I was wondering where exactly a person might get the Lexus badges for a '10 Prius....... I've Googled until I'm cross-eyed, it seems, with no luck... I saw them on a pic of a black Prius that had an Aimgain kit on it, but don't know where to buy them. Thanks!!
I love mods but I think putting a Lexus badge on a Prius is stupid, even for Aimgain. 1) it isn't a Lexus 2) what are you trying to prove?
The first place to look would be at a Lexus dealer's parts department. The next would be salvage yards. And I guess there's always Midnight Auto...
I just wondered if Lexus emblems were the same shape as the large-ish ones on the Prius, so that they'd fit right into the spots perfectly. I know it may seem crazy to some, but I get asked the question ALL the time, "What in the heck is that car you're driving?" And, I've always liked the "badgeless" look, but you're left with holes wherever you take off the emblems, which I don't want to deal with anymore (maybe in my younger days)..... So, I thought it would be fun, especially since I'm sinking money into completely new headunit/speakers/rear speaker box, wheels and tires, and a bodykit, to REALLY throw people off-track with Lexus emblems. I've owned several of them in the past, so it would seem right on track for me to have just bought another one, but nobody will have any clue what it is. It's not because of vanity or wanting to impress anyone, so don't think that. It's just out of fun for everyone I know. When I saw the AimGain Prius with the Lexus badges on it, I just thought it was PERFECT. Exactly what I was looking for... I just don't know where to find ones that fit where the current badges are.....
It's actually spelled poseur, and it's a real word in the dictionary. Look it up. You can sink money into the body kits, rims, sound system, etc etc. It'll look awesome. But unless you've installed a single part made by Lexus performance, it's stupid to boast Lexus' name. As the Gen III design gets more and more popular you won't be fooling anybody.
I have a friend that modified his Nissan emblem to read Henway.....he has so much fun with this.....when asked what is a henway......his answer is "about 1/2 a pound"
Stop hatin' on the man! It would kinda be funny in an ironic way as long as it was done well. It would also look a hell of alot better than one of those fugly, 35mpg Lexus HS'es.
Can you say E-Bay and for $6.99. Just trim off the pins and use the 3M tape and see if it covers the holes. I've seen this done on a Toyota Sienna and the Lexus emblem looked rather nice. It's still not a Lexus but it does make people wonder. Also I read once that a VW person got out of a speeding ticket because the police officer :mod: wrote the ticket saying the car was a Porsche because of the 944 emblem that was added to the back. Oh, I just saw that modded Prius Aimgain and your emblem could be the start of something wonderful.
It's backwards thinking. In Japan just 5 years ago there was no Lexus. Lexus models you see here were branded as Toyotas. I thought it was the coolest thing when I saw it. Lexus just represents an American obsession with class, and you're doing a perfect job of perpetuating that idea. I would love to do the opposite of you. I would take a car like a Lexus IS300 and debadge it and stick on a Toyota badge, representing the Toyota Altezza. That's the true model, the true JDM way to go. It's less boastful but like it's Japanese twin, can still roar your pants down. Car enthusiasts would recognize and appreciate that more. It's not a pretentious wannabe.
I've searched on eBay for weeks, sent messages to the different sellers, etc... The problem is, the indented area for the emblem on the Prius is about 6 1/4" wide by 4 1/4" high (or 160mm x 110mm)... Most other emblems are all significantly smaller....and they don't come with a background....just the "L", or whatever symbol the particular emblem uses. It wouldn't work to put another emblem on the blue "T" background, as it has the "shadow" of the "T" on it as well. So, I'm having difficulty finding one that fits that large of an opening. I don't care if it was a Polo symbol, or an alligator for Izod, or just whatever. I just have never liked the emblem on Toyota vehicles. Never disliked them on previous makes of vehicles. Then, when everybody began questioning what kind of car it even was, the time seemed right to go ahead and get an emblem (FOR FUN) that would throw everybody for a loop, PLUS I wouldn't mind looking at... It has nothing to do with vanity or "posing". I always modify my vehicles to make them mine. I wrote the check for them, the titles are in my name, so I'll put a camper and a gun rack in it, if that's what I want to do. None of that has a darn thing to do with POSING. Don't know how such a simple question got so misconstrued... It could be a badge with my chihuahua's picture on it. I just happened to ask about the Lexus one because I liked the way it looked in the pictures I've seen online...
I first heard it in the form of a HenDo warning on a Good show (mid-50's). "Strong HenDos coming from the west, with a HenDo gale warning possible..." What's a HenDo? Lays eggs Wal, Lays eggs