As most of you already know, I love my Prius. I want to keep her clean and in great shape, that's why I go out of my way to make sure every inch is clean, and protected. Unfortunately, they're some places I can't open and clean with a microfiber towel. I heard that E85 is a SUPER clean burning gas, and that it actually can clean your engine and knock all the dirty stuff out. It supposedly can clean your engine so much, that it might even harm it because of all the gunk it knocks free. My Prius has 73,100 miles, I am up for anything that will make her cleaner, and run better. Today, I put $17.00 of Premium fuel in her, that mixed with the 4 gallons of regular gas I already had, I planned on maybe putting in a gallon on E85 with the regular or premuim. Any thoughts? - Austin
Why would you put $17.00 of Premium gas in the tank? It is not better gas. It contains no additional cleaning agents. The only thing that Premium contains that Regular does not, is additional "anti-knock" compound. This keeps high performance / high compression engines from pre-igniting and "knocking." While I appreciate what you are attempting to accomplish, save your money for something else. Ethanol? I don't know that it cleans your engine any better than Regular gas either.
If you have changed oil regularly, there is no crud to knock out in that engine. Put in 87 octane and drive it.
Ethanol does burn cleaner than non-ethyl alcohol containing gasoline. I doubt it actually cleans the engine, but it may have a minor effect. As you are in the US, I'm told your fuel already has about 10% ethyl alcohol in it, so you are wasting your time mixing up a cocktail for the car. Unless you just want more alcohol in the fuel. According to your owners manual you can use gasoline containing up to 15% ethyl alcohol. Putting in too much E85 will get you above that. Whether that will cause problems or not is debatable (and there is much debate on that even on this site). I like to believe the Toyota engineers in these matters.
Well, It's been known to dislodge crud in the fuel system and engine causing the fuel filter to clog up. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to try to maybe clean it out. As for premium fuel, I won't be putting it my car any more.
Yeah I actually think the manual says no premium fuel for the prius, but to use 87. on my Mini CooperS (BMW) it says the MINIMUM fuel to use is 91premium, so I think you are safe with the cheapie gas. We have never put prem in our other prius.
What about seafoam engine / fuel treatment? If there were any dirty fuel injectors or sludge buildup in the engine seafoam might help. But it's really intended for high milage engines and I'm new to the prius, I don't know how that would effect the bladder in the tank or the internal sensors. Has anyone tried seafoam in their prius?
My main concern would be the fact that both premium and E85 have very high octane ratings compared to what the Prius is designed for. E85 is typically thought to have an approxmate octane rating of 116. Mixed 50% with premium gas, with an octane rating of 93 inexact math gives you a combined 104 rating. As the octane rating is a measure of how hard it is to combust the fuel mixture, and the Prius is designed for 87, I would not do it for concern that the engine is not designed for fuel that is so hard to ignite.
On a related subject, out here in Idaho, at 5000+ ft elevation, we have 85 octane (not E85) fuel as well as 87 octane to choose from. I have been running the 85 since it is meant to improve performance at higher altitudes, and also because I've read that lower octane fuels actually contain more energy per gallon than higher octane, but they burn faster in normal engines, resulting in less efficiency, something which the prius' engine cycle eliminates. Is this true? Or should I change back to the less expensive 87 octane gasoline?
Well, I guess it just depends on what your needs are. If 87 is cheaper and your Prius performs just fine with it, then all the power to you, however, if you think your Prius runs better with 85 octane at those heights, then I'd stick with it. I can't really summarize what you should do seeing how I don't know how the Prius performs in your conditions.
Well, I was at O' Riley Auto Parts today to get some "Goo Gone" for Brads Prius. (I told him I would get some tar spots off his rims because I'm a saint. HAHA!) and while I was there, I asked a man if E85 really cleaned out an engine because it's so much cleaner and his response was "Yes. E85 is a very clean burning gas. It can dislodge build up, or gunk. If you really want to try this with your vehicle, expect possibly having to replace your fuel filter." I said "Oh...well what are the symptoms and how much would a fuel filter cost for my Prius?" His response was "Symptoms will be either your engine just shutting off, or your car will have less power, almost like it's starving for gas. A fuel filter can run for about $11.00 to $15.00." Then I thanked him for his time and left. The E85 only appealed to me simply because it cleans out your engine. Eh. I might try it and I might not.
The Prius fuel filter is located within the fuel tank, so if the filter was clogged you would have to replace the fuel tank. Unless you seek to make trouble for yourself, I suggest that you stay with Toyota's recommendation and use only 87-octane name-brand gasoline.
This is madness. Stop putting premium in a Prius. Do not put E85 in a Prius, it is not designed to run on it. Don't do it. OK, ignore the advice to the contrary. Put it in. While you're it, why not brush your teeth with mr clean. If it's good for a floor it must be good for your mouth, right?
Cmon now. That guy at O'Reilly must know what he is talking about. More so than the folks at stupid Toyota.
It's not only a fuel filter. You have to replace the entire fuel line parts with E85 certified ones. Toyota engine is designed for only up to 10% of ethanol (E10). Ken@Japan
Oh. Okay, okay. Everyone chill out, hold your horses. I will put regular gasoline in my car lol. It was just a thought.