen 1 battery pack, you are unlikely to find a working pack in the junkyard at this point. You could, of course, purchase one from Toyota. Or you could purchase a pack built out of used Gen II modules, which will cost you purchase price plus shipping.

    But a vendor of Gen I battery packs made from used Gen II modules cannot offer a new pack. Hence, they have to set a price point, including shipping, somewhere below the cost of a new battery pack, to compensate. I doubt many folks would buy a battery pack made from used modules, no matter what generation, for the same price as a new one.

    I strongly disagree, but carry on.

    Let's back up. According to you, one cannot make any conclusions about "pack longevity, capacity, and life" from the testing (which is true), yet you think the testing "may have gone a bit overboard"?

    Aren't you're setting the bar awfully low? After all, any working pack is better than a dead pack, even if it works for just a couple of days. And you can't evaluate a battery pack in two days of testing.

    No. If testing has not determined expected pack longevity, then the answer is "we don't know".
    Pristina likes this.
  12. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    I usually suggest folks ask for a print out of the module voltages to at least get a clue to the pack balance. It is far from perfect and to a great extent limited by what the car can read out. Still, it is better than just lookin' for error codes.

    What seems to work best (or less bad) is to help folks with a ScanGauge. Not perfect, still it is the best of thin set of choices.

    Bob Wilson
  13. Flaninacupboard

    Flaninacupboard Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2010
    Midlands - UK
    2010 Prius
    I don't think i was clear, what i meant was that Bob is trying very hard to do testing (and has come up with some non-controlled, fairly convoluted procedures) which ultimately won't prove anything. His car is not a lab, and his single battery is not neccesarily representative of the prodcut.

    More clearly: Bob has done lots of testing, and it was pointless.

    Also, Bob has a car worth maybe $5,000. if his battery is dead, it's worth essentially $0. If he wants to sell it, or at least get one more year from it, a reinvolt pack makes GREAT sense.
  14. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Understand, I have measurements:

    Galileo: The Telescope & The Laws of Dynamics
    Until anyone has better measurements, I really don't care. It is the difference between thinking from the ignorance of the 'dark ages' versus empiricism, the age of enlightenment.

    If you have better data, trot it out. That is what "Skin in the Game" means!

    Nothing in the universe can separate someone who volunteers to believe nonsense versus those who in contrast choose the meter movement of an instrument. I prefer the instrument and leave those who wish to believe 'wishes' to the hell of their own making.

    Do I need to make it more clear?

    Obviously, we've laid our cards down and . . .

    When I read this:
    I considered it high praise . . . and still do. But I didn't realize it was the same dogma, the same call for ignorance and censorship that condemns those who make measurements. I didn't realize that this was a complaint about someone reporting what they observed. I had greater expectations but am not surprised.

    Bob Wilson
    Pristina likes this.
  15. jk450

    jk450 New Member

    May 11, 2005
    I agree. it looks like it was a lot of work, and kudos to him for trying. Unfortunately, the data looks to be pretty much unusable at this point.

    True. However, he could have designed test procedures that yielded some useful data, no matter how minor, which could be compared to data from a new Toyota pack. But the test procedures chosen, combined with the conclusions drawn from the data, suggest to me a lack of understanding of how battery packs function, as well as a lack of understanding of testing procedures in general.

    True. I think the sheer length of the posts on the testing, coupled with the graphed data, tends to lead some folks to assume that "there must be something there." But there isn't.

    I agree. Given that the used battery he just purchased has a one year warranty, he would be risking very little. Of course, most folks who purchase a battery pack, new or used, will want theirs to last longer than one year, regardless of warranty.
  16. Flaninacupboard

    Flaninacupboard Senior Member

    Apr 25, 2010
    Midlands - UK
    2010 Prius
    This is one thing i hate about the internet, i can never get get my message over well enough. You're entirely preaching to the converted, empirical science is definitely my bag, and as jk450 says you do deserve kudos for getting out there and doing something, and indeed telling people about it. However, what galileo did was basic observation of a system over which he had no control, and no one else on the planet had any detailed working knowledge of. You're trying to make obsevations on a system you potentially could control (and which other people know only understand intricately but actually designed), but are not doing so well enough to yield useful or repeatable results. If you submitted this as a paper to a peer reviewed science journal it would be rejected. I'll be adding an Enginer pack next week, and i'll be reporting my findings (what my mpg increase is, how many kwhs have been used for charging, etc) but i -won't- be presenting them as absolute conclusions about that product for every driver and situation.
    When you ask "any ideas for other tests, or other people out there doing tests?" you perhaps feel that the rest of the audience is stupid because no-one pipes up. However, if i say "purchase 100 reinvolt packs and 100 toyota packs, connect them to load banks and chargers and run an accelerated program of high current charge and discharge cycles, with capacity checking every fifty cycles" i don't expect you can do it. This is at absolute odds with your testing on rehydrating modules, where you had a bigger sample set and obvious results. that was good work.

    In my day job i am a data analyst, so i do always take the time to read your commentary and your charts (same as dan2l with his PHEV data) and don't always reach the same conclusion as you. But i will keep reading.
  17. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    For some reason I feel like I want to look for a path somewhere along the unscorched middle ground between these recent posts.

