It means we have food to eat. :thumb: Find something your usually NOT thankful for and turn it around. Then share it. :yo: Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
A wonderful idea, anytime of the year. I'm thankful for having on bi-weekly occasions to fill the Prius gas tank; about 90% of my driving is the daily commute to/from my job. I'm happy that earlier today I had to work a snake 15 ft. down the bathroom sink drain to clear a hair mat because Balamer's antiquated, decrepit water/sewer system is working and, for now at least, DPW is not digging up the roadway anywhere on our block.
I am thankful I only have to clean the dirty dishes today... I didn't have to make em dirty with all that cooking and prep too. ...
I am thankful for the power for the dishwasher to wash the dishes. (Power was off Monday and most of Tuesday with flickers on Wednesday!) And thankful that the tree has not gone into the house (like neighbors!)
After being off all week I am not going to be thankful for Monday morning, but I am very thankful that I have a very good job. I am also very thankful for faith, family and friends.
I am thankful for the technically illiterate that post ridiculous questions and then criticize the answers. It gives us something to laugh at, and a good use for tinfoil. Tom
i'm thankful my family had other places to go for thanksgiving.......... this way i didn't have to drive through the holiday traffic
I've just returned from a 10-day silent meditation retreat. I am thankful for physical discomfort and pain, for it means that I am alive, experiencing the moment, and that I have the choice as to how to respond to these sensations. I'm also thankful for the ability to talk
I'm thankful that my dad is my next door neighbor. I eat at his place and DONT have any dishes to wash