We have owned a 2010 Prius for the last seven month and are now just finding out about the possible EMF issues with the high voltage power cables under the back passenger seat. So recently we purchased a Trifield EMF Meter and used it to determine the EMF levels in our Prius. The results were very concerning. The back right side rear passenger seat was the highest reading in the entire vehicle. We are getting EMF number in excess of 100 Gauss. In do my own research I found that this number is not good for humans especially for children. Anyone have the same issues with there Prius 2010?? Thanks!
(emphasis above mine) I know nothing about the above meter but from a quick search, I found Trifield® Meter. It seems impossible the meter could read 100 gauss if the meter only reads up to 100 milligauss. There was http://blogs.consumerreports.org/cars/2010/08/mythbuster-emf-levels-in-hybrids-.html on the 2nd gen Prius.
For anyone too lazy to read cwerdna's link in the above post, the study found much higher readings in many conventional cars than in the Prius, and concluded:
The Trifield meter is a piece of junk; sorry you wasted your money. Real field meters, which cost $10,000 and up, have shown that the fields in a Prius are comparable and sometimes lower than those in ordinary cars. If you are worried about EMF exposure, concentrate on your house and wireless devices, not your Prius. Tom
Recently there has been a number of these EMF threads popping up, each mentioning the TriField meter by name. Is it possible that these are nothing more than shills trying to generate interest in this device? Tom
Back when I was doing EMI compliance testing, I had to use several hundred thousand dollars worth of Hewlett Packard Test and Measurement - now called Agilent - VSA's, MSO's, etc. A single scope easily cost $50,000 without options Imagine how much further ahead I'd be in my career right now if I had the handy little Tri Field Meter! Why, I could even detect ghosts! And a common theme from these Tri Field Meter nuts, they always concentrate on the DC power cables. Think about that The DC power cables I hope the moderators don't delete this thread. It's entertainment value is beyond belief. And to those who genuinely don't know anything about radiated power and exposure, Consumer Reports recently tested a bunch of cars The Chevy Cobalt had much higher readings than the evil Prius. Perhaps ghosts are attracted to the Chevy Cobalt
Well, it's not surprising. It has "Cobalt" right in the name. It's probably Cobalt 60, which explains all of the radiation. Tom
This EMF ghost had been detected by a few people with their tri-field meters and busted every-time, yet they keep coming back, even revived from the dead like this one. Amazing! These guys must be Tri-field meter salesmen.
More importantly, favorite people not heard of from a long time! How are you doing??? Last I read, you' all where headed to the DC area. Your other half doing 'medical instrument repair' and you were where going to do something good too (although a little imprecise.) <GRINS> So where are you' all at and how is life treating you? Bob Wilson (and a host of well wishers!)
I wonder if people so paranoid about EMF as to go buy a meter when they could likely borrow a better one from a library or such, have ever tested their electric blanket or the electricity wires that run between the power points either side of their bed head for EMF? Let me see, an hour a day in a car or 8 hours a night in bed, where would I get more exposure?
I enjoy pickled onions too!! I once gave a passing thought to going into pickle production in Snowtown South Australia. I wanted to buy the old Bank SA and managers house along side and make pickled onions and gerkins in blue barrels in the vault of the bank. I was going to call it Snowtown Blue Barrel Pickles. [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowtown_murders]Snowtown murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]