I was thinking that a good tutorial would be to have a split shot screen with a camera focusing on the road and another on the Prius display. Probably the one with the long eco bar. The driver could also be narrating on how he/she lets go of the pedal when achieving a desired speed. Maybe also how to handle inclines and declines. Anybody seen anything like this? I would do it, but I'm still a rookie. Just got a couple hundred miles on my Prius.
There is a thread in here with a link to a nice video with exactly what mentioned in the OP. I cannot find it anymore, but it is in here someplace... sorry cannot help more.
You hypermilers are a bunch of nuts! The difference between 50 mpg and 55 mpg at $3 per gallon and 15k miles per year is $82 per year or $6.83 per month (a top-shelf beer at my golf club costs at least $7). Get a life people. Just drive the car and enjoy it.
And, if everyone in the United States made the effort to reduce their gasoline usage by 10%, we'd reduce our total usage by more than 13 billion gallons per year. At $3 per gallon that would be approximately $39 billion (or 5.6 billion top-shelf beers at your golf club)
Not to mention why most of us bought a Prius in the first place -- to get the best gas mileage we could get!
Jimmy jimmy jimmy, no reason to jump on others if their viewpoints are not in line with yours. Personally a beer at at a golf club is wrong in so many ways, but you don't see us bashing you for that statement. Do your own thing and let others do theirs. Go suck on a beer and chill out.
I thought I would get flamed on that one. Our household is very green, we own two hybrids! The other is a Lexus RX400h, it may only get 28mpg but that is darn good for a 4300# SUV and it's emissions are very low. I prefer my BMW which gets terrible gas mileage but it's a lot more fun to drive. harry! Golf, beer, wrong? What planet are you from? Tralfamador?
As an addendum. Our current 3 cars burn approximately 713 gallons per year combined. Our previous 3 cars burned approximately 1416 gallons per year combined. That's a 50% decrease in our consumption (and our cost). I think we're doing our part. My BMW is part of both groups but I'm not giving it up.
Jimmy, i was mearly commenting on your attack on another prius chater. I kinda think it was rude to say what you said, thats why i commented. I never challenged your commitment to be green. don't try to take me in that direction. I was trying to be light hearted. as Prius owners we all take being green seriously, while we only have a new prius, we do have a 3kw PV system on the house and am in the process of upgrading all our appliances as time and money allow. as for golf, I personally think its a waste of real estate, waste of water, a source of polutants with the fertilizer they use and its run off. The only positive is the green plants and their usefulness and maybe an outlet for funny cloths. as for beer, in moderation, not bad but many cannot moderate so we have drunk drivers on the road daily. Dam now you got me dissing others,...lol enough said. this is a waste of time and space in this serious website. to each their own, just so long as we support each other in our endovours. Happy Holidays.
And yet you went ahead and clicked the Submit button anyhow. As it is, I'm not sure that I see where you "get flamed". Nobody resorted to name calling or indicated that you were "nuts" and nobody made any derogatory remarks at you or told you to "get a life". I suppose harry_r suggested that you "go suck on a beer", but seeing as you had already indicated your interest in the beverage, It doesn't seem that was intended in an insulting fashion. It was all very civil and reasonable, I'm sure.