I have Sirius channels (3) on my 2010 Prius. After the free listening period I didn't want it. Now I can't get rid of the loud commercial that comes up on each channel when I change modes. It's at least 30db louder than the other modes and rattles on and on about how great Sirius is. It's most annoying! Can someone please tell me how to turn off these 3 Sirius cnannels? No dealer has been able to help me.
I suppose that's the price you pay for the "free" trial. Why not try disconnecting the sat radio unit? I believe it's located under the driver's seat.
I thought the Prius only had XM and not Sirius. When I had the free trial and tried to tune in Sirius channels listed on the satellite radio line up but couldn't. Also I thought the satellite radio is built into the nav unit and not a separate unit under the seat. BTW, if your free trial is over, why are you still listening to it?
The only time my sat radio comes on is when I push the sat button. I believe there are 2 live channels after the subscription expires--weather & ads.
Along these lines, I did not think that SAT would even be selected when you use the audio MODE button to toggle through the selections, AM, FM, SAT, etc. if you do not have any channels pre-programmed. Have you deleted your pre-programmed channels in SAT? Is your SAT tab at the top of the audio screen dark, indicating pre-programmed channels or gray, indicating no channels programmed?
pre programed channels becomes channel 1 after trial expires. At least that's what happened with mine.
Thanks. I'm going to ask a dealer to do this for me. at 83, I don't get on my knees very well! Pleasantp
Thanks for your reply -- but I'm afraid you didn't read my post very well. The trial period is over, but I still have 3 channels of Sirius that blast away with Sirius advertisements whenever I cycle through Am-FM-Cd with my mode switch. I am most certainly not listening to Sirius -- I'm trying to get rid of the damn thing! PleasantP
I received an e-mail that a free 2 week trial is not being broadcast so I'll give the USB drive a rest.