Today marks my first year with my Prius Gen3. Almost zero problem so far. I say "almost zero' because the only thing that bothers me is the rattling noise coming from the center console near the cup holder area. It is only audible during cold winter weather. Fortunately, I have no "Prius run away" experience or what-so-ever. I am very happy with it especially with the gas consumption figures. First year maintenance cost is also $0 because the dealer gave me a few free oil change with the purchase. Score: 9 out of 10. :cheer2:
I experienced the same rattling noise from the center console area when I got my Gen III last fall. The noise went away completely after I inserted a small piece of folded up felt (fleece?) fabric into the narrow space between the front half of the console and the back half with the armrest. I recall getting the idea after seeing someone post a photo on Prius Chat of the same do-it-yourself fix to this problem. I can't find that photo now, but there are several threads on this topic. Btw, my Prius also turned one year old recently and I'm very happy with it as well
I too am comming up on 1 year and have had a similar experience (minus the free oil changes). This is my first Toyota and I have enjoyed every day (except durning all the hullabaloo in January during the height of the Anti T frenzy). Through it all though the car brought me joy and became the envy of my friends and co-workers who still can't believe I pay $80.00 / mo for fuel. My Prius has been to beaches, on vacation, around the state 3 times and never have I wanted another ride. For that I am truly Thankful!
Congrats! Feel free to post your first year mileage in the first year mileage thread for newbies to refer to.