I also went with the Optima Yellowtop even though I probably could have got some more use out of my OEM battery. Given the many hassles associated with a dead 12V, I just filed it under "cheap insurance".
So my '05 with 206k has the original everything and you guys are freaking me out with all this battery modification talk. Let me ask you this... I went to Sam's Club tonight and they stock the Optima batteries and offer free installation. Anybody taken them up on this offer? They have the Red top and the Yellow top. 750cca on the Yellow one and 800cca on the Red. From previous posts, I can see there is no need for such high cca's but there was another number of 30rc that had me wondering if that was a residual charge figure and what the significance of this number was. Any insights?
Both of those CCA values are overkill for a Prius, but either one will need modifications to the battery cables and a vent tube adapter. Do you really want some Sam's Club guy hacking out an improvised solution? Best not to nickel-and-dime this thing. Get an exact replacement battery from a Toyota dealer, or get the Yellowtop with a complete adapter kit from eLearnaid online.
I went with the eLearnaid Optima and kit. Took under an hour to install, is complete and neat. I'd do it again the same way if I got another Prius. If I were YOU, I'd do it right now. Your OEM battery is definitely on borrowed time, and dead 12V batteries are a far greater hassle on a Prius than on a more conventional vehicle.
It's been down to 15 degrees F lately in my area - rare for the Seattle neighborhood. Today my beloved 'Stella' the Stealth-mobile wouldn't start - she's on the original 2001 auxiliary battery!! I think it's time to give her a 'heart transplant.' Nine + years is amazing for a small 12-volt battery!! But it bought me a day off from work!! WooHoo!!! Couldn't get in or home if I got there.
Hi Jayman, I was wondering why my 1971 Audi the battery did not have vent perhaps, it was not OEM battery (the battery was under the rear seat)?
Probably because 39 years ago, the issue of battery gases being released in the passenger cabin was not perceived as a hazard.
We just had the local dealer replace our (original) 2005 12v battery. The car has ~43k mi on it. Here's the story. The car would not start on its own a couple times over past couple months, and my 4yr old Xantrex PowerPack seems to no longer be capable of providing enough amps for a Prius jump start, so we became dependent on jumps from other cars. We are a one-car household. No time or garage to deal with ordering the yellow top referenced in this thread. And it already had appointment at dealer for electric hybrid water pump recall. The dealer's service manager recommended a better-than-original Exide battery that has a 60 month warranty (prorated after 18 mos) and better at handling the higher stand-by drain rate of the Prius. Even though he quoted around $205 parts and labor, I said OK sounds fine to me. My friend works there and they agree to a 15% friendly discount from that. When I pick up the car, the invoice reads, "battery owner requests we replace battery with genuine Toyota replacement battery" (which I did not) and it lists p/n 28800-21170. Next day, service manager #2 whom I settle up with says it is the stock (Toyota/Panasonic) battery and it has only 12 month warranty and he'll have to straighten out service manager #1 when he returns to work. I call svc mgr #1 when he returns. He sticks to his Exide 60 month story and says that he'll have to straighten out his colleague. I still don't know who is correct. Internet search for this part number shows that nobody has it in stock/unavailable. I wonder why sometimes people don't 100% trust what they are told at car dealer service departments. But at least the car starts and runs great again! And a big thank you to all you PriusChat regular posters from a member of the normally-just-curious-lurker-clan. :thumb:
If svc mgr #1 still insists that there is a direct drop-in no-modifications replacement battery from Exide, please get the part number from him and pass it along to us.
I try to stick with Toyota parts. The dealer is the default place to go, but you can often get better prices online. I just replaced the aux battery for $120 + $28 shipping from newtoyotapartscheap. The battery is the replacement for the original, so no kit is needed. Just take the old one out and put the new one in. If you can operate a socket wrench in moderately close quarters, you can do this. It took me about an hour the first time, but I expect it would take about 30 minutes in the future. No problems
Just put in an Optima D51 this evening after the 6 year old factory battery started giving us strange issues at the tail end of a road trip through NM, CO, and back to TX. Was able to get the battery locally from Advanced Auto Parts for $50 off the listed price of $169.99 by buying online via chat session. $132 out the door plus $13 in parts that included a new 15" negative terminal with cable and a stamped marine positive terminal that works great after a bit of bending. Was able to cut the ribs off the old vent tube and seated it with some RTV silicon. Also plugged the opposite vent hole with RTV silicon. Problems solved - starts every time now and no more weird error messages! This thread has been a fantastic resource!