    So, we try to learn stuff about the nature of the world by making measurements, but those measurements are always samples. We try to infer from the samples what the reality is like, and we have to put error bars/confidence intervals around those inferences. When we have only a few coarsely controlled samples to go on, we have to leave those intervals really wide, so wide perhaps that they include a small probability that ReInvolt packs are worse than 8 year old NHW11 packs, as well as a larger probability that they're better, and if we had to place a bet right now we'd put it on better. More precise or confident conclusions have to wait on more data.

    In working something up for publication, that would all be calculated based on probability distributions that get taller and skinnier the more measurements we have ... with the automatic result that the error bars close in, and conclusions get more certain, as more data come in. Even informally and with no math, that's a pretty intuitive idea.

    I once watched a mechanic work on a car of my dad's that wasn't starting. He turned the key 3 times in a row and the car never started. After fixing what he thought the problem was, he started the car 12 times in a row before he returned it to my dad as fixed. I do not think this mechanic had been to college, or taken a stats class, or that he knew he could decide what % confidence he wanted that he had really fixed the car and then use the binomial distribution to figure out how many good starts in a row he would need to be that sure. But he had pretty much the right idea intuitively, and if you do the math his choice of 12 starts gives a pretty reasonable confidence figure. (I did work it out several years ago but I don't remember the number.)

    Obviously, Bob's work so far has been limited to collecting and reporting measurements along with how he's obtained them. The data set is small, nobody's done the work of putting confidence intervals around any conclusions, and at this point nobody would really bother because until a bunch more measurements have been contributed to the data set, the intervals would be really wide anyway.

    Granting Flaninacupboard the best possible intentions, that might have been the idea behind pointing out that Bob's car isn't a lab and the measurements aren't necessarily representative. Ok, that's fair, and doesn't necessarily brand Flaninacupboard as a benighted anti-empiricist.

    On the other hand, people don't always have the luxury of avoiding all conclusions until 99% confidence is attained. Decisions pretty routinely get made based on whatever data can be used at the time they need to get made. It's not unheard of to run an experiment with less statistical power than one that could be run if the budget were larger. There aren't many people who have been adding to the available data here as consistently as Bob has. If the confidence intervals are still wide, they'll naturally narrow with the collection of more data by Bob or anybody else - and that's a way that anyone concerned about the sparseness of the data so far could obviously contribute.


    ... I see that in the time I took to write this some more posts have crossed, and I'd change a couple things if I started over, but this is still close enough to what I'd say....
  18. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Well let's see what 'pointless' means:
    • NHW11 pack - the weakest module pair in the NHW11 pack measured ~3.5 Ahr. This is consistent with the values 'oldnoah' measured with his pack modules. I will be keeping these modules for the next phase.
    • ReInVolt pack - measured a conservative, capacity of no less than 6.5 Ahr. The likely value is on the high side of 7-8 Ahr.
    • Similar cooling - the NHW11 module pack showed a steady 1C/10 minute cooling rate at 10V fan voltage which appears to be a similar cooing rate as the ReInVolt pack
    • NHW20 modules - significantly better constructed than the NHW11 modules with improved terminal seals
    • Toyota reports - NHW20s have lower internal resistance which reduces I**R heating
    If you have better facts and data, trot them out.

    Bob Wilson
  19. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Bob,

    Now that the Re-InVolt battery pack has been installed in your 2003, do you note any driveability or mpg difference?
  20. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    No difference in ordinary driving. I got the car back at noon last Saturday and did my initial set of tests. Then workdays Monday and Tuesday were in the upper 70s, mild, and I was seeing normal mileage in the middle 50s. Wednesday a cold front arrived and drove the temperatures down to the 40s and 50s. Friday was a workday and normal cold weather performance using my neighborhood warm-up profile.

    Acceleration was as before, somewhat muted by the larger diameter tires and the weight of two battery packs. Randomly monitoring the Blo and Bhi with the ScanGauge, the car has behaved normally with the difference running ~0.1 V whereas the original pack was ~0.2 V. But the original pack had been at this ~0.2V difference for as long as I've been able to monitor.

    The only detectable difference was in maximum acceleration going up Brindley Mountain from a standing start. The car reached 78 mph at the top without running out of battery or showing turtles. Previous maximum hill climb speeds had seen traction battery exhaustion at the crest. This is a significant improvement although not likely to be repeated. I had long ago learned that hill climbs should be at 55 mph, completely engine powered, and that remains my practice. <grins>

    Not widely known, there is a period of about 40-45 seconds when the car first starts when cold that with modest acceleration, it runs mostly on EV power. This is the time it takes for the catalytic converters to reach operating temperature. This 40-45 second window is just enough to reach 35-40 mph while the ICE fuel consumption holds steady at 0.60 GPH. A warmed up ICE would burn 1.5-2.0 GPH to reach the same speed. Both traction batteries easily handled this modest power demand.

    At work I park near the exit where I can watch for on coming traffic before starting the car. When I see a break coming and no one in the way, I start the car and smoothly pull out and accelerate to 35-40 mph before the cats light off. This often gives an initial MPG of 40-42 MPG and a slight drain in the traction battery SOC indication. I see no difference between the NHW11 and ReInVolt pack state of charge indication.

    Once the cats light off, the lowest fuel consumption during warm-up is ~0.30 GPH in "N". If in "D" and stopped it will often burn ~0.60 GPH to recharge the depleted battery. Warm-up is an area where the NHW11 pack may make a difference.

    Bob Wilson