Parked at the Bed, Bath and Beyond parking lot in Henderson, NV. Hottest day of the year - so far. Ran out to get another coupon out of glove compartment...something didn't "sound" right when I locked the car back up. Came out with purchases, unlocked the car, sat in driver's seat and heard an alarm buzzing. Key was not in the ignition (yes, I have one of those!) and I couldn't figure out what was going on, the key was in my hand. Put key in the ignition and nothing...nada...dead as a doornail. AAA jumped me enough to get the car to a mechanic so I could park it overnight. It's the 12 volt battery. I'm so glad I wasn't out in the desert between LV and LA...I have my dogs with me (2 black greyhounds) it would have been an unmitigated disaster if I'd pulled over to give them a potty break and turned the car off. $320 to have it replaced by dealership. My s/o's mechanic seems afraid of the car...it's simple battery replacement. He acts like I don't know what I'm talking about, I probably know more about my car than he does...grrrrrrrrr. If he doesn't pull it together quickly, I'm going over there, ask them to jump it and go to the dealership.
The direct fit Exide battery with the correct fit posts and vent is part number FP-AGM51JIS. This battery is a 45 AH AGM battery at about $150 with a full replacement 4 year guarantee. It is called Exide Edge Battery. John (Britprius)
Now s/o's mechanic says he doesn't think it is the small battery (which we tested yesterday and KNOW is dead), he thinks the sewer gas smell is from the big battery. I just told him that yesterday afternoon when AAA took the little battery out, the smell went away and the AAA truck which became the receptacle of the stinky battery became the center of stench. I didn't mention the other things that happen when the traction battery dies...oh, little things like warnings on the screen, changes seen in the battery charging status, etc. He said, "well, I could be wrong" I thought to myself, Dude, I know you are.
I haven't changed the battery in a 04 which I think is a Gen I Prius. However, I have changed the battery in a Gen II Prius. If it is a Gen I Prius, the battery will be under the back hatch floor on the left hand side (drivers side) of the car. If it is a Gen II, the battery is on the right hand side (passenger side). If I were in your shoes, I would locate a battery that has the correct post configuration that is also vented and change the battery myself. If you are mechanically inclined, you should find it to not be that difficult. I am disabled, arthritic, and walk with a cane. I successfully changed the battery in our Gen II in January of this year. The battery I used I purchased from Toyota. I wish you the best of luck. I have a feeling in the end a new 12 volt battery will solve your problems. Ron
Thanks for your vote of confidence, Ron! My 2004 is a Gen II, I know exactly where the battery is and if I weren't facing a 4 hour drive across the desert in 110 degree weather with my two 10 year old black greyhounds in the back I'd do it myself. I wouldn't hesitate, but I don't feel confident to do it with the dogs in the car. If something were to go south, they'd die in that heat waiting for someone to rescue us if it took very long. My two greyhounds run hot on a cool day, so being stuck on the side of the road with them and no A/C isn't too appealing. If it were just me, I'd do it and take the chance. I LOVE that you replaced your own!
Take a look at post #58 in the link below. It details the tools I used. It really is a easy job. Go to Toyota and buy the battery. Make sure you get the right battery for your Prius. There are two different batteries, one for SKS and for NON SKS equipped Prius. If you don't have SKS and have to buy the larger battery you will need to change the battery tray also to make the larger battery fit properly. You can get the tray from Toyota also. Go to Sears and buy the sockets and wrenches if you don't have them. Make a drawing of what you see before you do anything so you know how to put it back together. Hint: When you go to put the top bolt in for the traction battery duct, use some tape or grease to help hold the screw into the socket. You cannot get your hand in there to get the screw started. Also a drop light will help to see things clearly. I changed ours under the carport on a cold rainy day here in Texas in early January of this year. Good luck to you. Ron dead. just dead. battery? or?? | Page 3 | PriusChat
Here is another tidbit that might help. If you are anywhere close to Luscious Garage, they stock the battery and can change it for you a lot cheaper than Toyota will do. I don't have their address, but I believe they are in California. Luscious Garage | Hybrid Specialists There are a lot of alternative batteries out there. Yellow Top, Exide, and I think O'Reilly Auto Parts has one also. Just make sure you get one that has the JIS pencil posts with the reversed post configuration that is vented and the correct AH. I went with the Toyota True Start and am very pleased with it. Ron